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Felly Fav and Trum. *Wanna see a fupped gearbox?*


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It's taking a lot longer than hoped to get things back together mainly due to a crap week at work leaving me not feeling like it but I did the bare minimum to get it driveable. 

Refitting the front bumper means getting the car back to this. 


But as I said it's three nuts for each headlamp and four bolts for the front panel so not really a problem. 

The area behind the headlights was quite grubby but as you're never going to see it I thought it won't matter.


 But then my OCD got the better of me. Just a bit of soapy water and a rag but it looks much better. 


Gave the headlights a bit of a wipe over too then put it all back together never to be seen again. 


Shock horror, I found a mistake by the body shop! They put the door locks in the wrong doors. They still worked fine but the key was upside down. In any other car from the last quarter century that wouldn't make any difference as modern keys are double sided but mine look like this. 


So the serrated edge should point up but it was pointing down. You'd think it wouldn't matter and you'd soon get used to it but after four or five days I'd had enough and swapped them over. The boot lock points up anyway so I had to have them matching. I hadn't refitted the door trims at this point anyway so it wasn't difficult. I can't really fault the body shop for that, it was a very minor thing. 


Also whilst the door trims were off I decided to do some extra rustproofing. The doors are perfect but you can't be too careful. Inside the bottom of the doors had a load of black scog in them 


Which I scooped out as best I could with a rag wrapped round a screwdriver and then filled them with Dinitrol cavity wax. 



This is really runny and never sets. 

I also squirted some in this little hole. 


This turns out to be linked to the rest of inner door and it was good to see it dripping out of all three drain holes in each door. 


Also treated inside the tailgate particularly where the screws hold the spoiler on. I've seen a few rot under the windscreen so it seemed wise. 

Finally a money shot. The Auto Glym bumper gel works well. Not just for re blacking but the water beads up really nicely to go with the paint. 


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I am new to this thread. That Favorit is fucking gorgeous. 

I had one of a similar vintage in about 1999. Same interior I think. Big square Communist buttons. 

It had a piece of mirror tile factory glued to the passenger sun visor so the brochure could claim it had a vanity mirror. 

I remember trying to sell it and the prospective buyer looked a bit pissed off when he discovered it was pissing petrol over the exhaust manifold. TADTS.

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I love my big buttons! Also the covers with the symbols on are only push fitted in place so you could, if you really wanted, swap them all over. Just to confuse anybody that you might lend the car to. Or your MOT tester. But the same buttons, and air vents and a few other trim bits were used in some Tatra 613s, series two I think, so they are proper luxury things. The Tatra had a lot more of them though. 

And the vanity mirror is hilarious and possibly* quite dangerous. Now you've mentioned it I shall have to post a picture tomorrow. 

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This is the quality* vanity mirror. 


It is probably quite dangerous. I ought to remove it really but I don't know what marks would be left behind. I guess I could just keep it in the glove box in case my passenger ever needed a mirror. 

And my big buttons. 


With added finger for perspective. 

And this shows how easy they fall off. 


And of course all six faces (yes I only have six buttons in my car, do you really need more?) are identical and interchangeable. 

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Don't you DARE touch that vanity mirror! Otherwise, how will your Czech bride be able to apply her war paint?

This is exactly as I remember it. It is definitely more fun changing some buttons around to keep people guessing: "Hmm, bit misted up. Heated rear screen please... Oh, that's hazards."

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27 minutes ago, grogee said:

Don't you DARE touch that vanity mirror! Otherwise, how will your Czech bride be able to apply her war paint?

This is exactly as I remember it. It is definitely more fun changing some buttons around to keep people guessing: "Hmm, bit misted up. Heated rear screen please... Oh, that's hazards."

Mrs Yoss may be a little annoyed to find I have a Czech bride but I guess she was bound to find out sooner or later. 

To be fair Lorraine likes the Favorit. She won't touch the Triumph for some reason. Actually I know exactly why. Firstly, it breaks down occasionally. No more than any other fifty year old British car but it has happened enough times to put her off. And secondly the manual choke. She's watched me drive it for the first couple of miles where you don't just pull the choke out but constantly adjust it as you have to accelerate or idle until its warmed up properly and decided that's not for her. 

But she's quite happy to jump in the Favorit and bomb around town and admits it is fun to drive. Not quite so keen at the moment though as I still haven't refitted the interior door handles and you need to firmly grip the tiny metal toggles on the end of the cables that lead to the door mechanism and give them  a sharp tug. She doesn't realise that it takes three times longer to put things back together than it does to take them apart, especially as I'm cleaning and lubricating everything as I go. At least my Czech bride will appreciate these things. 

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I remember the manual choke dance. It was satisfying getting it 'right'. And as you got to know the car it became second nature. It's almost disappointing that modern cars do all this for you, the only time I've ever noticed any difference is in some automatics where they hold the gears longer for quicker warm up.

The problem nowadays is that most people just get in and drive as they normally would without a thought for the mechanicals. Often that means 'drive flat out from 0 degree start' and then new car owners wonder why their engines disintegrate. 

In the olden days you didn't have 100% performance on tap from cold - in fact not even 50% to start with. So you had to treat it gently until things warmed up.

I remember enjoying the Favorit to drive, seem to remember everywhere was pretty much flat out because a) I was a young male, and b) only 70ish horsepower. As you said it was pretty good on fuel, too.

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Yes, with the Triumph in particular you can hear and feel everything working. This is helped by thie fact that I've owned it for 26 years and have, in true Triggers Broom style, replaced almost everything at least once. Even the wiring, I know the routing of it all. So when I press a pedal or flick a switch I know exactly how that action turns into movement or light further along which really does help you have a feel for the car. 

But I know that's not for everybody and I too was young once and did just get in and drive at first. When I first started driving I had the mistaken belief that it couldn't hurt to thrash it as surely manufacturers wouldn't design an engine to go beyond it's limits. I soon learnt otherwise as my second Triumph slowly lost most of its compression as the piston rings broke up.  It took a long time to learn it all, a little bit at a time and you can't expect people to learn it all now anyway as cars are so much more complicated. 

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Yes, it's taken a while to finally get round to it but I'm glad I did. The nearside wing was readily available but the offside one wasn't so I couldn't have done it without you, so thanks. 

Actually that's not entirely true, I have found a company in Plzen who are doing them for £23 each but they don't deliver to the UK. Sounds like a good trip to go and collect them but not very practical. 

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  • 2 months later...
51 minutes ago, ProgRocker said:

@Yoss you have been spotted.

1992 Skoda Favorit 136 LS J815SPE.

Cool Favorit btw. :)

I drove my sister's old burgandy K reg 136 LX once. 

Ha ha, thanks. Was that this afternoon? Just off to get the dogs worming pills. Annoyingly that junction is being shut for 21 weeks from tomorrow and it's only 2 minutes from hour house. It's going to be a real pain.

And I really should get those rear mudflaps refitted, it does look wrong without them. They are the only bits I haven't refitted but I have to jack it up to do them and I really can't be arsed to if I don't have to at this time of year. They really are part of the design, the wheels look really exposed without them. 


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  • 2 months later...

So there's a bit going on here for a change so I thought I'd do a very occasional update. 

Felicia is having a few problems. We'll, one problem really. It keeps dying when you lift off the throttle to come to a halt. But not every time, about one in three I'd say. Also the idle speed is up and down like a brides nightie to quote John Shuttleworth. This all sort of points to the throttle body but that's not that old, about three years or so. The original one lasted twenty years so I'd expect the new one to last more than three, though it is of course new old stock.

I plugged in my cheap code reader and it came up with a duff O2 sensor. So that was replaced but to no avail. Cheap code reader says nothing so I decide to take it to my friendly local independent Škoda specialists, Jean Pierre in Shirley. They used to be a main dealer but like a lot of these small family run places they were dropped when Škoda got too big. Their showroom only holds four cars. 

Anyway they plugged it in to their computer as they have the full VCDS or VAGcom or whatever it is called these days. Still no faults so they recalibrated the throttle body and has improved but not cured it. So we both decided it's probably the throttle body despite its relative newness. So a replacement was found for £45 on ebay. I was expecting it to be cheap Chinese shit but it arrived today and surprisingly says made in Germany on the side and does look absolutely identical to the other one. 

Obviously I wasn't allowed in their workshop while they checked it over so I had to watch from afar. 


So I passed the time looking round their cars for sale. Decided I liked this nice Octavia Scout. 


Much nicer and more exclusive than a VRS, probably rides better but pretty much the same spec inside. A bit surprised it was £19k for a five year old car though but looking online when I got home suggests this is about right. I know second hand prices have been rising, and I'm not in the market for such things anyway. 

But round the back was something more my style. I took these for @AnnoyingPentium.



A Classic so quite Base, though it did have electric windows. Really tidy though with a matching set of Michelin Cross climates so obviously looked after. It wasn't for sale though, it belonged to somebody who worked there. 

So I have a throttle body to fit now but I have to sort the Favorit out first... 

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On 11/1/2021 at 7:05 PM, Yoss said:

This is the quality* vanity mirror. 


It is probably quite dangerous. I ought to remove it really but I don't know what marks would be left behind. I guess I could just keep it in the glove box in case my passenger ever needed a mirror. 

And my big buttons. 


With added finger for perspective. 

And this shows how easy they fall off. 


And of course all six faces (yes I only have six buttons in my car, do you really need more?) are identical and interchangeable. 

I've just caught up with this, I have some offcuts of mirrored acrylic. Let me know the dimensions by pm and I'll post a bit off to you trimmed to size.

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MOT time for Favorit. It's usually pretty painless with this. I normally like to give it a once  over before I take it in but I'd spent all my spare time faffing with Felicia so I just had a quick check of the basics without jacking anything up. 

A couple of minor problems. Brake imbalance on the front. This is the offside front caliper sticking. It was like it when I picked it up five years ago and I've had to free it up a couple of times since. I usually do it before the mot but as I said I just ran out of time. But I noticed this time that the rubber seal round the piston has gone hard and misshapen and there is surface rust on the piston. So two new calipers are on their way but I'm hoping I've freed it up enough for the retest. 

On the other side the CV boot was split. It's not too bad a job, just messy with all the old grease everywhere. My own preferred method of getting the driveshaft out of the CV joint is to clamp mole grips on to the shaft as tight as possible then place a long extension bar on the jaws of the clamp and give it a good wack. When I got the shaft out the circlip was broken and I suspect it was already broken judging by how easy it came out. So I've put it back in without the circlip. I don't think it can come out again once every thing is bolted back together. 


This is full lock and the splines are buried deep in to the CV. I should have taken more pics but it's such a messy job I didn't. This is the general mess all over the drive. 



But the biggest shock was that Neil, my MOT tester poked a big hole in the floor. This is quite annoying as I thought I'd got everything before the respray. Certainly there was no sign of this last year and now I've a big  hole about eight inches long. 


Fortunately nowhere near the new paintwork but annoying nonetheless. My mobile welder will be here Monday morning to patch this up in his 1991 VW Transporter. I guess I'm just going to have to accept that if I'm using it everyday I will be chasing the rust quite regularly. 

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3 minutes ago, DSdriver said:

I've just caught up with this, I have some offcuts of mirrored acrylic. Let me know the dimensions by pm and I'll post a bit off to you trimmed to size.

Thanks, I'll try and remember to measure it tomorrow. Originality is nice but that really does look quite lethal doesn't it? Replacing it with acrylic should get me an extra star on my euro ncap rating. 

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Get some cavity wax inside those sills after it’s been welded and there’ll be no more holes for a long time.

Love the thread and love the car.  The non bevelled mirror looks absolutely lethal however!!!

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29 minutes ago, Dyslexic Viking said:

Liked for everything except the rust hole. This was annoying but good you can easily get it fixed.

Yeah, annoying but not too much of a problem. I shall get it all jacked up ready tomorrow and clean everything up ready so hopefully when Tony arrives Monday morning it shouldn't take too long and I can get it back for retest the same afternoon. 

16 minutes ago, MJK 24 said:

Get some cavity wax inside those sills after it’s been welded and there’ll be no more holes for a long time.

Love the thread and love the car.  The non bevelled mirror looks absolutely lethal however!!!

I have used Dinitrol rust converter and cavity wax all over it but I must have missed this bit. There is an inner sill inside with big holes in like so... 


I need to make sure I get the wax on both sides of this but I will some how. The Dinitrol comes with a long wand with a neat nozzle that sprays in all directions. 

Also handy to note that both inner and outer sills are still available and cheap from this company in Plzen.


I've used them a few times for smaller stuff but they won't deliver body panels. They obviously don't trust their courier so I'd have to drive to CZ to pick them up. Sounds like a good reason for a road trip. 

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13 hours ago, Yoss said:

This is the offside front caliper sticking

Mine used to do that too (probably due to lack of use). Had to kick it/whack it a few times! 

Great work on this.

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19 hours ago, Yoss said:

So there's a bit going on here for a change so I thought I'd do a very occasional update. 

Felicia is having a few problems. We'll, one problem really. It keeps dying when you lift off the throttle to come to a halt. But not every time, about one in three I'd say. Also the idle speed is up and down like a brides nightie to quote John Shuttleworth. This all sort of points to the throttle body but that's not that old, about three years or so. The original one lasted twenty years so I'd expect the new one to last more than three, though it is of course new old stock.

I plugged in my cheap code reader and it came up with a duff O2 sensor. So that was replaced but to no avail. Cheap code reader says nothing so I decide to take it to my friendly local independent Škoda specialists, Jean Pierre in Shirley. They used to be a main dealer but like a lot of these small family run places they were dropped when Škoda got too big. Their showroom only holds four cars. 

Anyway they plugged it in to their computer as they have the full VCDS or VAGcom or whatever it is called these days. Still no faults so they recalibrated the throttle body and has improved but not cured it. So we both decided it's probably the throttle body despite its relative newness. So a replacement was found for £45 on ebay. I was expecting it to be cheap Chinese shit but it arrived today and surprisingly says made in Germany on the side and does look absolutely identical to the other one. 

Obviously I wasn't allowed in their workshop while they checked it over so I had to watch from afar. 


So I passed the time looking round their cars for sale. Decided I liked this nice Octavia Scout. 


Much nicer and more exclusive than a VRS, probably rides better but pretty much the same spec inside. A bit surprised it was £19k for a five year old car though but looking online when I got home suggests this is about right. I know second hand prices have been rising, and I'm not in the market for such things anyway. 

But round the back was something more my style. I took these for @AnnoyingPentium.



A Classic so quite Base, though it did have electric windows. Really tidy though with a matching set of Michelin Cross climates so obviously looked after. It wasn't for sale though, it belonged to somebody who worked there. 

So I have a throttle body to fit now but I have to sort the Favorit out first... 

I do like that wee Fabia, it's nice in the blue. :)

I used Skoda-Parts for getting the spring for my fuel filler cap. I had arranged with a member of Briskoda who is now in Germany to relay it since customs was about £20 for a 30p part. :o

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9 minutes ago, AnnoyingPentium said:

I do like that wee Fabia, it's nice in the blue. :)

I used Skoda-Parts for getting the spring for my fuel filler cap. I had arranged with a member of Briskoda who is now in Germany to relay it since customs was about £20 for a 30p part. :o

Must admit I've not used them since full brexit but their postage to the UK was a flat rate of £8-10ish so I would buy quite a lot at a time. They were so cheap anyway it made it worth it. I have several boxes of unusual parts now. 

3 hours ago, egg said:

Mine used to do that too (probably due to lack of use). Had to kick it/whack it a few times! 

Great work on this.

Thanks. You are partly responsible for all this happening anyway. I would have found one eventually but maybe not this one without you putting it on the ebay thread. Not sure if I should thank you or shake a raised fist! I'm pretty sure it's the former. 

Another one might not have been so good and I might have just scratched the itch and moved on but this one, whilst not perfect was good enough to deserve the attention. And better ones rarely come up. And everybody loves the colour. 


So I've jacked it up as high as I can front and rear to give better access for Tony tomorrow. 




And given it a going over with the wire wheel on an angle grinder. I've not cut any out yet, I'll let him do that, he knows what he's doing, I've just cleaned it up so we can see how big the hole is. 


About six inches long. It gets a bit close to that corner but the corner itself seems solid. 

Also a bit concerned about the proximity of the suspension arm bolt. 


But hopefully if need be we can take the nut off and push it back a bit. Otherwise it suddenly becomes a much bigger job. We'll find out tomorrow. 

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Weldings done. 


Not the neatest job but the inner edge looked very awkward and cleaning it up properly revealed more holes as it usually does. But I couldn't do any better and you'll never see it unless I am running you over. The outer edge was spot welded as it was originally which also leaves the drain hole clear. 

He also sprayed this stuff up inside which looks like good stuff. 



Tony has this as his work van. I've posted pictures of it before but have another one anyway. There aren't many 31 year old vans still being used for business (Citroën H coffee vans don't count). 


I was actually performing a useful task here as he asked me to stand there and block the sun so he could see better.

I slapped some Bonda Primer on before taking it back for its retest. 


This is about the best primer you can buy, I reckon. I'll get some stonechip on (Dinitrol) once this has dried.







As mentioned a few posts back I need to get some cavity wax in there. It was Tony who pointed these out. 


I'd stripped the carpets and trim out just in case anything caught fire and there's a bit of trim here with two push in clips. The clips push in to these grommets which are easily removable. Bingo. These are directly over the bit that's just been welded. They seem obvious once you have them pointed out to you but I wish I'd thought of it a couple of years ago when I waxed the rest of it. Then I might not have needed the welding now, but there you go, that's life. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now the MOT is out of the way I can start playing with more fun stuff. The offside speaker had started crackling but no worry, I bought these at a Skodafest a few years back. 


This is the drivers side speaker housing, with speaker. It sits in the footwell with the speaker facing the passengers. Mk2 Favs had speakers in the doors like everybody else but the mk1s were down here which is much easier to access and has the added advantage of no wires in to the doors for added simplicity. 

From behind. Dated Sept 1993. 


Whilst the label on the bag it came in says up to 01 93 which would be the end of mk1 production. 


So these would have been made as spares after the end of production. 

Incidentally the new speakers are May and Scofield who I've never heard of but they are still going and based in Basingstoke. They do some very specialist electronics for the car and rail industry and don't seem to do car speakers anymore.

I was just going to swap the whole unit over but when I pulled it out, just two clips, it had this mystery unit attached. 


Looks like a small amplifier but I've really no idea. Anyway this turned out to be very firmly attached with double sided tape so I just unscrewed the speakers and swapped them over. 

Old and new. The new one is much shinier. Shiny is good. 



The old speaker is Mobelec...


who I've never heard of either but even the May and Scofield one sits in a Mobelec housing. 


So all fitted and I fired it up. The new speaker was perfect but as I kept turning  it up the nearside one started  crackling. Well I bought both sides (for £20 about five tears ago, bargain) so I may as well do both sides. 

The nearside was easier as it didn't have the mystery unit stuck to it. So let's try again. I put this in. 


And wound it up as far as I dare without upsetting the neighbours and the dog. I have to say, considering this was very much a budget car they sound great. I turned it up to point that even I found uncomfortable and Bruce was doing his stuff with no distortion at all. I'm impressed. 

The only slight problem is that the Russians have hacked my stereo. 


I accidentally changed the language whilst trying to do something else and haven't managed to figure out what I did yet. I need to find out what the Russian word for language is. 

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2 minutes ago, Yoss said:

I need to find out what the Russian word for language is. 

язык - according to Google Translate. :)

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That little black box and connector looks very like the hugely overcomplicated dim-dip units my Estelles had.

Everyone else just used a big wirewound resistor, not good enough for Skoda who used a fancy transistorised module.

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1 minute ago, AnnoyingPentium said:

язык - according to Google Translate. :)

Thanks. It'll be a combination of the round button, twisting or pushing, and the menu button in the right order. I had a quick play whilst blasting Two Minutes to Midnight out at ear bleeding volume but kept going round in circles. 

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