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Cavcraft 2021: More Italian slow shite.


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I really wanted a Mini Clubman, but had so much trouble with my R56, well, basically my thoughts include bargepoles, if you get my drift. 

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One out...

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...and currently working on some more to come in.

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This came and went a couple of weeks back...




As did this...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is collection day. Who needs a Transit anyway?




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'Hasn't run for two years' which turned into it having not run for longer than two years. Back tyre mysteriously* seems to have gone flat in the car coming home, petrol smells like Safety-Kleen's parts washer solvent.

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1 hour ago, wuvvum said:

And yet, it is absolutely gorgeous.  I've always thought "Francis Barnett Plover" was possibly the most English name for a bike it was possible to imagine.

Is it a keeper?

Hopefully. Got the V5C and it let me tax it just now, but on an on-line insurance comparison site it said the number wasn't recognised.

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8 hours ago, Cavcraft said:

Hopefully. Got the V5C and it let me tax it just now, but on an on-line insurance comparison site it said the number wasn't recognised.

A few of the go compare the confused meerkat sites appear to no longer recognise registrations that are more than 25 years old. When Ed bought the C3 I tried to transfer the insurance onto the MG B. "Sorry Sir, we only insure cars up to 25 years old". It's reg doesn't show on some sites, but others it does.


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12 hours ago, hairnet said:


Are ya in tomorrow

Yes indeed, captain. Kettle will be on M8.

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At least it won't have been for speeding! 

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I like to imagine that Hairnet speaks just like he does on AS in real life, so the police let him go, sheerly due to confusion on their part... 

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Whilst idly waiting round to hear back from some shite I've been chasing for three or four days, I had a half-arsed bashed at the FB today. Tried the fuel tap after disconnecting pipe from carb, nothing came out at all. Took tap off, filter (I assume) was blocked, so removed it thinking it can’t be too hard to get another. Still no flow, so poked a small cable tie through and now juice is coming through! Got the tank off, tipped out a couple of litres or so of absolutely minging petrol, the colour of stale urine, so flushed it out. Tried bump starting it, some relatively close calls but not quite enough. Took the plug out (see picture) and wiped it but wasn’t much different from the picture, which was after a quick clean. Got a spark, so plug back in and multiple efforts in cheap skate trainers kicking it over. Mention them as foot kept slipping which didn’t help. Anyhow if I repeatedly kick it over (using throttle mostly but not always) and tickling the plunger it does try and start, but we’re talking every sort of 7th or 8th kick, or so. I’m fairly confident it’s not too far off starting now, my money is on whatever cruddy old petrol is in carb. Will be lazy and try and get it going without taking carb off tomorrow, weather permitting. The plug didn't really smell very much of petrol if at all. Meanwhile, any reasoned or logical reason it’s only trying to fire every few kicks, or do people agree it’s probably the fuel?

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There's a couple of mini-bodges but can live with them, the missing nearside foot peg needs replacing though, can't see that being hard to find. I also painted on the reg  number on the plate either side, ala 1960's style. It looks quite crap, but for once this was deliberate.




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