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Shitting in the shallow end. *A2 fixt*

Jim Bell

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Not an early start this moaning. Even the hairy alarm clock slept in.


Silly dog.

Shift because the game is afoot!

Assemble some pointless items that will not be needed*


No breakfast as the PC stands at zero and I don't wish to give my unruly digestive system more ammunition with which to ambush me.

I knew you could get them with wings, but black plastic handles? That's some heavy duty sanitary product, right there.
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I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave in post number 1002.

Think there's a queue man.


Will drop you a message when I'm home later.

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I knew you could get them with wings, but black plastic handles? That's some heavy duty sanitary product, right there.


I have a very specific and weighty manstruation. I need my device to catch most of it.

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If you are actually on the old Kent road rather than the monopoly square, I’m there right now.

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That would have been a fast train. I reckon he's driving, which is promising.


Or dead, which would be a pretty shitty collection thread.

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Not an early start this moaning. Even the hairy alarm clock slept in.




Silly dog.



Shift because the game is afoot!



Assemble some pointless items that will not be needed*








No breakfast as the PC stands at zero and I don't wish to give my unruly digestive system more ammunition with which to ambush me.

Nice T440p.

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Harratts implies a Vlovo type vehicle?




Yes, I'd agree.


I think I know what this might be :)


Definitely not a T5R though. Master Bell has already confirmed it's either small, French, or diesel. It's clearly not small or French....

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That looks properly class, 100% approval here. A menacing symphony of evil in that black colour if ever I saw one too.


Hopefully this one wins your heart and becomes a keeper, if not then dibs/multiple randoms please.

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Just home now.


It's amazing. Thoroughly enjoyed driving it home and giving it a boot.


It sounds like a dump truck but actually shifts pretty well when you dig the spurs into its ribs.


It rides pretty well for its age and the anchors plant well. So far, everything works bar the sunroof. Which is ideal as I hate sunroofs.


The lad that was selling it was doing the water pump on a diesel BMW when I pulled up. He knew his cars and talked me round the car. Seemed like an A1 FELLA so I had a quick looked round it and payed out for it. It wasn't cheap but I reckon it was a bargain.


Some pics.

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Wow! It must be October already! Hope we had a good summer!


Not much over 2 weeks ago, whilst I was collecting a smoll car, I was talking to the seller (coincidently going by the name JB) who assured me that as he had sold the excess motor carriages, he was going to take a minimum of 6 months break from buyage of chod. Obviously this is going as well* as my fleet reduction!


Top purchase Mr Bell.

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