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Just because it looks written off doesn't make it written off.


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Your car could have even been damaged before it was delivered to you, and repaired without your knowledge

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So don't start it Dear Fuckface?


If you know the name of the Managing Director and that's his name, then maybe. But if you are unsure I would probably not.

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Your car could have even been damaged before it was delivered to you, and repaired without your knowledge


After it was registered but before delivered ?

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Your car could have even been damaged before it was delivered to you, and repaired without your knowledge


It says the damage occurred in March 2016, the car was registered in October 2014. 

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It says the damage occurred in March 2016, the car was registered in October 2014. 

So JCVD borrowed it,  crashed it, then took it back in time (like in Timecop) to before you bought it and swapped it with another one nearly the same, but not, at the port where it was brought into the country.

Or summat.



Or its phat fingers - have you tried punching in the reg number on the DooVLAy website a digit or so different to see if there are any more similar Jukes?

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If you send them a letter saying your £15000 car is now only worth £500, your letter will be in the bin before they finish the paragraph.


If you present realistic researched figures then you may get somewhere.

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On the plus side (I think). I saw a mysterious new Renault i didn't know existed. It's massive.



Koleos? It sounds like a bowel disease.
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Have you checked the DVLA database to see if there's a Vic marker on it? You usually need one if its cat c (yes I know the system has changed now but it will at least then give you a good clue as to when it may have been wrongly added to the database) but this isn't (wasn't) always the case that a Vic was required although for non commercial vehicles it was in 90% of cases.


If it had been written off there would be a big paper trail, you'd have to have an accident, make a claim,someone should have assessed a highish value car and said that the damage on it was uneconomical to repair which on something like that would be pretty major damage, have invoices/reports from various garages etc to show what car it was, work quotes, most likely photographs of said event and so on. If you get nowhere a quick solution can be a consumer rights program, they love shite like this but my gut feeling is it won't get anywhere near that, this should be sorted ASAP.

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From watching The young ones I am fairly sure all letters to these sort of people have to start with Darling fascist bully boy..........

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Did I tell you I'm a bit of a twat with big faceless companies who ignore the public.

I'd end up in the small claims court and win because they wouldn't turn up.

Bet I can be a much bigger PITA to these companies. My usual response to the jobsworths is 'why should I accept a "no" from someone who has no authority to say "yes"?. That's always closely followed by "please give me your name so I can tell <insert CEO name> how poorly you have dealt with this issue".

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From watching The young ones I am fairly sure all letters to these sort of people have to start with Darling fascist bully boy..........

Much too conciliatory.


When writing you do need to get things like "I am surprised at your delusions of competence" into the communique.

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Dear Sirs/Madams,


Ref: Incorrect information on your database with regards to vehicle reg number ......


I have attempted unsuccessfully via the telephone to get the information corrected and was met by major unhelpfulness.


So let me get this straight for you.


This car was purchased new, and has NEVER been in an accident.

Do to a slight cash flow issue, I wish to sell the car for it's current market value of £15,000 and due to the incorrect data you hold, I have been told it is worth £500 if that.


So I would request you put this right immediately.


This would require you to firstly investigate. For this I'd like a written explanation as to how, why and who was to blame for the incorrect error.

I need this with 5 working days.

Secondly, I need you to remove the Cat C marker immediately

I need this done within 5 working days also.


If you can not do this I will be forced to sell the car at a £14500 loss, and will make a claim in the small claims court to cover that and compensation for lost time at £650 per day.

You can expect proceedings to start after 7 working days.


On the other hand, I'm a reasonable person and mistakes get made, so feel free to offer a different timescale, if you can are prepared to offer me an interest free loan of £14500 whilst you investigate and expedite the repair to your wonderful reputation.


Please note, I have made the assumption that it was a hamfisted employee of your organisation or of an insurance company, and not fraud, because maybe someone in your organisation might have taken a backhander from someone to legitimise a write off and sell it on to an unsuspecting punter with no Cat C marker, so I have contacted the Police just in case and have been given a crime number ....... just in case.


I'm sure your investigation will look into this possibility and I look forward to understanding the root cause.


I digress, you have 5 days. On the 7th day I start legal action.


Yours sin cer ely







Next piece of mail.


How not to do it.

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Bet I can be a much bigger PITA to these companies. My usual response to the jobsworths is 'why should I accept a "no" from someone who has no authority to say "yes"?. That's always closely followed by "please give me your name so I can tell <insert CEO name> how poorly you have dealt with this issue".


Yes because the CEO of a multi million pound company will 


1. Be your best mate that you know by first name terms

2. Have given you a direct line to him so he can listen to your unrealistic demands whilst he reschedules his diary which is booked 2 months in advance

3. Take a walk from his office (which is probably at the other end of the country) to have a chat with the person you were speaking to and instantly fire them, insuring that an innocent person is put out of a job because you of upmost importance is some kind of superior being that must be obeyed and bowed before.

4. stop talking shite


If you put forward a logical case, based on facts and are civil then they will help you.  They are not out to "Screw the little man".  If you try to act like some kind of superior being that must be obeyed and make fantasy demands they will just think you are "one of those" and ignore you


Im not sure what you do for a living but I think you would expect people to be reasonable when dealing with you in a situation


People make mistakes and they are usually as keen to sort it out as you are if they have make a genuine mistake and not realised.

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Dear Sirs/Madams,


Ref: Incorrect information on your database with regards to vehicle reg number ......


I have attempted unsuccessfully via the telephone to get the information corrected and was met by major unhelpfulness.


So let me get this straight for you.


This car was purchased new, and has NEVER been in an accident.

Do to a slight cash flow issue, I wish to sell the car for it's current market value of £15,000 and due to the incorrect data you hold, I have been told it is worth £500 if that.


So I would request you put this right immediately.


This would require you to firstly investigate.  For this I'd like a written explanation as to how, why and who was to blame for the incorrect error.

I need this with 5 working days.

Secondly, I need you to remove the Cat C marker immediately

I need this done within 5 working days also.


If you can not do this I will be forced to sell the car at a £14500 loss, and will make a claim in the small claims court to cover that and compensation for lost time at £650 per day.

You can expect proceedings to start after 7 working days.


On the other hand, I'm a reasonable person and mistakes get made, so feel free to offer a different timescale, if you can are prepared to offer me an interest free loan of £14500 whilst you investigate and expedite the repair to your wonderful reputation.


Please note, I have made the assumption that it was a hamfisted employee of your organisation or of an insurance company, and not fraud, because maybe someone in your organisation might have taken a backhander from someone to legitimise a write off and sell it on to an unsuspecting punter with no Cat C marker,  so I have contacted the Police just in case and have been given a crime number ....... just in case.


I'm sure your investigation will look into this possibility and I look forward to understanding the root cause.


I digress, you have 5 days. On the 7th day I start legal action.


Yours sin cer ely




Er nope, that's what you write if you want it filing in the bin, stick to the facts, drop the insults and pointless waffle, ask for a timescale for it to be resolved and send a hard copy recorded delivery.

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If you go in there all 'I know my rights... this that and the other' they'll have you down as a fool and get treat accordingly. Were I the guy that got that letter I'd not even bother getting to the bottom of the page, I'd file it under B.


Present the facts and ask for a timescale about when it's going to be sorted.

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Am confused. (Easily done) but how is a 2014 car worth £15000 reduced in value to £500 by a Cat C?


Oh... That wasn't actually you or actually correct. Sorry.

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Having the misfortune to occasionally deal with the great unwashed in my current role I can confirm that waffle like that posted by New POD will not help one bit. Not being a dick can work wonders though.

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There's no point in losing the head until you can't make any progress . Experian have a 24 sla so I expect I'll hear on Monday .

If Experian can't do anything then I need to try to escalate it including possibly involving the police and my insurance company if it had been cloned.

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Im a bit lost as to how cloning would work in this scenario.


I understand the usual cloning involves stealing a car, then giving it the identity of an identical not recorded as stolen car so the thieves can sell it on.


The only way I can think of for this is someone has smashed a white 2014 Juke, but then reinsured it elsewhere using your cars details, made a claim, been paid out, bought the salvage back, repaired it, and then give the damaged car its original identity back as it will now not show as written off, but im sure that cant be it. 


Someone please explain because im baffled.

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Dear Sirs/Madams,


Ref: Incorrect information on your database with regards to vehicle reg number ......


I have attempted unsuccessfully via the telephone to get the information corrected and was met by major unhelpfulness.


So let me get this straight for you.


This car was purchased new, and has NEVER been in an accident.

Do to a slight cash flow issue, I wish to sell the car for it's current market value of £15,000 and due to the incorrect data you hold, I have been told it is worth £500 if that.


So I would request you put this right immediately.


This would require you to firstly investigate.  For this I'd like a written explanation as to how, why and who was to blame for the incorrect error.

I need this with 5 working days.

Secondly, I need you to remove the Cat C marker immediately

I need this done within 5 working days also.


If you can not do this I will be forced to sell the car at a £14500 loss, and will make a claim in the small claims court to cover that and compensation for lost time at £650 per day.

You can expect proceedings to start after 7 working days.


On the other hand, I'm a reasonable person and mistakes get made, so feel free to offer a different timescale, if you can are prepared to offer me an interest free loan of £14500 whilst you investigate and expedite the repair to your wonderful reputation.


Please note, I have made the assumption that it was a hamfisted employee of your organisation or of an insurance company, and not fraud, because maybe someone in your organisation might have taken a backhander from someone to legitimise a write off and sell it on to an unsuspecting punter with no Cat C marker,  so I have contacted the Police just in case and have been given a crime number ....... just in case.


I'm sure your investigation will look into this possibility and I look forward to understanding the root cause.


I digress, you have 5 days. On the 7th day I start legal action.


Yours sin cer ely



I can see this letter being passed round the office to much merriment and guffawing. 'LOL take a look at this fucker, he's obviously been given a Judge Judy box set'

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One thing I learnt from dealing with the public is that the ones that shout "I know my rights!", never actually know their rights.

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One thing I've learnt at work is that if people come in all guns blazing they get FdRO. Despite some of the social media-esque replies on here, just be polite and stick to the facts.

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