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Zel's Motoring Adventures...Volvo, Renault, Rover, Trabant, Invacar & A Sinclair C5 - Updated 20/03

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Okay so the previously weeping brake caliper which had stopped for several weeks has resumed leaking.  It drops the level enough to just start to flicker the warning light in about two weeks of normal use.

In theory it should be a quick fix (making the assumption that the bore is okay - though previous experience with Lada brakes suggests it's likely fine), caliper off, pop the pistons out, slap new ones in, reassemble, bleed, job done.  Have a new set of brake flexis in the car anyway as the old ones are past their best, so I'll probably chuck that on at the same time.

However I have a horrible feeling that it won't be nearly that simple in reality!

...So instead of doing it I'm sitting procrastinating about it.

  On 05/01/2020 at 14:22, Zelandeth said:

...So instead of doing it I'm sitting procrastinating about it.


its page 70, procrastinate about it further by fixing TPA and getting some more Model 70 shots for page 70? :)  


I'd love to, but I'm basically waiting on the arrival of a replacement hub at this point.  The one on there will need attention from a machine shop before it's serviceable, and I really don't want to render the car completely immovable in the interrim as I need to shift it to get at some stuff in the garage.  Have two potential sources lined up, but they're both dependent on other folks having spare time.

Plus I'm likely to have my hands thoroughly full for the next couple of weeks as of some point this week when the Lada moved on and a new arrival turns up in its place.


Time to sort the brake fluid leak...quit procrastinating and just get on with it.

New caliper piston and seal kit all ready to go.


The problem is pretty obvious where I usually park.


The horrible mess is rather more obvious once the wheel is off.




Yep...it be a piston seal that's leaking (didn't expect otherwise really).


These brakes are refreshingly easy to work on.  The pad retaining rods are floating on springs (so they're *usually* not seized) and come straight out once two P clips are pulled off.  Then the pads lift straight out, and two further bolts (17mm) allow the caliper to be removed from the hub.

I had originally planned to change the flexible line as well but the union at the inner wing end didn't immediately relent when presented with a spanner so I opted for "leave it well alone" as one of the main targets for this job was not to generate a bigger to do list than I started with.

Getting the piston out required a bit of perseverance simply because I didn't have a helper to press the pedal while I kept an eye on things and compressed air was out of the question as my compressor is currently out of commission until I find out why it's tripping the RCD.

Wasn't too hard though, with the dust boot removed it was easy enough to pull it free while slowly rotating it.

The fluid actually in there didn't really look too bad and there was no puddle of metallic sludge in there like I've found in a few older calipers.

There wasn't really any obvious damage to either the piston or the seal at a glance.



Though the new seal is a more snug fit to the piston, there's visible clearance between the old seal and piston.


(Trying to photograph that was an utter pain).

The only signs of damage I could see were some *really* fine scratching/pitting near the outer edge.

Ignore the mangled finish on the inner area of the step, that's just from me wrestling it out of the caliper , and is the area normally outside the dust boot.


This isn't enough to feel with a fingernail and is only visible when the light catches it just right.  I guess it's enough though given the clearances involved.

I made the executive decision to leave the outboard piston alone.  There's absolutely no sign of leakage from it at this stage (I did have a peek under the rubber dust boot), and given that pulling the caliper takes all of five minutes, it's not the end of the world if it needs to be revisited.

No photos from the actual dismantling and reassembly process I'm afraid as I was predictably absolutely covered in a horrible slimy congealed brake dust/brake fluid mixture. 

This was snapped once I'd reassembled everything and changed into a fresh pair of gloves.


The bleed nipple even came undone without undue force (it was slightly rounded off though, so the new one from the service kit was fitted - dust cap has since been added).

Then hooked up the Easybleed and let it run until I had a steady stream of clean fluid running through.

Then it was just a matter of double checking the fluid level...


...5-10mm above the mounting bracket is correct.

Then going for a test drive.  Well it would have been if the headlights hadn't then decided to play funny buggers.


Nearside is lit at roughly 50%, and doesn't respond to switching between dip and main beam.

Tapping the relay that handles that headlight with the handle of a screwdriver immediately restored normal operation.


The headlights on this while not being quite up there with some of the modern cars with good HID setups are by quite a long way the best of any classic I've driven.  Definitely an example of what the humble H4 headlight bulb can actually do with a decent optical system to work with.

There's still more travel in the pedal than I'd like so I reckon there might still be a bit of air in the system.  I'll go back and bleed everything again thoroughly tomorrow - didn't want to start on that today as A: it was nearly dark by that point and B: I had run out of brake fluid as of filling the Easybleed.

Oh...yes, I clamped off the feed line from the reservoir to the inlet for the affected circuit on the master cylinder to prevent all the fluid draining out.  I'd always rather do that to those hoses than the brake flexis... they live a far easier life and I'm relying on them to save my life in an emergency far less.

While there is a bit too much free travel, the tendency to wander under heavy braking has been vastly reduced and the brakes generally feel more positive...hard to quantify the feeling of them biting, but they definitely feel better than before this work was done.  Let's see what a full system bleed does for things - it's a few years since I changed the fluid now anyway so it's worth flushing through anyway.  Checking the fluid after the run out hasn't shown any level drop and I can't see any signs of leakage from the wheel...though there's enough goop round there it's kind of hard to tell.

Have parked the car the other way around tonight so hopefully I'll be able to see tomorrow if I've stopped the leak...it was leaving a few drops overnight before.

Hopefully this is one job ticked off...was actually quite a pleasant one to do to be honest, if a bit messy.


No brake fluid loss overnight nor any sign of fluid under the car.

Had it out a couple of times today and the brakes are definitely better than they were, just a bit too much travel in the pedal yet.  Keep meaning to reset the handbrake adjustment too as that can have quite an effect on it.

Will try to get the system bled again tomorrow as I picked up some more fluid today.  If it's still the same afterwards I'm just going to write it up as "it's just like that" as she honestly stops perfectly well and I think it's just throwing me because the pedal feels different now.

Last job for me on the car probably though as it's now official - she will be moving on on Wednesday morning.  So tomorrow I'll get the brakes bled, top up the steering box and try to give her a bit of a valet.

Realising that I'll be wanting to use my phone to navigate on Wednesday I've picked up a windscreen mount, as unlike the van or Xantia there's nowhere convenient to just sit it.  Same is true of the Invacar so will definitely get further use in the future.

So exciting new arrival day after tomorrow...know some of you know or have guessed what it is...but I'll bet it will surprise a few of you!  Surprised me...

  On 06/01/2020 at 22:59, Zelandeth said:

Realising that I'll be wanting to use my phone to navigate on Wednesday I've picked up a windscreen mount, as unlike the van or Xantia there's nowhere convenient to just sit it.  Same is true of the Invacar so will definitely get further use in the future.



ohh do let us know how that works out, a phone mount is something ill be needing/wanting in REV as well :) 

  On 06/01/2020 at 22:59, Zelandeth said:

So exciting new arrival day after tomorrow...know some of you know or have guessed what it is...but I'll bet it will surprise a few of you!  Surprised me...


I hope this is what I think it is :) 


(it is little sad to see the Lada go, but I understand why etc, and I am happy you have managed to finally sell it after a long time of struggling to find a proper home for it)


I basically just stuck "windscreen phone mount" into Amazon and picked the one which fitted a phone the right size with the best rating... really not very technical.

The one I've got works fine, it's just a bit bulky (and currently buried in the back of the garage), though if it's likely to just live in the car that's not a huge problem.  Oh, and it wobbles too much to be used for video...hence the horrible shaky video on a couple of my first Invacar test drive videos.  Fine for navigation etc though.  To be honest if you want it, it's yours.  Can get it on the way to you next time it surfaces.

Speaking of stuff you might want, do I remember rightly that you said that you actually lacked any LV lighting transformers for halogen etc 12V lamps?  Found a couple of (100VA if I remember right) ones I removed from the kitchen when I fitted the mains LED lamps in there...They're not bad units actually as I recall...just not LED friendly as I recall as they require a 20W or so to start.  Yours if you want them.

I just really feel it's time to move on from the Lada.  I know that I will miss it.  It's one of those cars which fits like an old comfy pair of boots.  Guess that's a lot to do with having been involved with them since I was about three.  The biggest issue for me though is the hassle I had with a couple of potential buyers, that sort of thing really sticks with me. 

Am I discounting there being a Lada on fleet again?  No, not in the slightest.  Probably not a Niva as they're too rich these days and the abilities would be wasted where I am these days.  Samara could be a laugh to smoke around in for a bit and I really like the idea of a 2111 - though that's likely to involve rather a major project to find and retrieve one!


  • Like 2
  On 06/01/2020 at 23:49, Zelandeth said:

I basically just stuck "windscreen phone mount" into Amazon and picked the one which fitted a phone the right size with the best rating... really not very technical.

The one I've got works fine, it's just a bit bulky (and currently buried in the back of the garage), though if it's likely to just live in the car that's not a huge problem.  Oh, and it wobbles too much to be used for video...hence the horrible shaky video on a couple of my first Invacar test drive videos.  Fine for navigation etc though.  To be honest if you want it, it's yours.  Can get it on the way to you next time it surfaces.


yeah I figured such, but I figured if it ends up being good enough for you then its probably good enough for me! just a quick shout to say im interested in your opinion of it :) 

(I would like something vaguely suitable for video use but its not a high priority, just would be neat in time to record some clips REV in action out and about :) so will be interesting to hear how the new one does in that aspect of things)

but as I primarily will be using it for navigation I may still take you up on your offer of your old one :) 

  On 06/01/2020 at 23:49, Zelandeth said:

Speaking of stuff you might want, do I remember rightly that you said that you actually lacked any LV lighting transformers for halogen etc 12V lamps?  Found a couple of (100VA if I remember right) ones I removed from the kitchen when I fitted the mains LED lamps in there...They're not bad units actually as I recall...just not LED friendly as I recall as they require a 20W or so to start.  Yours if you want them.



ah thanks for the offer, but first I think its best I take the other stuff you have offered me. like that Coughtrie SFB16, that I have had to leave behind because of my bad back, before I commit to anything else

(tis one of the many things I look forward to being able to do in REV!)

but indeed that would be quite handy, they sound like electronic units? would of been nice if they where proper magnetic units! however if they are electronic then they make for a fun quick and dirty Flyback driver :) 



Well I was just going to stuff these in a jiffy bag and post them down to you, they're switch mode units and don't weigh anything really so postage would be pennies.

Video wise I'll be looking for something separate for that, but units which are secure enough for that are really a bit on the bulky and awkward side for day to day use.

  • Like 1
  On 07/01/2020 at 02:08, Zelandeth said:

Well I was just going to stuff these in a jiffy bag and post them down to you, they're switch mode units and don't weigh anything really so postage would be pennies.



ah in that case, id gladly take them that would be appreciated :) 

I wonder if they can be wired in series for 24V stuff or if they get unhappy when you do that...

something for me to try!


Interesting question.  The outputs are fully isolated I believe, so it's not impossible I imagine.  Though there are far easier ways of getting 24V these days, less than £10 on Wish will get you something that will do the job for a test bench.

  • Like 1

Today involved a lot of running around in circles while also trying to get the Lada ready for tomorrow.

By 1500 or so I finally actually managed to get to the car.

[] Steering box oil topped up, check.  Still sodding awkward.

[] Gearbox oil checked - didn't need any.

[] Diff oil checked - didn't need any (despite having looked like it leaks like a sieve since I got the car, it's never used a drop).

[] Screen was topped up.

[] Engine oil checked.

[] Clutch fluid checked.

[] Brake fluid checked.

[] About 30 litres of LHM and goodness only knows how many bits and pieces removed from the boot - and dumped in the Xantia instead.

Having been on daily duties for the last couple of weeks the car was generally a bit grubby, not in a condition I really wanted to hand it over in.


Not having time to give it a proper clean myself today (especially as I was rapidly running out of daylight by that point) I decided to run round to one of the hand car washes need us which I actually trust.  Sadly I discovered they're closed on Tuesdays...so reverted back to the one just round the corner from us.

This it turned out was a mistake.  Despite me telling them no less than four times NOT to spray TFR all over the car...they did anyway.

So I wound up with a car which was no longer shiny and was covered in splotchy marks.  They were very apologetic and then spent half an hour frantically hand polishing it, which made it slightly less dull but still covered in splotches.  Not amused.


That's the third time they've done that now...suffice to say I won't be darkening their door again.  I usually try to do this sort of thing myself...but if I don't have time it will be Magic Hand over by Tongwell who will get my business.  They have never failed to follow my instructions - and in fact the first time I was there specific said to me before I even got to the front of the queue that they wouldn't be using any of the stronger chemicals because it would dull my paintwork.

At least they didn't do a bad job of the interior.




Next step: digging all the bits of Lada out the garage and from out back. 

Couple of things I've not been able to find and I'll need to send on later, but the vast majority of things are now in the car.



So she's about as ready as she's going to be.  0800 tomorrow we'll be fuelling up then heading north.


I'll miss this car, I know that.

What's going to replace it I wonder...


What a shame re the paintwork. Very annoying. A similar fate befell a Mitsubishi Carisma with solid red paintwork that we used to own. It never went to another hand car wash again.

Sadly, past behaviour often gives a useful prediction of future behaviour.

  On 07/01/2020 at 23:29, mrbenn said:

What a shame re the paintwork. Very annoying. A similar fate befell a Mitsubishi Carisma with solid red paintwork that we used to own. It never went to another hand car wash again.

Sadly, past behaviour often gives a useful prediction of future behaviour.


I've taken the Xantia there a couple of times...but to be fair given the state of the paintwork on that they could pressure wash it with sand and it wouldn't make any difference I reckon!

Just bloody annoying, as the whole reason I did this was because I really wanted the car to look its best at the handover...would have been better just leaving it as it was!

  • Like 2

shame about the paint work damage,

it would be amusing to take REV there, not only would I get a free paint stripping service, they would probably be finding flakes of blue paint in their morning cereal for the next decade or so! :mrgreen:



It's not damaged really in the strictest sense, it just strips back all the wax and oxideses the surface a bit.  Nothing you can't fix with a bit of elbow grease, time and the right polishes and wax.

Didn't care so much when it happened to the Skoda the first time as the whole car was in desperate need of a full polish at the time anyway, it maybe added an hour or two to the whole job.

Having just *done* that here though, it grates more.

I will probably take TPA to the other one one day purely for giggles as a couple of the guys there are enthusiasts judging from some of the conversations we've had.

  • Like 2

Collection day!

Mission step 1 complete.


Already sat for 35 minutes in traffic and not been more than two miles from home... let's hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Now to hastily stuff some breakfast down my neck then we'll get underway.

Should be around three hours drive to the current home of the new car.  In theory.


He’s only gone and bloody done it!

You absolute madman.

The question is, how many doors does it have?

  • Like 3
  On 08/01/2020 at 14:13, Zelandeth said:





Fucking mad man! but I knew it! :) 

(although maybe im wrong and that its actually something Detroit 12V71 powered :) I would not put that past you either!)

(both probably have about the same fuel economy figures!)


Just back in the door, and need to immediately dash out again, so very brief update.

Yeah...bit of a change of category.


The fuel gauge lies...so I wasn't actually running on fumes on the way to the fuel station.  This is full.


Proper update later!

  On 08/01/2020 at 17:53, Zelandeth said:

Just back in the door, and need to immediately dash out again, so very brief update.

Yeah...bit of a change of category.


The fuel gauge lies...so I wasn't actually running on fumes on the way to the fuel station.  This is full.


Proper update later!


thats Amazing! I knew it would be the Jag from your comment in @Cavcraft's thread, and also from some stalking of you on other forums where you said the incoming new car would have the most cylinders of any car you have owned :) 

You must get a picture of the Jag and TPA together, as I said in my thread (regarding @Six-cylinder's E Type in that case)

just so you can say "oh yeah I got my Classic Jag and AC together for a photoshoot" :mrgreen:

then you can show them the pictures and record the look on their faces :) (as they hear Jag and AC and probably think AC Cobra!)

I think the Autoshite forum is the only place in the world you can find 2 people exchange a Lada Riva for a V12 Jaguar!

I very much look forward to seeing it in person sometime!


first person in history to leave in the morning in a Lada and come home in a V12 Jag?! Well bought.

  On 08/01/2020 at 17:53, Zelandeth said:

Just back in the door, and need to immediately dash out again, so very brief update.

Yeah...bit of a change of category.


The fuel gauge lies...so I wasn't actually running on fumes on the way to the fuel station.  This is full.


Proper update later!


Quick, get those chickens off the roof before they leave you a present! :-)

Top motorcar - well done!!!


Lada Riva for XJS V12? That has to be one of the most bizarre trades ever, even by AS standards. The Jag looks great and couldn't be any more different from what it replaced.

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