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Apparently halfords dont do them, and the last one she bought on ebay was incorrect.


Is it a fail if I just take the whole arm off the day before then put it back on the day after? or does the whole motor have to come out?

Or is it less of a fail if I remove the hanging off bits and the rest of the blade so it works, just really really shittily, then she can worry about it after the MOT, or not at all?


I'm pretty sure rear wipers aren't tested. A lot of cars do seem to have rear wiper blades that are pretty much unique to the car.


Correct they ain't testable.


My MOT chap mentioned such as the 7day wonder I got for the 335i mentioned rear wiper:)


Went to visit the Capri earlier today where it's being restored. I've had a few big bills recently for the old thing so I wanted to see what I'd been paying for.


When I saw it I couldnt believe it was the same rotted out beaten up old thing I dropped off! It's still an unpainted shell bolted to a wooden dolly with steel framework bracing the shell but it's well on the way to being something really really special. The craftsmanship that's gone into it is frankly staggering, when I was there they were still working on it but they've used a lot of steel repro panels where they can but the ones they needed that were unavailable have all been handcrafted from steel sheet. One I was looking at was a repair panel for the scuttle ends, the outer panel is available but they've hand made a new inner panel which looked like a work of art! Considering you won't ever see it once it's on the car too!

The welding is amazing too. You can't see the joints at all. I was looking at the new floor pan section and it's been seem welded to a section of the original floor and you can't see where the join is at all.


Anyway, this brings me to a thought I've had recently.

Given all this going on with my Capri and the eye watering costs I've been thinking about thinning out my fleet a little bit. 5 cars is, I think, a bit much for me at the moment and I could do with cutting my running costs too.

The car I'm considering selling on is the mk2 Granada. I can't decide if I should or not though!?


It's a great car and I'd hate to see it leave but realistically I don't need it and I do think cutting my outgoings down a bit is something I should probably do. Plus, with the arrival of the Volvo space is at a bit of a premium. What do you lot reckon?


If I was to sell it on what is it worth?

It's fully Road worthy and is a good solid car that's had lots done over the last few years. It's just not exactly a looker! The paint is poor and there are a few unimportant bits of rust on it. would anyone on here be interested in it??


Help me make my mind up because I can't on my own!!


Did about 130 miles in the 2CV today for photoshoot reasons. Bloody hell I'm knackered! Hooning the 2CV along the A44, in the rain, is bloody hard work. So enjoyable, just exhausting. You know you're going quickly when the car that was following closely backs off a bit! Had to perform an overtake on a Luton-bodied an at one point. That was a bit nail-biting, as I could see a truck approaching the other way, and two cars following me on the wrong side of the road, also desperate to get past the van!


Home now though. And relax.


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Given all this going on with my Capri and the eye watering costs I've been thinking about thinning out my fleet a little bit. 5 cars is, I think, a bit much for me at the moment and I could do with cutting my running costs too.

The car I'm considering selling on is the mk2 Granada.

Help me make my mind up because I can't on my own!!

Really, surely the conventional wisdom here is to keep everything and plough on regardless.


Seriously though, we all understand your pain. No idea of prices but pics would help. Oldskoolford tax will apply I'm sure.

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As befits a proper luxury Gallic saloon such as the roffle-'Guna, my policy to spend no expense on maintenance continues.


These were my prizes from a Sunday night's Ebaying.




For some reason a bit of the dash has been smashed, possibly by Mr_Bo11ox's size nine riggers (conjecture).  So I set about fixing it.










FFS it's the wrong colour.  Also, the 'new' lighting dimmerer didn't work so I swapped the old one back in.  I suspect the headlight beam adjustment won't either, but in daylight it was hard to tell.  Still, looks slightly neater than before.


Then, to reward my efforts, the engine light came on.  Still drives fine, so I'm enabling attitude mode 'meh'.




Hope you enjoyed this latest thrilling installment.


Really, surely the conventional wisdom here is to keep everything and plough on regardless.

Seriously though, we all understand your pain. No idea of prices but pics would help. Oldskoolford tax will apply I'm sure.

It's this car,







I don't really want to sell it, but I think I really do need to be sensible about things at the moment and move it on...

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Guest Hooli

That's spanking, what are they worth these days?

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That's spanking, what are they worth these days?

Not too sure tbh.

I don't think oldskoolFord scene tax has really reached these yet, at least not as much as other Fords of that age anyway.

It's hard to value it really as it's a good car and a perfect classic you can drive around and work on at the same time it just looks a little rough and ready in places!

Guest Hooli

I've always wanted one. But I want somewhere to live more so I'm out, but good luck with the sale.

  • Like 2

I've always wanted one. But I want somewhere to live more so I'm out, but good luck with the sale.

Live in the car! It's a roomy estate!

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For the love of god make sure you have a tracker / stoplok or hide that away .



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4 tyres due to be hopefully fitted tomorrow on the Smart! 6 tyres out of 10 over a month bought so far. :?


It's this car,image.jpg3_zps68ainalm.jpgimage.jpg2_zpskccw5kk9.jpg

I don't really want to sell it, but I think I really do need to be sensible about things at the moment and move it on...


When I was in school a good friend's dad had one - he had a milkround ( and other interests! ), I never met him as by this time mark was living with his mum and stepdad. Seemed to be a chap with connections!


I had one very similar to that, although it was a lowly GL rather than a Ghia X.  Paid 350 quid for it, but that was ten years ago - I have a feeling they're worth rather more than that now...

  • Like 1

I had one very similar to that, although it was a lowly GL rather than a Ghia X.  Paid 350 quid for it, but that was ten years ago - I have a feeling they're worth rather more than that now...

Cheaper to buy a Rolls Royce than a Ford these days!


Driving to work yesterday morning in the Rover 600, it's the first of March and I hadn't taxed it yet. Crawling along in the Derby commuter traffic, what's this in the lay-by? Only a friggin 'DVLA TAX CHECKING' van with a couple of cameras on its roof. Sure enough as I pass, a car pulls out of the lay-by into the traffic a few cars behind me. Thanks to the chronic congestion I manage to lose him and get to work where I sorted out the tax online! 'AVE THAT LOSERS.


^^^Piss-poor performance, there, Boz - it's easy enough to tax online or if you've sacked off your smartphone already, by phone these days... ;-)

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I'd still be crapping myself for the next eight weeks about getting something through the post...


They'll know what time they captured your plate and also what time the tax was paid on that day. Whether those two compare times+dates or just dates is another matter though!


I'm sure it'll be alright. Do they even send out automated fines for this stuff? I thought they had to have it out with you 'in person' as it were before doing you for driving without tax. Anyway if summert comes through the post I'll send em my confirmation email and let them scratch their chins over the time business.


Driving to work yesterday morning in the Rover 600, it's the first of March and I hadn't taxed it yet. Crawling along in the Derby commuter traffic, what's this in the lay-by? Only a friggin 'DVLA TAX CHECKING' van with a couple of cameras on its roof. Sure enough as I pass, a car pulls out of the lay-by into the traffic a few cars behind me. Thanks to the chronic congestion I manage to lose him and get to work where I sorted out the tax online! 'AVE THAT LOSERS.

Just pretent one is a Rover and the other a Sherpa.




Insurance is due for renawal on the MX5 in a couple of days. So today was the day I set for sorting... I HATE sodding about with insurance companies! The renewal from my current insurer was £176.90 so I had a compare and then a flick round the classic insurers but the next cheapest was just over £200. Current insurer is cheapest shocker!


So I rang them to renew, while the chap dealing with me was very nice, affable and efficient the amount of bollox he was made to go through by the insurers was astounding. It took so long, I had to go for a shit halfway thru! But, after I requested if they could do any better, he pressed buttons and made ancient computers make buzzing and beeping noises and the answer came back...


Yes! £147.20!


I paid that pretty bloody quick smart (while wiping).


Now just to get the old girl back on the road.

Guest Hooli

They'll know what time they captured your plate and also what time the tax was paid on that day. Whether those two compare times+dates or just dates is another matter though!


You road tax says from x day not from 12am on x day etc, so I can't see that ever flying.


No different from driving to a post office & getting there for opening time to buy tax as far as I can tell.


I was keen on having another Y10 in the fleet, I was going to drive up to Scotslandshire for a look in the flesh but as the pooch has been vomiting from both ends I deferred and asked for pictures instead.


Imagine a bungee cord holding up a boot floor.....



Ahmmm oooooooot!


That's a bungee holding up the boot floor!


Shame as interior is really nice.


He may take scrap money for shell but wants more for parts most of which are shared with the panda and not worth buying just in case.  Sills and floor pan also holed in places.  I had less welding done on the GTie and that was dear enough, I reckon if you could get someone to take it on you'd be looking at 4-5k to get it solid, especially as so much fabrication would be needed for the non-standard panels.


My old store manager is trying to convince me I need to buy a Lancia Delta. I have to wonder what's broken on his that he wants to rob parts for.



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Insurance is due for renawal on the MX5 in a couple of days. So today was the day I set for sorting... I HATE sodding about with insurance companies! The renewal from my current insurer was £176.90 so I had a compare and then a flick round the classic insurers but the next cheapest was just over £200. Current insurer is cheapest shocker!


So I rang them to renew, while the chap dealing with me was very nice, affable and efficient the amount of bollox he was made to go through by the insurers was astounding. It took so long, I had to go for a shit halfway thru! But, after I requested if they could do any better, he pressed buttons and made ancient computers make buzzing and beeping noises and the answer came back...


Yes! £147.20!


I paid that pretty bloody quick smart (while wiping).


Now just to get the old girl back on the road.

.... he gave me the quote and I shouted "shit!" but he didn't understand - so he took another £25 off!



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This is the first 'proper' car to ever give me the horn.

I mean. Fuck. Just look at it.


It was piloted by a naturally beautiful lady in her 60s. Spotted at Toddington Services.

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