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How much shite is too much shite? PAS Fixed at the NEC (With Luck)

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15 minutes ago, Saabnut said:

Here you go @Lankytim, test the tensile strength of those pants!



Woof woof! I've had to put on another two pairs of underpants just to remain decent.



RR can get in the sea (sorry)

but p5b hhhhngggggggggggggggggggggggg

man works in oil disnae worry about 17 mpg :D 


23 minutes ago, hairnet said:

man works in oil disnae worry about 17 mpg :D 


I always say my wages are just a short term loan from the oil company! :-) 

  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? Autumn? Nah, Spring!

I hate replacing springs since a Mk3 Cortina one flew past my ear many years ago. As mentioned earlier, I wimped out of changing them on my 9-3 'vert and yesterday it was ready so I nipped up to fetch it. Whilst was being done, my friend took the opportunity to change all 4 shock absorbers, the rear spring seats/bump stops and drop links. In addition, the sump was dropped and the leaking connector to the unused sump oil level sensor removed. I struggled to find a new replacement so a custom plug was turned to fit and duly installed. A coolant leak (about 100ml every month I could not find) was traced by him to a leaking O ring on a heater connection. Fitting all new boost control hoses finished the work and with the recent MOT should see a year of trouble free motoring.


To reward my mechanic friend for his work and pleasingly reasonable bill, when I collected the Saab I dropped off the diseasal AX to have new springs fitted to the front as it is so low I managed to pop the exhaust off on my track on the way out.

The rest of the week has seen me complete the trailer servicing and the new "LEDMaster" box I bought has seen the light flickering when on the Range Rover cured. It is now ready for the next collection caper. I shall be departing Wednesday, is over 1000 miles each way and involves the Chunnel! Watch this space!

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  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? International Rescue - Ready for Take Off

Back in 2018 I was returning from Lemans Classic in the Bentley T2 Turbo. When I stopped at the local shop to buy milk, the doors decided they were staying locked. The year previous, the rear nearside door had done the same and was fixed, and fortunately that door continued to open so I could get in the back and climb over the seats to get home. Dignified it was not. Once home, it was put in the shed with the usual "I will look at that later". Four and a half years later.....

My friend Simon called me last Thursday saying he had a few hours clear on Friday and would be in the area so was willing to take the Bentley to have a look at it. A mild panic attack followed as it was 3 years since it was started and 4 since it moved under its own steam.  Reconnecting the battery, adding some fresh petrol and a boost from my starter and after a few attempts it started and reversed into the centre of the shed. The wheel dollies were deployed to turn it through 90 degrees and it drove out fine after the tyres were topped up. Yesterday it was returned with working doors 8) . Apparently it was age hardened grease on the servos, but after a clean it will be back out and about again, having covered 120 miles this weekend without problem.


This morning I had a 6 hout teams meeting during which the sun shone. As the meeting ended and I put on my overalls, so the rain started :-( Tomorrow I am heading to foreign climes to collect the last of the three items of chod I acquired during my last trip offshore. This one has sat for over a year, the model is renowned for electrical reliability*, and has a totally flat battery and at least 2 flat tyres. As a result I need to take a trailer, and as we all know it is illegal to tow an empty trailer both ways on any journey so decided to take the little Kubota and the rotary mower to tackle some of the riverbank whilst in France. Fortunately the rain stopped for the loading. In the back are two trailer spares, a new battery, jump leads, tyre goo, trolley jack, 12v compressor, mains compressor and a code reader. Should be fine!




Plan is to head to Folkstone tomorrow, cross on the chunnel in the early hours Thurday to arrive at my place Thursday lunchtime, then I plan on collecting the chod on Sunday when there is hopefully less traffic. I will update this thread as and when I can.


Please get a sun strip for the Rangie saying 'Thunderbird 322'!

  • Haha 3
  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? International Rescue - Stage One Booster Worked

Left home at 0915 yesterday and arrived Chez Moi (Fr) at 0615 this morning. 940 miles covered, roughly £450 in fuel (Eeek) and no problems encountered. After a couple of hours kip on the couch, I unloaded but otherwise had a day off.



The Kubota is hiding in the barn. After the fog burned off, it was a lovely sunny day and 17c



Did nip out to the supermarket for essential supplies and the first chod of the trip was spotted


Proper scruffy, used example

  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? International Rescue - Blunderturds Are Go!

Today I go to collect the last vehicle of the threesome, which is why I am up at an ungodly hour on a Sunday! This will be the first time I have seen it (I have only ever seen 1 photo of it in a car park) and it has been sat for over a year. I know it has at least 2 flat tyres and a flat battery, and it is 140 miles away, in the centre of a city I have never been to and the carpark it is in is underground so I cannot get the trailer to it. In contrast to the last collection thread where my tool kit consisted of a code reader and an AA card, this time I am taking a battery, jump leads, jump pack, compressor, 12v compressor, full tool kit, hammers, punches, tow rope and anything else that I think I may need..

Right, time to hitch up the trailer........

1 hour ago, Saabnut said:

Today I go to collect the last vehicle of the threesome, which is why I am up at an ungodly hour on a Sunday! This will be the first time I have seen it (I have only ever seen 1 photo of it in a car park) and it has been sat for over a year. I know it has at least 2 flat tyres and a flat battery, and it is 140 miles away, in the centre of a city I have never been to and the carpark it is in is underground so I cannot get the trailer to it. In contrast to the last collection thread where my tool kit consisted of a code reader and an AA card, this time I am taking a battery, jump leads, jump pack, compressor, 12v compressor, full tool kit, hammers, punches, tow rope and anything else that I think I may need..

Right, time to hitch up the trailer........

Yes should have taken a driver's mate experienced in L322s and driving on the right so you could prepare the new one while the tow set up was guarded dumped on the street!

  • Like 3
  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? International Rescue - Mission Acomplished

This morning, after the obligatory several cups of coffee, I went out to see what I had got. Blew up the tyres, but one went down almost as fast as I filled it, as the side wall had several holes in it from sitting flat so long. First surprise was it started off its own battery this morning, so it looks like the battery has survived. Drove it off the trailer and set to looking for the locking wheel nut key. This was eventually located in the glove box, I had started there but it is smaller than expected and tucked into the bottom of a spanner set. With that located I loosened the wheel nuts and started to remove the spare, in the hope it would hold air. The rear parcel shelf had been wrongly fitted and had jammed, so sorting that took a while, but the spare turned out to be a nearly new tyre, bonus!

With the spare fitted, my attention turned to the air suspension, the pump for which remained silent. Eventually, connectors covered in verdigris were located and cleaned up, and the Rangey rose to the correct height. 8) A quick tet run down the drive showed the long layup had not caused any major problems. The only faults I have found are non operational washers and a handbrake that needs adjustment.

The bodywork is fair with only a few minor dents, but it does have many scrapes in the paint in true French fashion. I am sure a session with my mop will get rid of most, so will bring it down next time to get it looking its best for a Controle Techniq. Photos do flatter it a bit.





21 hours ago, Saabnut said:

started first try. Amazing

Knew it 😎

21 hours ago, Saabnut said:

I had been assured the parking was paid

It absolutely fucking has, it's paid until December.


Good luck with it @Saabnut, I'm very happy it's gone to you rather than the scrapper and I hope to see it again one day.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
On 11/15/2022 at 7:17 PM, Noel Tidybeard said:

in a rather fetching shade of green 👍

Best colour imo!

  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, hairnet said:

are ye still in ecosse nick? @Saabnut

Got back just after lunch. Petrol RR covered over 2200 miles over the last 2 weeks, at an average of 17.4mpg.


9 minutes ago, Saabnut said:

Got back just after lunch. Petrol RR covered over 2200 miles over the last 2 weeks, at an average of 17.4mpg.


lol i did that the other week (2200 miles)

56 mpg :D

  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? A week of running around

For a change, most of this week has been spent running around The relevant highlights for here are this is back


New springs from Germany courtesy of Autodoc has seen the front lifted by over 2 inches and means it has suspension again. A bew CV boot and headlamp adjusters repaired means it is now the shopping trolley of choice.

My Rover P5B was on loan with a friend in Sheffield prior to going on the market but some corrosion (OK holes) were found in one sill, one inner wing and both door A posts, so today it went to visit Mr @GingerNuttz for a dose of looking at with the sparkly stick, after which it will be put in my shed until spring when it will get an MOT and be returned to Sheffield and the market.


Since collecting the Range Rover at the beginning of October, I have covered over 4100 miles, 90%+ towing and at 17mpg at a fuel cost below some countries GDP. No problems though 8) 

Tomorrow I hope to finish installing a power supply into my tyre shed as for the last 7+ years everytime I have needed to change tyres I have had to run out several extension leads and have had a daylight only operating window. Hopefully that will change tomorrow!

  • Saabnut changed the title to How much shite is too much shite? Power to the People!

Very much a good news- bad news day today.

The good news is I eventually completed the power install into my tyre shed. It has been done properly with RCD breakers, spurs, junction boxes etc. I would claim all the credit but I was supervised and advised by my mate who is a retired electrician so I can't. I now have lighting and 6 13A sockets in there so that will do for now.


The bad news, whilst not really unexpected came from @GingerNuttz who has started investigating the rot in the P5b. Not really surprising, as with any old car, it is worse than hoped, not helped by the previous owner being a bodger with a liking for structural P40.

I will put some photos up tomorrow for your delight!


Only in for a bit on the bottom of the A pillar.




had a couple of days to have a poke while I waited on gas so I could let Saabnut know how good or bad it would be. 

We're gonna need a bigger bag Of Cocaine. - Jaws Meme - Meme Generator



@GingerNuttz Jeez! you really dont have much luck with "just a small repair" jobs do you? I swear I could send you a Fibreglass boat and it would somehow turn out to majorly rusty LOL



1 minute ago, LightBulbFun said:

@GingerNuttz Jeez! you really dont have much luck with "just a small repair" jobs do you? I swear I could send you a Fibreglass boat and it would somehow turn out to majorly rusty LOL



Always expect the worst then you can never be diapointed 😂

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