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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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I'd say Ferment - I only have that one and Chrome (maybe a third one on tape), saw a video for Black Metallic on 120 Minutes years ago (1992ish) and the song made quite an impression on me...


Edit: just watched the (The Shining influenced?) video, ahem... Well, I was only 18 back then and easily impressed - and the music's still pretty good. Comes nowhere near Bob Hund though, my absolute favourite band evah and another 120 minutes 'discovery'.



Unrelated, this Longhorn made me LOL.


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I'd say Ferment - I only have that one and Chrome (maybe a third one on tape), saw a video for Black Metallic on 120 Minutes years ago (1992ish) and the song made quite an impression on me...

If you want the best [of the rest] or a pile of B Sides \ rarities (including the rather boss cover of Mission of Burma's 'That's When I Reach For My Revolver') bung us a USB stick in the post and I shall do the rest.... :DAlso, massive thanks to everyone for you PMs and support in spite of my putrid whining about work.I know what I need to do when work pisses me off - going and fetching something helps, as do random days off full of track shite. Yesterday I did a mega cheap trackday as a passenger at Oulton Park, and after todays bollocks revelations, I blezzed over to Bebington to get a cylinder head for my mate in Colchester. I've also just now sorted my photos out :D (these will get posted some time tomorrow).I took the swivel chair base to the unit along with the head, whapped the kettle on, had a biccy and danced like a mong for about 10 minutes solid to Radiodread. In the middle of the Cheshire countyside I tells thee.As for work, I can't sack it off and 4 months isn't really enough to get another job. I'll start sleeping right and sensibly, and do what I always do to cope - the bear minimum. Roll in 1 minute before SOP, log out dead on COP. They need one call a week minimum to do quality checks on. So that's what they're getting. One call. I'm going to apply a Ford mentality to the whole thing - I'm not really doing that much, or anything remarkable, but I'm still profitable per unit of work.I don't think things are serious for me to take time off with stress - provided I have my release valves, I'll be fine. Besides HR hates me, and will find a way to use something like that to their advantage. I had a day off last week and because of previous 'incidents' (which weren't logged properly but went on my record) I'm due for another attendence meeting \ bollocking.It's great being genuinely ill - you get treated like a skiving bastard and all the useless twonks end up with decent jobs.Seriously though - youse are all diamonds.

Im grinning because my girlfriend and I are now engaged :D Got to get in touch with some Cit friends to sort out a DS/Traction Avant for the wedding, once we've set a date. Mark.


Im grinning because my girlfriend and I are now engaged :D Got to get in touch with some Cit friends to sort out a DS/Traction Avant for the wedding, once we've set a date. Mark.

Ah, can't beat a Citroën wedding. Congrats!!

Congratulations Mark, nice one.


Congrats!There was a wedding photo in C&SC the other month which featured one of the staff cars (a Traction Avant) and the couple were dressed in 30's / '40s garb as she was into costume fashion or something. Possibly the best wedding photo I've ever seen.


Congrats Mark! Any lady that would agree to a Citroen wedding must be worth hanging on to!


If you want the best [of the rest] or a pile of B Sides \ rarities (including the rather boss cover of Mission of Burma's 'That's When I Reach For My Revolver') bung us a USB stick in the post and I shall do the rest.... :D

Might take you up on that generous offer, how many GB are we talking about?



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It's 'Radiodread' by the Easy Star All-Stars, basically a dub reggae remake of OK Computer. It really cheered me up listening to it in the car after a yet another dreary day* at work** from which I very nearly lost my rag at a none too liked co-worker.


(*Other forms of abject misery are available, hey, let's be optimistic, this is the HAPPY thread!


**Detailed in the GOM thread.)

Went to see the Eaststar Allstars last year in a dead small venue in Nottingham - brilliant.


I've got their version of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon (Dub Side of the Moon) & The Beatles Sgt Pepper (Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Dub Band). Both ace. In fact I'd go as far as to say Dub Side of the Moon is a masterpiece. Haven't got the Radiohead one as Radiohead aint my cuppa tea.


The Mk1 made me a VERY happy man this morning ,I went out and thought "Ooh wonder if she will start, it's been afew days now"Key in the ignition, choke fully out and she fired straight upQuarter of a turn :D RESULT i would say.

Seriously though - youse are all diamonds.

That's the Community spirit of Autoshite :wink: And congratulations Mark Now off to pack Camera , ready to take pictures of this Montego in Wrexham :D

Im grinning because my girlfriend and I are now engaged :D Got to get in touch with some Cit friends to sort out a DS/Traction Avant for the wedding, once we've set a date. Mark.

Nice one - congratulations!DS/Traction Avant????? Surely a shabby Ami 8 woul be the Autoshite way??

If you want the best [of the rest] or a pile of B Sides \ rarities (including the rather boss cover of Mission of Burma's 'That's When I Reach For My Revolver') bung us a USB stick in the post and I shall do the rest.... :D

Might take you up on that generous offer, how many GB are we talking about?
5 GB matey, can't see it being any more. I've PM'd you my address, but please stick a quick note in with it to say what it's for, as I'll forget and wonder what the hell I'm doing with a 5 GB USB stick from Holland.I have all of the studio albums, plus 'Like Cats & Dogs' (a collection of their best B Sides) plus several of the Ferment era singles (Balloon, 30th Century Man). I also have the 'Show Me Mary' first edition CD single. What format do you want 'em in?Secondly, massive congratulations to you Mark. I can see a 5 car Visa \ GSA \ CX procession going to the church \ registry office - am I close?I agree with Seth on the Traction Avant C&SC wedding photo as well - it was Graeme Hurst's car wasn't it, in a really period part of Edinburgh.Unbeliveably, a lass at work wanted to borrow me and the Amazon for her wedding. Her significant other was up for it, as were most of her family. Until his mum saw a picture of it, and said words to the effect of 'My boy's not getting married in that POS.'They got married in those fake Model A hybrid knackers. Never mind.

Im grinning because my girlfriend and I are now engaged :D Mark.

Congratulations! Thats good news. Surely an assortment of Cits as a wedding procession should be required.

Thanks everyone! I'll have to look out that wedding photo with Graeme's Traction in C&SC. I'm soooooo behind in my reading - most of my recent C&SC mags are still wrapped up (I'm a subscriber) :oops: Graeme's a nice bloke. We often had a chat about his Tractions when I worked at Haymarket and he routinely offered me a lift in his Saab 900 convertible if he came across me walking from my car to the office of a morning.I'd quite like to get a GS involved in the wedding somehow, but I'm not sure what my fiancee would say about a shabby Ami 8... No, I *am* sure what she'd say! :lol: Mark.


Congratulations Mark!, Hope we are all going to get an invite to the wedding! :wink:


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I could have a word with the owner of this, I'm sure the future Mrs. Mnde would love it. :D


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Just found in a back of a 1964 issue of Autocar a clear piece of flexible plastic which is a record with "Presented with 'Popular Motoring' mechanical car faults, play at 33 1/2 RPM" on it.I don't even have a record player. :lol:


Just found in a back of a 1964 issue of Autocar a clear piece of flexible plastic which is a record with "Presented with 'Popular Motoring' mechanical car faults, play at 33 1/2 RPM" on it.I don't even have a record player. :lol:

Record it to MP3 then amuse your friends with various random sounding mechanical maladies while driving along :lol:

Record it to MP3 then amuse your friends with various random sounding mechanical maladies while driving along :lol:

I can't convert it neither so if anyone wants let me know :D


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Record it to MP3 then amuse your friends with various random sounding mechanical maladies while driving along :lol:

I can't convert it neither so if anyone wants let me know :D


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What makes me grin, my Landy just sailed through the MoT with no advisories!! Not bad for a 1964 pickup built in Birmingham. Drove straight to the local post office and put 12 months FREE tax on it. All set for a busy few weeks now... New Forest... North Wales... then Czech Republic...!!


I really like this time of year because it's light enough after work that I can get some stuff done. Knock off at 6pm, back home about 7pm, have something to eat, then I can still get a few hours in sorting out the motors on the driveway in the gradually fading light.This evening I've just finished off giving the 626 a good clean - Vic is taking it back off me shortly so he can take Mrs_Vic to some kind of barndance/hoe-down/tractor pull over the weekend - he's well into those. The car wasn't really dirty, but I tend to hoard rubbish in cars and not vac them out very often, so I thought it might be nice for them to go in this motor which isn't full of Scotch egg wrappers and paper coffee cups. Left my tapes in though, so they can rifle through them all and go "Ha ha, Steve Miller Band, what a loser" etc.I usually hate doing interiors but at the moment I'm feeling inspired enough to blitz a few, so I might as well take advantage of it. And now I'm going to enjoy some more probably flood-damaged stock from the local off-licence. Excellent!


Just found in a back of a 1964 issue of Autocar a clear piece of flexible plastic which is a record with "Presented with 'Popular Motoring' mechanical car faults, play at 33 1/2 RPM" on it.I don't even have a record player. :lol:

This sounds similar to Know Your Car 64, a BBC record full of mechanical noise with introductions. I can digitise it if anyone wants to hear what big end failure sounded like in 1964.

Today was excellent, went to Brooklands Auto Italia and it was superb. I will never again see that many Stradas in one place. And the weather held up, it was actually nice, not cold and not massively hot.Weybridge has a nice chunk of super tat around as well.


I just found out today that the new bloke who started at work recently, can remember and hum the theme tune to nearly any 70s/80s TV show. He even managed to give a complete rendition of the title song from "Laverne And Shirley" ...including words!!Kind of cool in my book!! 8)


Picking up a pair of NOS genuine wiper wheel boxes for my Commer at Bristol classic car show today after a three year hunt , £ 12 well spent :D


Having a drink ... or 20 with afew mates, and catching up on the "good old days" :lol:(And remembering that stupid man outside LVW, that smashed into a van)


Sitting outside the front of the pub having a pint,heard a rumbling sound,thought it would be some sort of TVR or kit car,when it came into view it was a brown Mk 5 Cortina with what sounded like a Rover V8 8)

This car just parked outside my house, its fantastic!

The video to Clav Dub by a kiwi band called Rhombus.Basically a music vid in the style of Goodbye Pork Pie featuring Kelly Johnstone, the original Blondini from the film! Cracking tune too!

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