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Hit and run car accident (victim) - advice needed!


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I must buy a dash cam. This sort of incident seems far more common these days and without that evidence nothing seems to get resolved.

This happened to me this afternoon, had I not caught her swinging wildly across the lanes out of the corner of my eye it could have easily 


been a bent passenger side of the Almera... Had she buggered off in that scenario it would have been her word against mine more than likely.


Dashcams - worth it.



been a bent passenger side of the Almera...

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Phone the police, tell them that you are outside the culprits house with a stanleyknife gaffa taped to the head of a claw hammer and unless they come round in 1 minute 35 seconds then they better bring a meat truck as well.


Bet they would be interested then. Cunts.


Sadly it sounds like one of those 'on-the-chin' events I'm afraid. I would be really angry if it were me.

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If an insurance claim were made wouldn't they be interested in details of the other alleged party?


How big an incident does it have to be before the police are interested ?


I suppose if no injuries are sustained (other than to pride) its not worth getting upset about - though I was really annoyed when a wheelie bin fell on the new panda and scarred it's flanks.


Modern life is indeed rubbish.

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And this is the real reason crime figures are falling - no-one bothers to report half the stuff because there's no response.

Yes your right. But after a few issues I've had in the recent past where it seems pissed up louts, selfish drivers etc etc are able to do as they please to me and my property aswell as other people you do just have to accept that your beating your head against a wall with it all. Nobody cares anymore sadly.


Once a few years ago now, I was working at night with a colleague in a city centre in a substation. Along came a big crowd of pissed up kids, rampaging down the street kicking off, abusing anyone they came into contact with, smashing bottles etc. they spotted us working and started getting mouthy.

My colleague rang the police who told him they were too busy and won't be coming out!

This could of easily got serious, and we were massively outnumbered by them. If they wanted to they could of easily done anything. I'm a big guy but I'm not afraid to admit it was a scary and threatening situation to be in.

In the end my colleague called the police again and this time told them they'd better come out and get rid of these idiots as we have tools here and if these kids start were going to use them!

Funnily enough not a couple of mins later a police car and two coppers turned up!


What do you have to do now to get a response? If the kids would have kicked off badly then we could of been robbed, beaten shitless or even worse.



It's not the police men and women that are the problem, far from it. It's the way they are run, and then let down aswell by the courts.


And I apologise for the thread hijack.

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Yes your right. But after a few issues I've had in the recent past where it seems pissed up louts, selfish drivers etc etc are able to do as they please to me and my property aswell as other people you do just have to accept that your beating your head against a wall with it all. Nobody cares anymore sadly.

Once a few years ago now, I was working at night with a colleague in a city centre in a substation. Along came a big crowd of pissed up kids, rampaging down the street kicking off, abusing anyone they came into contact with, smashing bottles etc. they spotted us working and started getting mouthy.

My colleague rang the police who told him they were too busy and won't be coming out!

This could of easily got serious, and we were massively outnumbered by them. If they wanted to they could of easily done anything. I'm a big guy but I'm not afraid to admit it was a scary and threatening situation to be in.

In the end my colleague called the police again and this time told them they'd better come out and get rid of these idiots as we have tools here and if these kids start were going to use them!

Funnily enough not a couple of mins later a police car and two coppers turned up!

What do you have to do now to get a response? If the kids would have kicked off badly then we could of been robbed, beaten shitless or even worse.

It's not the police men and women that are the problem, far from it. It's the way they are run, and then let down aswell by the courts.

And I apologise for the thread hijack.

Sadly the police have to pick up where other agencies leave off. This, coupled with horrendous cuts has made a bad situation worse. The public now ring the police for almost anything.


Just remember what the home secretary and minister for policing said - crime is coming down.


Utter, utter bollocks.

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Sadly the police have to pick up where other agencies leave off. This, coupled with horrendous cuts has made a bad situation worse. The public now ring the police for almost anything.

Just remember what the home secretary and minister for policing said - crime is coming down.

Utter, utter bollocks.

It is utter bollocks, it's mostly a case of either crime figures being fiddled and/or people not bothering to report things that make it look all rosy.


I hope no one thinks I'm having a pop at the police, I'm really not. I know they are massively over worked and under staffed and funded.

I actually almost became a copper once!

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The police won't give a fuck I'm afraid. It's circumstantial evidence that he's caused you to run off the road if you can't recall the plate. In all likelihood if they quiz him, he'll say he knows nothing about what they've put to him, unless he falls into the trap of denying something specific that he'd only known if he'd been there.

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It is utter bollocks, it's mostly a case of either crime figures being fiddled and/or people not bothering to report things that make it look all rosy.

I hope no one thinks I'm having a pop at the police, I'm really not. I know they are massively over worked and under staffed and funded.

I actually almost became a copper once!

Several of my family are coppers and decent ones (I think) but a lot get disillusioned after a few years but then so would I if I repeatedly caught the same scumbag only for the courts to let them off with a slap on the wrist. I guess it's easy to get to the point of thinking why bother and then we are all bolloxed
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This is why some people call the cops after falling to the ground with a back injury, giving a good description of the car and asking for medical help. Injury makes it serious.

No injury claim if no lasting injury obviously.

Like many uk services, police are expected to do everything with less and less.


We all need to vote for the party that funds the country properly by raising taxes.

I,ll get my coat...

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Several of my family are coppers and decent ones (I think) but a lot get disillusioned after a few years but then so would I if I repeatedly caught the same scumbag only for the courts to let them off with a slap on the wrist. I guess it's easy to get to the point of thinking why bother and then we are are bolloxed

I don't tend to meet that many cops (I'm a good boy!) but the ones I have met are always nice professional and reasonable people. I think it's one of those jobs you could only do if you have a passion to help people and care.

It must really get through to the coppers to keep arresting and dealing with the same faces over and over.


The ones that came out on the night I mentioned above were happy to help and were nice enough. It didn't seem to be any hassle to them to come and deal with what was going on.

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I've just finished giving at statement at my local police station. Whilst I did feel a bit of a prat for wasting his time with something relatively trivial (an opinion he didn't refute!) he was as helpful as he could be. The report is going to be filed away (probably under nuisance) and it doesn't sound like they will be investigating it further.

What I do think is odd is that he's given me the name and address of the registered owner of the car in question! He didn't give me their insurance details (although I have those already through the askMID site) and sent me on my way!


Now I'm really not sure how to proceed!

1. Call their insurer and file a claim. I don't know how far I'd get. Also, given that the only witnesses are myself and my partner, it would be easy for them to deny all knowledge or even file a counter-claim(?) saying that it was the other way around, meaning at best what would be at best a 50/50 settlement between our insurers and increased insurance premiums for me anyway, and at worst an at fault accident against me!

2. Take it on a chin as one of life's shit moments, repair it myself and move on. This goes against what I think is right - the police don't want to prosecute and the other party deserves everything coming at them.

3. Take the naval option and bombard their house with missiles (most satisfying option)


Again, in the grand scheme of things it wasn't by any means a catastrophe but I know given the same circumstances I would have stopped, I think they should be 'taught a lesson' or at least made to learn through the wallet!


Any more advice is welcome guys, thanks again for the comments (and healthy debate!)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Call their insurers, tell them you have a witness [no need to say who] and have reported it to the police [did Plod give you a reference number?]

Something may, or may not, happen.

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Call your own insurance, give them the details and let them do the job you pay them for.

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Call your own insurance, give them the details and let them do the job you pay them for.

I say do this^^.

I'm still sure you won't get much out of this, but it's worth having a try.

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Call your own insurance, give them the details and let them do the job you pay them for.

Won't I get a dry bum-raping from my insurer come renewal time? Or have to pay my excess immediately and try to claim it back?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Although I agree with Cavcraft be careful.

A few years ago I had problem neighbours and enquired about a claim when they smashed most of the windows in my Land Rover.I only enquired about the windscreen but the excess (trader's policy) was more than a new 'screen so didn't pursue it.Didn't notice until the third renewal there was a claim pending attached to the policy.Because I'd enquired about the windscreen they'd put a claim pending marker against my insurance.

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Call their insurers, tell them you have a witness [no need to say who] and have reported it to the police [did Plod give you a reference number?]

Something may, or may not, happen.

 Call their insurers, get the name of who you are talking to, tell them you want to make a claim on their insurance as they caused an accident then drove off without stopping or giving details, you have a witness and you have reported it all to the Police (ref number). You want a claim form and the matter sorted ASAP as your costs are going up daily. You only need to give them the basic details.

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  • 7 months later...

I remember an episode of Columbo where the offender was caught by a judicious search of car bodyshops. Wouldn't take long to do a bit of investigation...

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Tesco have them in some petrol stations for £20. They do the job.


I bought two of those, thinking 'bargain'.  One for Wife and one for old Dad.


They're hopeless.  Battery life is in minutes so have to be plugged into cigarette lighter at all times with the mess that creates, and once you look at the footage barely anything is clear enough to use.  1080p my arse, the CCD is more like 512.


Spend more money


As you were

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Back on subject


I would have done 'Option 1' anytime.


Pending claim marker or not, the scrote is local so you're going to bump into them again.  Probably literally. 


We're never going to have good neighbourhoods and a decent citizen mindset if we give up

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