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Is the world running out of ideas for alloy wheel designs, I came back to the ZR today and an Audi had the same wheel!


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Wow! A modern Audi that isn't silver/black/white. I totally give kudos to the buyer/financer of that!


Put the Peugeot onto gumtree. Went out just to make sure all OK.bloody thing had a flat battery. I know it's a new one what jim fitted. Wouldn't go with a jump start and had a clicking noise in cab. So battery off to be charged .advert removed and we shall see what happens when battery goes back on. If it ftp's again then the rac will be getting a call.




Pretty car. Pretty broken car.


Waiting for the AA.

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Genuine "dredged harbour detritus" look.


Joining the VAG scene, Mr.Peel ?



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Discovered today that the 'Ecocut Pro' windscreen wiper blade recutting device I found by accident online the other week actually works; it revived The Volvo's front and rear wipers in seconds:








Discovered today that the 'Ecocut Pro' windscreen wiper blade recutting device I discovered by accident online the other week actually works; it revived The Volvo's front and rear wipers in seconds:







The problem with the ones I have is that the rubber blade parts company from the rubber body bit not that the surface of the blade degrades. The fiat by the way has its original 1988 branded wiper blades on, still working ok. The Valeo ones on the 2cv last a few years ( with hardly any use) but still rot eventually.



Genuine "dredged harbour detritus" look.

I've seen less rusty wheels on boat trailers that get dunked weekly in salty oggin.

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Cleaned the Civic for the first time in something silly like 2 months as I parked under a tree last week and the thing got utterly fucked by bird shit which set like concrete... I had to lug my water bucket down three flights of stairs.


It revealed the extent of the cosmetic issues I caused by drunkenly smashing it through a field a fortnight ago...







I also found this, although I think this has been recently caused in a separate incident while the car was parked as I'm SURE I'd remember hitting something in FRONT of me...





Despite this it still remains one of the least battered cars on my street, I'll keep parking next to this one at work to make myself feel better...




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In other news, I have to limp the modern Audi into the garage first thing tomorrow. Currently shaking like a dog's head when eating a toffee. Actually is probably going to be more stressful, uncomfortable, nerve racking and awkward than bring the MGB back.


I did warn my boss that I hope not to be, but may be late in tomorrow morning if the blasted thing lets me down.


In other news, I have to limp the modern Audi into the garage first thing tomorrow. Currently shaking like a dog's head when eating a toffee. Actually is probably going to be more stressful, uncomfortable, nerve racking and awkward than bring the MGB back.


I did warn my boss that I hope not to be, but may be late in tomorrow morning if the blasted thing lets me down.

Call AA to take Audi to garage

Drive to work in MGB

Win autoshite


I think the Rover needs trailing arm bushes, steering's still juddering on the motorway even having put the tracking right. Something looks 'off' about the rear wheel angle as well. 

Bit of a PITA but I know Old Man's done them before on another Ronda product so should be OK. 


Wheel juddering is probably wheel balancing. Tracking won't stop that. There's a lot of adjustment on the rear suspension of the R8. My last one had a full alignment at Kwik Fit (I didn't have to pay for it, that's my excuse) and it was actually really interesting.

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In other news, I have to limp the modern Audi into the garage first thing tomorrow. Currently shaking like a dog's head when eating a toffee. Actually is probably going to be more stressful, uncomfortable, nerve racking and awkward than bring the MGB back.


I did warn my boss that I hope not to be, but may be late in tomorrow morning if the blasted thing lets me down.

The damn Aldi ran absolutely fine on the way in! I reckon its trolling me.


Car insurance renewed. Went classic in the end rather than trade. The main stumbling block was breakdown cover. I need European cover, and get it via my insurance (albeit at extra cost - £115 for four vehicles). Trying to get breakdown cover on its own was almost farcical. Most companies won't cover vehicles over ten years old, some 'generously' extend it to cover 15 years at extra cost. My youngest vehicle is 16 years old.


Utterly horrendous cost all-in, just over a grand for four old crocks with business cover. Again, very hard to find anyone who'll cover old stuff for business use. What a pain.


May possibly have to go cold turkey on shit cars. Landlord casually dropped in that once these houses (3 houses - well two houses and a bedroom with a kitchen attached, pointless, made out of three derelict outbuildings) are done, they're thinking about another bit of work converting part of the house (that I rent and is my home) into another cottage (thus taking away the bit of the house I rent and live in that I work in and was the sole reason for looking at this place, because working space not in actual house).


I've had it with this shit, frankly. Renting weird houses, yes, I have an issue. For those of the "renting is pissing money away" - the places I rent are £600K-1.4m to buy and the rent I pay on them is invariably less than the interest payments on the mortgage, so no, it's not. I completely agree that the majority of people renting 3-bed semis for £700/month due to demand and lack of ease of mortgage-getting, when mortgages on same properties are £500/month capital and interest, are getting thoroughly shafted and I'm sick of the situation in this country.


2009: Move in to nice, but too small, maisonette in Sheffield Road, Birmingham, behind theatre. Year of asshole theatre patrons parking and blocking driveway. They fix that, the downstairs half becomes available (I hate shared floors/walls, I can't make noise and hate other people's noise) so offer to rent all of it. They won't do it. Decide to find somewhere better...


Anyway. 2010 - Farm I've been in for less than a year, landlady gets into financial trouble (having also never fully cleared the place so there was a bloody VW bus in the garage I was renting) and proposes MOVING BACK IN WITH US. While we pay rent still.


2011 - lovely place near Kidderminster, was working towards building business, owner has muscular dystrophy and bank pulls his bridging loan. Won't renew lease. We leave. Turns out he rented to some DSS tenants afterwards in desperation and they totally trashed the place after forcing him to install new heating in place of the 40 year old oil boiler. I used to maintain the house for him...


2013 - Nice pub in Barwell, when renting am told "no intention of selling, you could be here for 20 years". 18 months later, no, they didn't want to sell - they wanted to move back in...


The farm here's been pretty good, but the outbuildings being turned into houses wrecks the isolation I wanted, the building work tolerated for the past year has meant I'm effectively chased out of my workshop due to mental issues, and having got my brain to adapt to this, the landlord's like "Oh, we're going to take part of your house away".


Yes. It's their house, in terms of property, but this attitude of not actually respecting that we have an agreement - I pay them money and get a home - is pissing me off. I want out and let them find a new tenant in this price range who will put up with that sort of shit.


So, parental assistance of pension funds, a budget that when I last bought a house would have bought a beautiful 5 bedroom place in 2/3 acre of land, but now will buy the sort of property you'd expect to be used as a set for Trainspotting, postcodes where my insurance will quadruple, and no bloody parking, let alone garages.


Currently a flat above a shop in Cumbria is winning. But it does mean the old cars, the tools, everything will have to go. I see a Dacia Duster in my future. And perhaps more sanity. Or less. Much less. Who can tell :/


Hey Richard, the owner of the land where I keep my cars has a onenof those large static caravans tucked away in the corner behind my cars. He keeps offering me the place but I like where I live. There are units and plenty of space to keep old rammle. I could pass his phone number if you are interested. Located in Bewdley near Kidderminster.


^^^^ stick contour badges on the mondeo,confusion may ensue. Doesn't the contour have a different arse to the UK spec mondeo too?


Hey Richard, the owner of the land where I keep my cars has a onenof those large static caravans tucked away in the corner behind my cars. He keeps offering me the place but I like where I live. There are units and plenty of space to keep old rammle. I could pass his phone number if you are interested. Located in Bewdley near Kidderminster.



Nice idea - I used to live near Bewdley - but no more landlords, and if it's land for sale in Bewdley without a house, I can't afford it!


The place I'm looking at tomorrow has four bedrooms, nice architecture, and two shops (leased) included in the freehold. Just nowhere to keep cars - and for that area, coastal etc. then running something like an SLK would make me very sad. It would mean a break for a while until the freehold on a garage/workshop came up, then I'd get back into it :)





Stick your Contour I want a Mystique. I love finding out all the different names cars get sold under around the world. I had no idea America got the Mondeo.

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Mystique brochures are rarer and more expensive!


Yes Bub, for a 'world car' there seem to be a lot of differences!


The mystique bares no resemblance I can see to the mondeo at all!


The mystique bares no resemblance I can see to the mondeo at all!



Doors, glass, underside, sense of grim banality.


Interiors on the US-spec Contour are slightly different. Also limited to 112mph. And if you cane them from Dallas to Tulsa, the check engine light comes on.

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