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£5k car buying challenge.


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Evening shitters. 


Some may know, I work for a used car dealer in Kent knocking out nearly new ex-fleet cars. We're a small independent outfit with just 4 sales guys across two sites (including the business owner), 2 in Kent, 2 in High Wycombe. We're quite successful and good at what we do as we put the effort in to our Autotrader listings and endeavour to look after our customers properly.


It's been decided, for fun, to run a bit of a Wheeler Dealers-esque challenge *Yeah OK, I know, but stick with me* . The objective is to each buy a car of our choice this December. The car, including RFL and preparation costs, can't owe more than £5000. This is funded by the company. It must be a driving, roadworthy vehicle that we are expected to use for 6 months. Come June we are to all sell our Christmas bargains, within one month. The one with the most profit, if indeed there is some, wins. 


I realise it's Mock-Gear and arguably a bit brash for Autoshite, but if there's interest in the thread I'll update with the various cars I'm considering, watching, haggling over, running a mile from and, of course, buying.


When the idea was first flagged-up a few months ago I was quite excited, but after a scout about online it's probably a bit of a PITA. Still, I get to drive a sub £5000 car of my choice for 6 months for the cost of fuel, so let's get on it. Plus, £100 of our own cash goes in a pot, so if I win, there's £400 to put towards proper shite motoring.


Car buying rules are:

  • Total cost £5000 including all prep' and road tax.
  • Purchased within December
  • Usable for 6 month with life remaining to punt on.


I'm surprised there's not much more to the rules. The other guys are quite sensible (I predict Z3, Boxster, TT to be their likely purchases), but I'm the guy who rocked up on my first day in an Austin Allegro and commuted in an early Renault 5 for 6 months. I expected to be restrained!   


Task: Buy Winter - Sell Summer. 

Thoughts: Usable Classics, Convertibles, Appreciating Hot Hatchbacks.  



The Watch list:


Astra VXR. I was attracted to this for two reasons: One lady owner and no reserve auction. I worked at a Vauxhall dealer when the VXR was launched and had two as my company demonstrators - that was until a new Sales Manager I fell out with put me in a Zafira Diesel. This is a bright looking thing with factory upgrade alloys and full history. Ultimately the mileage put me off. At 110k it's a possible handgrenade. Still, this finished at just £2700. Not bad value, and probably £3500 to sell.





Renault 19 16v. This is probably the least desirable off all the 19 16v body styles, but still mega cool IMO. 92k miles isn't bad, 7 owners reasonable. I wish the photos were better, but the seller sounds sensible and £1600 for a cult hot-hatch fair. I'm not convinced it's a solid gold investment, but deffo in the maybe pile because I love it.






I haven't a Danny La Rue when it comes to this kitted-up monstrosity. But I figure, take whatever a classic cabrio will make on a no reserve auction in December, and add a grand for a summer classified listing: 





I've been chucking these lookers in my watch list for sometime now. You could rock up at anywhere in one of these and not be disgraced, yet they cost peanuts. This one sounds well fettled and again on with no reserve. Yeah I'll probably do my brains on it before June, but I'll still feel like a proper winner. I have a feeling it may top my budget, and it'd be a good idea to have some cash in reserve... 





I quite like the idea of a Morris Minor Convertible. This one is too dear, but another regular on my eBay searches






I like this BMW E30 Baur Convertible. It's been to the moon and back, but with just 1 owner and full history. £3750 looks appealing, but I've a feeling this dealers been looking at it a while. Also, boggo spec with trims may get me excited, but it's not for normal folk. I'd have to look out for a more saleable spec






It's early days. More to come...

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The baur is about as desirable as herpes. Avoid.


Convertible version of a good car is a plan if buying now. A genuine E30 convertible (rather than a baur) should be within budget.


Alternatively, get a vintage vehicle (panhard65 has bought some tasty stuff recently)


A decent low miles MK2 golf GTi is likely money in the bank too

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As 320touring said a convertible version of a good car would likely be a great choice if you want to win. If not just waft about in an old Jag on someone else's dime for six months and claim it as your own victory. Renault 19 probably too niche and may not to go up in value and possibly wouldn't sell within a month.


How are you with tinkering? If you wanted to try and go full blown Wheeler Dealers something like these; clean up, alloys, clear indicators etc then sell it to some trendy city type. Not much wiggle room in the prices for paint though.





Lots of parts to sell.






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If you want to try and keep it Autoshite I would argue that the Renault Wind is full blown future shite as their sales were more of a moist fart than the Gulf Stream. Convertible, 11k miles. £4,750 seems cheap for a 60 plate but probably too close to the limit.





This one is cheaper and in a better colour:


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A Wind isn't going to appreciate any time soon ever.


True but I'm going on the principle of buying a convertible now and selling in summer.


Sorry most of these are really close to the price limit but it's interesting seeing what's out there.


If you want to deafen your colleagues



straight through custom exhaust




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What have prices of these been doing? I can't imagine that they are going down and I think Chris Harris (?) recently did a retrospective on one so people may well be starting to look back on them. Hot and usable (if you excuse/undo the stance nation, yo) just not a hatch. High miles but FSH with timing belt done. £3250 or best offer. Stock suspension and wheels may be cheaper than what you could sell the modded stuff for?




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This sounds like great fun and I like the fact that there's pretty much no rules, barring budget and buying/selling times. That said, could this potentially go pear shaped if you bought something too alternative? I mean, there's a potential £5k of your bosses money being gambled here, so hopefully you've a good working relationship that wouldn't be soured if you lost a few hundred?


That said, I'm sure your boss trusts you fully as salespeople, what with you working so closely together. If there's truly no other rules and if he's up for it, then it's dream shite category time - get a car you've wanted to tick off the list for a while. Now you've sold the 5, do you have any other old cars? Convertibles are a good idea but how about a camper? Very family friendly and there's usually some good weather in May/early June for you to be able to take idyllic photos of for the Ebay sale. Or would you have to sell it at one of your yards? If so, boring modern may be the way, sadly.


Just buy something off Trigger - he looks after stuff, adds value to it and doesn't seem to charge the earth! Ital van?

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I'd go for whatever car I've just sold - the value is bound to shoot up.


Can you do spread betting and get 2 cars for £5k total?  Just an option as sometimes there's not much difference in the quality of car whether you spend £2k or £4k


Good challenge, please keep it updated.

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Astra VX/R: Lovely lovely car, but sadly I expect most interested parties will be of the 'how much for cash tonight' variety and it'll possibly take a bit to sell.


Renault 19: Fab, but can't see that being easy to sell, especially for a profit.


Saab: fine looking thing, summer will help but they aren't (imho) easy to get rid off. Some people are, I would suggest, still quite wary of them.


XJ6: Hell, yeah! They were in the doldrums too long and time has weeded out most of the shit ones now. Mileage looks spot on (if genuine) but no mention of history? Well worth considering though.


Morris 1000: I think these have found their mark now money wise. They rocketed and seemed to have settled again, a cheap nice looking one could be a good bet though, assuming you can find one that isn't fiull of chicken wire and Cornflake boxes.


E30: Defo, but with a decent slice knocked off it. Colour and trim don't especially help it, but they do have an appeal.



With what you listed so far, my money would be on a to three in this order:


1) Jag


2) Morris 1000


3) BMW.



Others I think worth considering:


Peugeot 205 convertible


Nova GTE


Corsa GSi (yes, really) or Sport


Capri Mk3


Mondeo Mk1 in that Citrine colour or a 4x4 one


XR3i, the later (Mk4?) ones probably best hope of finding a cheaper one, they'll just rocket in value.


Escort Mk3 or 4 convertible, best spec possible.

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This is brilliant - can I suggest that if you can be arsed you collectively make some videos for YouTube of the guaranteed hilarity - it would make excellent publicity if done half well

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From what I have picked up from television is that in order to make a profit, you have to spray your face so it is all shiny, wear a huge baggy shirt and ill-fitting bermuda-style combat shorts and a couple of cornish pasties on your feet. Then travel to Japan and buy a Kei car and do huge, slapping over the top hand shakes.


Oh and make sure any buyer 'likes how the car gets down the road'.

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I was considering a VXR as a modern when the London shite-ban kicks in, till I saw the road tax.. Some of them are in the £400 a year zone.. Put me right off. 

E30`s are at that stage where some are going for megabucks (like £7-10k), but some are getable for a bag in "easy tidy up" condition. 

Jag XKR convertible is in the same position.

944 is always a good bet, but you`d struggle to find a cabrio within budget. 928 getable, but could easily fit in the hand grenade category, as is any TVR..


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Buy a VW T3/25 Camper...






Other examples are available.

Bung it on a cheap £100 set of Porsche Teledials, add tropical fruit and sell it on in time for the summer mong rush!

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When was the last time you saw 1 of these?

Basically a 306 Gti underneath so huge grins

Or I'd suggest a good tidy Opel Manta

5k will get a very nice one

Find 1 without a factory sunroof,ram the chassis swan necks with waxoil and watch the prices shoot up next year

Or....try finding a Talbot Sunbeam Ti

Little 1600 rocketship that are also on the rise

Sunbeam Lotus have long left sensible prices


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The campervan route is a great shout, and automatic if you can find one nice and cheap!


My Dad keeps buying really nice Hiace's. and a transit the other year, all auto's and all below £5k, gets bored as my Mum won't sleep in them, and gets me to sell them and I keep the profit - and it works really well :)


There are tons of people out there, newly retired etc, who want something they think they can go touring in, and also use everyday, despite the reality being a lot less comfy than they dream of, and inevitably an automatic box is great for those who have gammy legs and so on - and there are plenty of folk like that it turns out ;)


You may well have to give them a tidy up, put shiny wheel trims on, maybe new curtains and recover cushions, go faster stripes etc, but it's fun to do and a guaranteed earner, if you avoid rustbuckets :)

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E39 540i sport. If you can find a good me the money they’re making is getting better especially if it’s s 6 speed manual . There’s a good e39 Facebook for sale page .

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