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Autoshite Track Events

The Moog

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice one ! Have you booked ? Only two places left now


What will you be bringing to the 'hill ?

My bro has booked:)


We are undecided yet, though likely something starting with a 3

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Off snowboarding that week with the munchkin and friends…….. I'm interested in attending one of these - what's the pre-requisites? Just turn up with MoT'd car - or track car? what else is needed? I just want to blast round knockhill………..

Hire cars not allowed I suppose………. :-D

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Off snowboarding that week with the munchkin and friends…….. I'm interested in attending one of these - what's the pre-requisites? Just turn up with MoT'd car - or track car? what else is needed? I just want to blast round knockhill………..

Hire cars not allowed I suppose………. :-D


Take your licence, with Track Scotland you need to book a space with them. With Knockhill you go direct but more expensive.

Any car is allowed, they don't check so use common sense and away you go.

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Hire cars not allowed I suppose………. :-D

Occasionally you do see a fancy BMW or Audi with the number plates suspiciously removed - someone's company car or hire car they don't want to get spotted ? How much shit would they be in if they pranged it though ?


With TrackScotland, there's an expectation that you are a sensible sort of chap with a decent motor, boy racers are not encouraged. This doesn't mean you need to spend megabucks, just that it is in good condition and driven sensibly. I've been taking my various mx5s for many years and always enjoyed myself, the only time I've done any damage was a busted fanbelt and a couple of trips into the gravel. I suspect there are times I'm having way more fun than the guys in the skylines and evos, pushing the mazda to the limits is awesome :)

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With TrackScotland, there's an expectation that you are a sensible sort of chap with a decent motor, boy racers are not encouraged.

Sounds entirely reasonable


just that it is in good condition and driven sensibly.


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  • 4 weeks later...

over time, folks have debated the relative merits of a 1.6 or a 1.8 mx5, I got some video software (that I clearly can't use very well) so put these two together


I can't recall who was passengering at the time - does anyone recognise those helmets :)



lots of squealy tyre squeal from the 1.8, I reckon the 1.6 was better set up and sounds better being thrashed


ps. trackscotland next weekend :)

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Just don't bend anything or the drive home is wobbly!


3 sisters in Wigan is worth looking at Ghosty as closer to home - I think javelin has a few days there.



Until I get BAL water pump fixed I had better give trackdays a swerve.

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I can't recall who was passengering at the time - does anyone recognise those helmets :)


In the Black car that is Chuck, stereotype,  which will be the time that Sid fucked its power steering pipe, going the wrong way round was very odd!

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  • 3 months later...

it's trackday time again lads !

tonight, I'll be heading to Teeside Autodrome for an open pit track session, last time I was there, I crashed AVO into the tyre wall so will be hoping not to repeat that particular feat :)

this session is open to all and sundry so may be saddled with a bunch of boy racers but it's pretty cheap for three hours of track time, I'm willing to give it a go.

anyone else fancy a look along ?


prices are £40 per car, £20 per additional driver and £10 per passenger.

helmets are not supplied so you do need to bring your own lid  

bloke I spoke to reckons that as they don't take bookings in advance, you need to be there before 4pm to get a place

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"right then lads, remember, this is a trackday, not a race"

"yes, sir"

"so what is it, lads ?"

"a trackday, sir"

"and what is it not, lads ?"

"a race, sir"

"ok lads, go and have some fun"



fucking hell, you couldn't have more fun for £40 in Thailand ! well, maybe you could, but it wouldn't last for three hours ! 

what a cracking session, the next one is 1st July, get it in your diary now :)

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I'd love to get involved in something track related, having done sprints, autotesting and drag before in the past. 

Always in the most inappropriate cars mind you... 


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A good selection of cars in attendance last night, half a dozen mx5s, several civic typeRs, integras, clios, 3-series bmws, a screaming mini cooper S, a puma, a couple of peueots, a Porsche 928 and a kit car with an mx5 turbo engine. Driving standards were very good, with only 3-4 stoppages in the whole three hour session. They ran an open pit lane arrangement, numbers were limited on track at one time, you just join the queue in the pit lane and are let out as someone else comes in, in reality, there was never more than a couple of minutes wait to re-join the action. Teeside is a short, twisty track which ideally suits small agile cars such as my little mazda, there was a skyline and an evo there but I don't think they got many laps in. 

I'm not sure how long a lap of the circuit is but I racked up a stonking 125km in the three hour session, probably not a kick in the arse off 100 laps ! half a tank of fuel was consumed and my tyres shall now be considered 'track use only' as the remaining tread may as well be drawn on with a marker :)

I spent a bit of time chatting to other drivers, the atmosphere was very friendly and relaxed, quite a few had family / friends along for passenger laps and to hold the coats.

at £40 per car, £20 per second driver and £10 per passenger, it was unbeatable value, I will definitely be becoming a regular here. 



















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15 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

I'd love to get involved in something track related, having done sprints, autotesting and drag before in the past. 

Always in the most inappropriate cars mind you... 


that certainly looks like an inappropriate choice of vehicle but I bet it was still a load of fun ! 

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26 minutes ago, gm said:

that certainly looks like an inappropriate choice of vehicle but I bet it was still a load of fun ! 

Yeah. Mazda 929.

I did an autotest at Santa POD in it and the timer said it was the worst handling car he'd seen. Still didn't come last though. 

Shortened front springs and lowering blocks on the back (leaf sprung) may have been something to do with it. 

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