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There are people, paid real money to do a motoring programme, who don't know a '55 Olds 88?

It's getting a bit dire.


I want that Sennebogen.

Most people, motoring or not, have very little interest in yank motors. I can name most cars from defunct communist states half way across the world but can list the number of yank cars I can recognise on one side of a4. Some people love them but a some see them as a bit naff and pointless.


It is getting better, but the celebrity bit still really grates even when it's someone like Ross Noble.

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Most people, motoring or not, have very little interest in yank motors. I can name most cars from defunct communist states half way across the world but can list the number of yank cars I can recognise on one side of a4. Some people love them but a some see them as a bit naff and pointless.


It is getting better, but the celebrity bit still really grates even when it's someone like Ross Noble.


Particularly when it's Ross Noble.  Is he a comedian?  Is he funny?!

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I'm trying to remember a time when I sat down to watch (or even put on in the background) a TV show which had repeatedly annoyed/irritated/bored me. Maybe I'm more reluctant to give benefit of the doubt to TV shows - I watched just one of those new Tracy Ulman sketch shows and determined that I would never ever watch one again even though the sketches do change from show to show.


It looks like it's slowly growing on a few people which is why they give repeat business but to others it clearly remains a repetitive/uninteresting/unoriginal affair. Going by the thousands of people who descend on the Top Gear Faceache's comments page to whinge about how the presenters are simply not JC and co or how a comment that was made on last night's show was once also made in an approximate form by JC himself umpteen years ago, the unhappy crowd have the real power to just not watch it and cause the viewing figures to plummet to new depths, but are not seemingly doing so.


Therefore, I'd like to thank these folk for continuing to watch it and, by doing so, nicely bolstering the viewing figures so that the producers are appropriately reassured to continue making more of the same. I've happened to enjoyed every episode so far, albiet the latter episodes more than the first couple, and I am keen for them to continue on the same path.


There are certainly some good points made by critics - the star-in-a-car bit is slightly better than it was before but could still be ditched quite easily and not missed. Rory needs to finetune his presenting style a bit for me personally to stop being irritated and I can understand why others want him gone altogether.


But otherwise, I felt that last night's episode was one of the best for a good few years. While this isn't saying that much, admittedly, it's made me feel positive about the directions it may go in the future.

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Most people, motoring or not, have very little interest in yank motors.


Speak for yourself (which you subsequently did).

The Olds 88 is a bit of an automotive landmark and I expect people doing a car show to know cars.

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Speak for yourself (which you subsequently did).

The Olds 88 is a bit of an automotive landmark and I expect people doing a car show to know cars.

I have spent a lifetime looking at cars and learning about cars, but very few yank cars hold any interest at all. Like all things, if you are interested then you tend to think everyone will be the same, reality is that they aren't. You like them, that's great, but not everyone shares that interest, in the same way as I could get irritated that some people don't understand the leap forward that the 'Forth bridge' Franny Barnett was at the time. I wouldn't expect Steve Berry to know one if it was inserted in his Anus sideways.
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Speak for yourself (which you subsequently did).

The Olds 88 is a bit of an automotive landmark and I expect people doing a car show to know cars.


First rock n' roll song about a car, gibber gibber gale force eight

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Please remind me - what exactly was the reason for them to travel to Cuba?

No idea whatsoever, but compared to a lot of the Clarkson era crap it made perfect sense.

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MLB drives an 8 wheeled vehicle from Russia. Rory turns "the world ugliest car" Into a yacht. Ssangyong Rhodius anyone? Other stuff happens. Question is, with this being the last in series, how well was it received? Will the axe be wielded on any or all of the current line up? I recon it takes time for a format like this to bed in and find its feet; but will the Beeb have the patience to persevere? Place your bets.....

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Well this series has been a bit hit and miss for me. Some good car stuff but Rory is beginning to annoy me with all the same cliches and Joey is acting as in interviews he's pretty quite, Chris Harris seems to be being himself.


One thing I am sick of is the cock sucking on the 911.every five seconds there's a new one or some variation of this that or the other, who cares???

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I'm trying to determine who hates that wanker JK most; a dead heat between Harris and LeBlanc, so far. Rory is close behind though.

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Not sure of the need for naked fat people.


Seems to be a universal truth of naturists- those most keen to shed clothes are the last ones that should do so.

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It's been going around for years, at least since the 90s. It is either completely true or made up by BE to enhance his self made borderline mafia image to scare people.

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Is Rory the one who can look out the drivers and passenger side windows at the same time?


I'm looking forward to the return of The Grand Tour, old habits die hard.

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That boat didn't seem to have a lot of Rodius in it. And if the donor Sunseeker was anything other than an insurance write-off, must have cost a fortune.


Jordan's BOAT International review here: (He's rather better written than with a lens trained on him)

A quick Google suggests £25k odd for the boat. Production costs per episode must dwarf that. Adaptation labour couldn't be that cheap either.

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I enjoyed that one. I do so wish they'd sack off Eddie Jordan, though.

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A quick Google suggests £25k odd for the boat. Production costs per episode must dwarf that. Adaptation labour couldn't be that cheap either.


So £30K + for a single use prop. Value!

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Most people, motoring or not, have very little interest in yank motors. I can name most cars from defunct communist states half way across the world but can list the number of yank cars I can recognise on one side of a4. Some people love them but a some see them as a bit naff and pointless.


It is getting better, but the celebrity bit still really grates even when it's someone like Ross Noble.



Sort of. I know a 1959 Cadillac from a 1960, a 62/3/4 Lincoln and know what a Corvair/Pinto/Mustang etc is, but show me most Yank cars 1950-1960 and I haven't a clue. Most 1950's Pontiacs, Buicks etc really do all look the same to me.


Overall? Started iffy, ended very good I thought.

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