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Shiters To Be Banned From Glasgow...Smiles Better


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There are also a lot and I mean a lot, pre Sept 2014 diesel taxis. What are the owners/ companies supposed to do there??

Fuck all of you was the government attitude in London when they brought in the LEZ (everywhere inside the M25 basically) to cover vans as well, there were quite a few people including some on here who commented well if you can't buy a new vehicle you shouldn't bother being in business.

So that's it you are screwed basically.

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My office is on Cowcaddens Road, a busy arterial route in and out of the city. There are a large number of older cars on this road, quite a lot are shiteworthy too so that rules them out.


There are also a lot and I mean a lot, pre Sept 2014 diesel taxis. What are the owners/ companies supposed to do there??

Are there a lot of pre 2010 taxis? Another 4 years to go remember and I thought GCC had age limits on taxi

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In Tyne and Wear, enough that a competitive multi modal public transport system cant handle peak demand. Cars are the only choice for a lot of people as theres not enough seats for bums at peak times and timetables are reaching saturation.

That's the thing, public transport infrastructure needs to be a lot better. Even small cities are a nightmare to drive in now.
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Considering that Glasgow is the only city in Britain with a motorway running more or less right through the city centre, how do they plan to police that? I can feel a dropped bollock coming on.


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Except Newcastle.  Just being pedantic and you make a good point.  Does the city manage the motorway that passes through it?  Isn't it Bear Scotland whoever they are?

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That's the thing, public transport infrastructure needs to be a lot better. Even small cities are a nightmare to drive in now.

Simple to say, hard to do. City centres are generally interchange hubs, as since privisation commercial opperators want to run competing services on the most lucrative routes, which are generally into city centres. Anyone looking to commute into a city centre is then traveling on the same services as people trying to cross the city. Operators have little interest in operating urban routes that avoid city centres (round here anyway) as they're less lucrative. So basically what happens is anyone wanting to go pretty much anywhere at peak times on public transport ends up going into a city centre. The infrastructure struggles.

Theres no regulation.

Hard to put on more services as theyre pretty much nose to tail on the rail and roads.


Answer may be to nationalise, have a regulatory body and compel operators to provide services that serve the public rather than just proffit, as per the TFL model.


That suggested model got knocked back round here though because 'there would likely be an impact on opperators profits'.


So everyone drives or crams into an overloaded and overstretched public transport system (at peak times).


If they put a charge on cars entering a city centre round here, it wouldnt be long before the PT system fell over all together imo.

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We could just have more people walking or cycling about - like many people did pre-60s? More effort yes, but probably not a bad thing for the population as a whole.

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Be interesting to see where the restrictions start. I work in the city centre of Glasgow most of the week, but park at the barrowlands and walk in rather than pay 7 quid for parking

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Are there a lot of pre 2010 taxis? Another 4 years to go remember and I thought GCC had age limits on taxi

Anything diesel and pre Sept 2014 ie not Euro 6 is to be banned if I read the article correctly.

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Leeds also has a motorway through the middle (M621) and the roads round town get jammed every day but tons of people still live in town.


There are loads of shit* areas close to the centre where tons of shit* cars are owned by people that of no chance of getting anything else. Of they brought it in there it'd be a nightmare. The buses are always jammed or totally empty and the train times are utter shit.


I know there are health benefits to be had but it feels more like some kind of restriction of movement. I'm not trying to get all tin foil hat but...

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Yes, but in 4 years time.


So, today, how many pre 2010 taxis are there?

Private hire, not that many, but there are a metric fucktonne of TX4s running around the centre that are well in excess of 15 years old, together with a similar number of similarly aged Citroen Dispatch/Peugeot thingies. I am looking out the window right now at a well presented V299 NGE, for example. 


Its going to put pressure on a lot of people, not just taxi drivers, to buy a newer vehicle.

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Don’t go there people are hoarding the “old recipe” irnbru after the changed the recipe to reduce sugar.

We could be in for the irnbru riots when this old stock runs dry.

Jesus prices for n.o.s irn bru could go higher than omgoldford tax on ebay then

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Leeds also has a motorway through the middle (M621) and the roads round town get jammed every day but tons of people still live in town.


There are loads of shit* areas close to the centre where tons of shit* cars are owned by people that of no chance of getting anything else. Of they brought it in there it'd be a nightmare. The buses are always jammed or totally empty and the train times are utter shit.


I know there are health benefits to be had but it feels more like some kind of restriction of movement. I'm not trying to get all tin foil hat but...


My old house is now in the LEZ target zone. Leeds has been one right royal fuck up for decades, the rot really started when some cretin decided that Briggate, the main thoroughfare would be pedestrianised, and they'd make Vicar Lane a contraflow for buses & hackneys (not minicabs), this put several hundred buses a day on a longer, narrower route through the centre, thus increasing pollution further, they also then pissed around further with the one way system, closing the route from Corn Ex to city square, and making shedloads of buses go through the narrow railway station, which was often blocked by hackneys, and then they blocked off one side of the city square, causing traffic to go on a longer route via Infirmary Street, again causing more pollution & congestion. And then you have that seriously corrupt Quango, METRO, how they have squandered tens of millions in stillborn tram and trolleybus routes, including compulsory purchasing of land, and the East Leeds guided busway was dropped by Arriva, because it did not justify the cost of specially modified buses & guidewheels for such short distances, plus METRO spent nothing on the upkeep, and buses jumping out happened a fair few times, I used to drive guideway routes, and you could feel the bus shimmy along, if you didn't kep your speed down to below 30, you could get some serious pendulum motion, and trying to stop it actually hurt as the steering kicked. Leeds city centre needs wholesale bulldozing, barring the market & Victoria Quarter, and starting from scratch, but even Leeds market is on life support, thanks to a corrupt council screwing traders over

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Guest Hooli

Leeds city centre needs wholesale bulldozing, barring the market & Victoria Quarter, and starting from scratch, but even Leeds market is on life support, thanks to a corrupt council screwing traders over


EFA, fucking awful place.


Cuntcil town planners have for years been trying to totally kill off city centres, this is just another stage in the process.

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EFA, fucking awful place.


Cuntcil town planners have for years been trying to totally kill off city centres, this is just another stage in the process.

Yep. our local council would be happy if all the shops were shut and there was nothing here. 

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Guest Hooli

I'm sure they all would. For years they redesigned working road systems to cause queues & stop you getting anywhere. Now they just close them off so empty buses can chug about & homicidal taxi drivers find more victims who think it's a pedestrianised area.

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What boggles me is why the fuck would Leeds city centre need a second station a few hundred yards from the other because of the Tory-tastic HS2? Fucksakes, it would be slap bang in the way of the main Dewsbury Road/M621 interchange, fucking up another corridor in & out of the city, can't we round up all the town planners, put em all in to a big rocket, and fire them in to space? 

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And the subway, 3rd oldest underground in the world.


And they haven't changed the upholstery design since.




That's the thing, public transport infrastructure needs to be a lot better. Even small cities are a nightmare to drive in now.


This won't exactly help that as the rules also apply to buses. Not going to be easy for bus operators to increase the numbers of buses, add more routes etc when they also have to replace much of their existing fleet...

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This is happening in a lot of mainland cities.

For example Rotterdam has a LEZ.

Vehicles over 40 years old are not included.

It does say  a van or passenger car on gasoline with a registration date  before 1 January 1992. For diesel vehicles before 1 January 2005.  Will not be allowed to enter.  A violation costs € 90. The LEZ Rotterdam also applies to foreign vehicles, but in practice enforcement is complicated.

That is the best bit for me, as I have a Spanish car an have to visit the city to see relatives. :mrgreen:

Europe freedom of movement? Well read up on different zones here.

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Town planning is doing wonders for Wakefield.


All the clear ways and dual carriage ways, though small, have been done away with. All the subways under them filled in and tons of new shiny traffic lights put in.


One round about was removed, replaced with yet more lights. And another giant round about is just about to be finished with its improvements where its lost a lane, and it's subways, yet gained three sets of traffic lights.


It was bad before but now it's a total fuck up, we'll done all round.

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Leeds also has a motorway through the middle (M621) and the roads round town get jammed every day but tons of people still live in town.


There are loads of shit* areas close to the centre where tons of shit* cars are owned by people that of no chance of getting anything else. Of they brought it in there it'd be a nightmare. The buses are always jammed or totally empty and the train times are utter shit.


I know there are health benefits to be had but it feels more like some kind of restriction of movement. I'm not trying to get all tin foil hat but...

An in debt serf is a compliant serf.. And what % of the economy is lease deals.. If it starts to suffer (the lease industry) then they can just force us all into emissions fiddled new cars.


I think all this crap is a bit of an agenda .. imho yes im going to sound like a loon but there you go, And re. the point about people in the 60's biking everywhere well i think an awful lot of people lived close to their workplaces and i dare say public transport was a thousand times better!

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Was reading an old Auto Excuse in the quacks this morning, and they are saying roughly 1/3 of all used cars 'sold' have a ton of outstanding finance, basically people who can no longer afford the PCP illegally sell something that belongs to the finance company, this country, ffs!

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