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eBay tat volume 3.


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Yup Wuv


My son picked up this today




2.4 diseasal. Can this run veg, now or when it's warmer?


Just askin' like......

If it's the JTD as used in the 156 then it's common rail and would squish the oil to lard.


Or, if it's cheap enough and you don't care you could pap it in and see:)

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Nige, that one's a TD125 so pre-common rail, so would probably be OK on veg - best to check with the Fiat forums first though as I don't know a lot about that particular engine.

Sounds like a win then:)

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a vauxhall with one owner up until 2015 doesn't sound that impressive.


but when the vauxhall looks like this


now that is something that IS impressive!


great isn't it?


i cannot afford it, got nowhere for it, and if i owned it i'd ruin it. Ah well........


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is it not gsa ones? and  gear knob.....

GS and visa pod was the same for a while. Gearknob I didn’t spot, but could be both too.

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5-pot diesel Marea Weekend - needs sills welding, but cheap enough.  These are actually quite a decent steer, and sound good for a diesel.



It went for £166. I actually clicked on it when the auction had 2 mins to go, but thought better of acquiring a fourth MOT-less car. Apparently a remap takes these to 190 bhp, so I would very much like to try one at some point...

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'First Time Up The Tradesman's'



​'Me 'ubby was a postman, to various Norfolk halls

an' every Christmas for a treat, e'd get invited to their balls

​I'd beg and plead to let me go, got down on 'is van floor

got bloomin' awful carpet burn from the brushed red velour




After many years of bendin' 'is ear and comin' up with a cunning plan

​we 'atched a plot to sneak me through the back usin' 'is Post Office van

an' so it was in seventy six, with n'er a cloud in sky

​he promised to take me up the tradesman's but only if it's dry




'e said that if I got all moist there'd be damp patches on the floor

​and the 17th Duke of Kings Lynn would find us out for sure

​so 'e took me up the narrow trademan's and made sure I was dry

but by God it weren't 'alf painful, and without lube I did cry!




Shh, he said! as he pushed me hard, you'll wake up 'alf the hall!

Well, I'll tell you now dear listeners, I ain't really that thin at all,

Then our exertions woke the duke, though he really was so kind

he didn't even bat an eye as I was entered from behind




what a relief the great man 'imself did never once appear to flail

'e even laughed when he did slip upon my post coital trail

so thanks to dear old dukey boy, the party was ablaze

an' we all 'ad a merry time, though I couldn't sit down for days




but our story does not end there, 'e said I'd get procural

an' the Duke gave me a work of art, he said it's called a mural

it's really a gift for the both of us, a reminder of many things 

​the fun we 'ad at the party and my 'ubby's first brown wings





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It can't be too far off the mark I'd have thought, perhaps £500-£750 less, but then you might lose it by bidding low. Thing is though, if you like it and you can afford it, then why not?

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