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Dollywobbler's Omegawd - Cruisin' (old people can do it too)


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Fantastic video DW, looking forward to part 2!


It looks a lot better in the video than I remember it when I saw it. Must say, it sounds bloody nice.

Good to see your getting stuck into it now too.

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there was a fair bit of oil in the induction system. Duff breather?



Just oil that's got past the turbo seals. EGR is very basic on these, and you can disable it by fitting a 1p coin between the EGR pipe and the intake body.


Bosch DDE2 is a strange old set up - when the engine starts, a relay switches power for the electric in tank pump from the battery to the alternator so that if it crashes and stops, the pump doesn't keep pumping diesel into the ever increasing inferno.


I really wouldn't get involved in the injection pump until it pisses out.


I've no idea what box these have, but the E34 525td (115 bhp) used a 4 speed GM box and the tds (143 bhp) had the five speed ZF.

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This is the GM four-speed, with torque converter lock-up. Only just up to the power apparently, but this one has been used for towing stuff and seems ok.


I don't have much choice other than to replace the seals. It's pissing out far more than is desirable. Believe me, I really don't want to do it, but there is no sensible alternative really. It absolutely stinks every time you come to a halt.

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Enjoyed the video , If anyone can be arsed coming and getting them I have  two rust free rear doors on an estate shell in that colour you can have gratis. 


Ooh, I definitely can. Both rear doors are pretty grim in places. Thanks. 

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What would plod say if they pulled you over and you said you were taking it to an MoT test booked a couple of hundred miles away? I agree that it's legal but I'm sure they would then be all over you and crawling up the exhaust to get you for something.


Sorry, very late to the party here and not at all relevant to this thread any more but you might appreciate this for future use.


Many years ago my friend was moving a Routemaster bus from Watford to Bournemouth using this method. He stopped for a break at Rownhams services where I was meeting him.


Some police started nosing around and being generally difficult to which Colin's response was 'You are here to enforce the law as it stands not make up new ones as you see fit.'


Then again annoying policemen seemed to be a hobby of his at the time. But it's a quote I've always remembered and wished I had the bottle to use.


Great thread so far btw, just read it all. I've been collecting pictures of Omegas on my delivery the last few days which I shall publish once I have the full set. I was going to put them on the lazy spotters thread, though I could put them here if you don't mind me hijacking your thread slightly.

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if you decide to tidy the dash switches up they are the same as vectra b and the early cars had a nice snow flake for the A/C instead of the poxy "eco" economy button as fitted to the OMEGod



if the alarm does strange things you can dis-able the interior sensor by pushing the "running away man" switch just before you get out of car

iirc my vectra used to go off now and the as the temperature changed on a hot day

cant remember if the door switches are a little sensitive either

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Do you want a Haynes Book of Lies for this?


I have one sitting about, yours if you PM me your address, as I have no use for it (and don't intend to get another OMGa).

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The alarm also has its own power sounder battery which are known to go up in flames. I seem to remember the power sounder is under the windscreen wipers.


Worth doing a search on the omega forum.



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/\ What he said, I completely forgot to warn you on that, drivers side scuttle you'll see one torx screw, undo it and lift the scuttle up gently and you'll see what looks like an aftermarket alarm horn , that's the powersounder,, remove it and tape up the remaining connector, smash the powersounder to fuck with a hammer and bin it as if you leave it in the shed etc it can still self combust. The internal battery leaks causing the many,many fires

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/\ What he said, I completely forgot to warn you on that, drivers side scuttle you'll see one torx screw, undo it and lift the scuttle up gently and you'll see what looks like an aftermarket alarm horn , that's the powersounder,, remove it and tape up the remaining connector, smash the powersounder to fuck with a hammer and bin it as if you leave it in the shed etc it can still self combust. The internal battery leaks causing the many,many fires


And there I was starting to think that everything they* said about Vauxhalls was not deserved. At least it isn't parked anywhere near the house...

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Powersounders can catch alight even when unplugged? Might want to take the one I liberated from the car off the wooden shelf in the garage where we keep our paraffin and lighter gas...



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Seal kit arrived, sunshine came out. Yay! I quickly set to work. I marked the pump up with scribes and permanent marker, then pulled it apart and fitted the new seals. Didn't take long to do that, but then I realised that the battery was flat. And the car was parked in a way that prevented me from getting near it with another car.


So, the 2CV (which was parked behind it) gave it a quick tug forward, and the Honda was roped in for more jump start duty. This was a test run prior to fitting the manifold.



I turned the key, the engine fired very smokily into life (impressively so, with fumes belching out of the EGR valve pipe under the bonnet), and then started to rev up. I quickly turned it off, adjusted the pump, tried again, still awful, tried again and voila! Running beautifully.


So, I set about refitting the manifold, which is an arse of a job. I dropped nuts three times, and had to take the manifold off again to rescue the nuts. UGH. Got it all hooked together again, started it up, ran like an absolute pig. Surging on tickover, producing impressive clouds of clag when revved. Balls.


It's pretty much impossible to access the pump with the manifold in place, so I guess I'm going to have to pull the sodding thing off again. I've stopped for lunch now, somewhat miffed, even though buggering up the fuelling was always pretty high in the possibility stakes.

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