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The Autoshite holy grail is now one of us!


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no I'm a lover of old british tat, but surely autoshite should be about driving the best examples of old shit they can find, the thing i find with most people who run old knackers, is the fact they buy the very worst cared for example of a car thats had no money spent on it, buy it, try to run it on buttons, then when it goes wrong which is most of the time, they then say the usual "fucking piece of shit", don't know why everybody raves on about vw, mines a piece of shit, maybe if people didn't buy the biggest bag of bollox they could find, and actually bought a better cared for example then they might get some enjoyment of driving said old shitbox, but i just find it weird that some guys on here buy absolute fucked heaps for half what a nice one is, then spend the same again on heap to get it fairly drivable only to still be left with a drivable fucked shitbox, worth fuck all, then after 10 minutes of attention on here sell it for fuck all, and go and buy another shed and do it all over again cos their bored with the car they have had for ten minutes.


this is a great site and it would be better if the quality of old shit was brought up a bit to include nicer examples more than the usual fucked old 205s run on veg oil which no one gives a fuck about anymore, id like to see someone find a nice 205 dizzler, and actually put some actual deasel in the damn thing, and get it so its worth looking at, all these battered old shitboxes on here i see in asda in my town and generally they are driven by people who the biggest fucknuggets you'd never want to meet.


lately its more scrapyard challenge than old shite, i can understand some guys don't have much spare cash, but when you invest in some of the crocks of shit I've seen posted on here, do you ever wonder why you've got no money.

perhaps you could start your own forum, www.snobbyshite.com ?


And a few days after your 'apology' you seem to be doing your best to offend a significant number of people on here. What's the point? If you don't like the content there is always piston heads, I am sure you would fit in well.

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As nice as that L spec is, it's a bit decadent and common in comparison to GLORIOUS POV SPEC CAR.  It's also silver, which is super boring.

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Just seeing that Sierra makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. It brings back happy memories from a not very happy childhood.

I always see a cartoon raccoon when I look at grey-grilled Sierras although I don't care enough about this observation that I'm going to find and post a picture to embellish it.

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As nice as that L spec is, it's a bit decadent and common in comparison to GLORIOUS POV SPEC CAR.  It's also silver, which is super boring.


take the wheel trims off, spray the grill with some matt black, take the steel wheels off and hammer them with a sledge hammer, kerb it a few times and it will drive just like they did in the good old days, jobs a good un.

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no I'm a lover of old british tat, but surely autoshite should be about driving the best examples of old shit they can find, the thing i find with most people who run old knackers, is the fact they buy the very worst cared for example of a car thats had no money spent on it, buy it, try to run it on buttons, then when it goes wrong which is most of the time, they then say the usual "fucking piece of shit", don't know why everybody raves on about vw, mines a piece of shit, maybe if people didn't buy the biggest bag of bollox they could find, and actually bought a better cared for example then they might get some enjoyment of driving said old shitbox, but i just find it weird that some guys on here buy absolute fucked heaps for half what a nice one is, then spend the same again on heap to get it fairly drivable only to still be left with a drivable fucked shitbox, worth fuck all, then after 10 minutes of attention on here sell it for fuck all, and go and buy another shed and do it all over again cos their bored with the car they have had for ten minutes.


this is a great site and it would be better if the quality of old shit was brought up a bit to include nicer examples more than the usual fucked old 205s run on veg oil which no one gives a fuck about anymore, id like to see someone find a nice 205 dizzler, and actually put some actual deasel in the damn thing, and get it so its worth looking at, all these battered old shitboxes on here i see in asda in my town and generally they are driven by people who the biggest fucknuggets you'd never want to meet.


lately its more scrapyard challenge than old shite, i can understand some guys don't have much spare cash, but when you invest in some of the crocks of shit I've seen posted on here, do you ever wonder why you've got no money.


I'm fairly new on here, but I think I totally understand where most folk on here are coming from - you my friend it seems do not, you seem not to have that affection for the underdog, the unloved and unkempt, the thrills and spills of driving a vehicle which could ruin your day at any given moment.


This place is not for everyone it seems, although a love for old Brits must mean there is hope for you yet!

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i just find it weird that some guys on here buy absolute fucked heaps for half what a nice one is, then spend the same again on heap to get it fairly drivable only to still be left with a drivable fucked shitbox, worth fuck all, then after 10 minutes of attention on here sell it for fuck all, and go and buy another shed and do it all over again cos their bored with the car they have had for ten minutes.

Are you my dad?

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the thrills and spills of driving a vehicle which could ruin your day at any given moment.


This eloquently and succinctly explains the sudden influx of Renner Laguni (plural)

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i just find it weird that some guys on here buy absolute fucked heaps for half what a nice one is, then spend the same again on heap to get it fairly drivable only to still be left with a drivable fucked shitbox, worth fuck all, then after 10 minutes of attention on here sell it for fuck all, and go and buy another shed and do it all over again cos their bored with the car they have had for ten minutes.


This is Autoshite and that's how we roll.


My sierra is now valued at eleventybillion pounds.

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Some people don't get it. I won't pretend I like sierras - especially not the jelly mould shapes, but I am pleased that there are people who do.

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I'm fairly new on here, but I think I totally understand where most folk on here are coming from - you my friend it seems do not, you seem not to have that affection for the underdog, the unloved and unkempt, the thrills and spills of driving a vehicle which could ruin your day at any given moment.


This place is not for everyone it seems, although a love for old Brits must mean there is hope for you yet!


the thrills and spills of driving something that some knuckle dragger has bodged up with filler n old biscuit tins, that when you brake pulls you crazily to one side or another, that when you accelerate pulls you to one side or the other, that the heater doesn't work anymore, that fuses have been replaced by tinfoil, that seatbelt mountings are held in with a big dollop of fibreglass, yes i must admit I'm not getting it am i. makes me want to go and get said cars and have the kudos of doing so just on those merits alone.


cmon for fucks sake, buying a car thats a worthless lump of dogshit and spending money on buying more fucked parts to go on it just to put up pics on a random website, so that 10 or so guys can justify why they do the same.


some people on here cry that they are hard up, their circumstances are tough, they've no money, life is hard etc etc, then time after time piss away there hard earned cash on some heap that is dead, time after time after time, your either kidding yourselves, your not that hard up, or for the reason i really think, is that some people are attention whores, cos lets face it, if you bought a nicer example of whatever shed you want, chances are its not going to go wrong all the time and that limits your excuse to post thread after thread of look at me look at me i smell of wee.


so in fairness we need more old shite, but not old shit.

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Hey has anyone bothered to look up the MOT history of this car. I did and it's amazingly ballache free! A few service things like u/s lower arms, steering and braking stuff but nothing that resembles a car that has been nursed from one prescribed area to the next.


Obvz the time period covered by the MOT site is a mere sliver of this cars total lifespan, but it's a good indication eh?


Shouldn't judge a book by its cover!


Also this actual car is a celebrity amongst shite spotters, a bit like that ancient blue series 1 Chrysler Alpine that lived in Brighton or somewhere for yonks.

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Some people do actually like cars like this Sierra. It's about having one in a state that isn't the usual cheque book restored show car and having one that looks like a lot of them did way back whenever when they were just old battered cars. It doesn't mean that the brakes are fucked and it's full of fibreglass in important places.

My Granada is in a similar condition to this Sierra, it looks like a mid 90's council estate condition, but I can assure you it's mechanically and structurally sound, evidenced by it's ability to pass the mot every year with little or no hassle, something many cars much newer seem to struggle with.

Some people also enjoy the challenge of buying something like this and bringing it back up to a decent state. It's a hobby and way to spend free time for many of us. Any chump can go out and buy a nice one.


Besides, this car can't be all that bad given the fact it's still here, long after most have long gone. It's also nice that it's a rare early spec and surely that alone should mean it's worth saving.


And for the record, I and most others on here don't actually come here for some sort of perceived celebrity status or to boast about our shitty cars then plead poverty.

It's about doing something you enjoy and sharing it here with other like minded people. I'm sure not everybody on here likes my cars but do I give a shit? No, not really.

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the thrills and spills of driving something that some knuckle dragger has bodged up with filler n old biscuit tins, that when you brake pulls you crazily to one side or another, that when you accelerate pulls you to one side or the other, that the heater doesn't work anymore, that fuses have been replaced by tinfoil, that seatbelt mountings are held in with a big dollop of fibreglass, yes i must admit I'm not getting it am i. makes me want to go and get said cars and have the kudos of doing so just on those merits alone.


cmon for fucks sake, buying a car thats a worthless lump of dogshit and spending money on buying more fucked parts to go on it just to put up pics on a random website, so that 10 or so guys can justify why they do the same.


some people on here cry that they are hard up, their circumstances are tough, they've no money, life is hard etc etc, then time after time piss away there hard earned cash on some heap that is dead, time after time after time, your either kidding yourselves, your not that hard up, or for the reason i really think, is that some people are attention whores, cos lets face it, if you bought a nicer example of whatever shed you want, chances are its not going to go wrong all the time and that limits your excuse to post thread after thread of look at me look at me i smell of wee.


so in fairness we need more old shite, but not old shit.


Ah, you must have read my epic collection thread on the Allegro owners site when I took ownership of a hand painted van den plas, in a tropical storm from Ipswich to Leeds, needed two new tyres and a major rewire of the lighting system before I even left the city, boy was that a shitter I won't forget in a hurry, especially with the two batteries the PO had wired up to aid starting! I know where it is still and I'm sure it could be yours for half the price of a good one, although it does need a replacement autobox, and an MOT.


It's just a bit of fun mate, life is too short to worry about losing a couple of quid on a banger, and at least we can have a laugh and a gamble and share the fun, if you don't want to, then by all means find a more appropriate forum for your motoring needs, there are plenty who will welcome you I'm sure.


However, just out of curiosity, what has brought you to this forum, and what do you drive/own that you thought might be of interest to fellow autoshiters? Genuine question, not being funny here.

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Midnite I think you're confusing used with fucked.


People on here do buy some very well used cars but they tend not to buy utterly fucked ones and just expect them to work. Some do put more money in to them than they're worth but the answer to that is what's something worth and does it really matter.


This site is more about not chasing the higher spec cars as they tend to be the restored stuff you see at shows its more about the everyday survivors that get used and they tend to be the lower spec ones. They're also the ones that while once very common died off the fastest so when they come up for sale it's more significant.


This Sierra is very very rare no matter the condition. Would you be saying this is a shit heap if it was some over revered thing?

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I cant see it getting bummed by Cosworth lickers. What bits exactly are gonna be useful to them? If the dash is destroyed, that was probably the most useful item.


Too many doors, for a start...

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It is a mythical beast.

Often seen in print on the first page of the brochure spec pages but never in the metal.

Mk1s are rare now, dangly mirrors very rare, but a base with a grey grill?

Never saw one when they were new.

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the thrills and spills of driving something that some knuckle dragger has bodged up with filler n old biscuit tins, that when you brake pulls you crazily to one side or another, that when you accelerate pulls you to one side or the other, that the heater doesn't work anymore, that fuses have been replaced by tinfoil, that seatbelt mountings are held in with a big dollop of fibreglass, yes i must admit I'm not getting it am i. makes me want to go and get said cars and have the kudos of doing so just on those merits alone.


cmon for fucks sake, buying a car thats a worthless lump of dogshit and spending money on buying more fucked parts to go on it just to put up pics on a random website, so that 10 or so guys can justify why they do the same.


some people on here cry that they are hard up, their circumstances are tough, they've no money, life is hard etc etc, then time after time piss away there hard earned cash on some heap that is dead, time after time after time, your either kidding yourselves, your not that hard up, or for the reason i really think, is that some people are attention whores, cos lets face it, if you bought a nicer example of whatever shed you want, chances are its not going to go wrong all the time and that limits your excuse to post thread after thread of look at me look at me i smell of wee.


so in fairness we need more old shite, but not old shit.


When do the school holidays finish?



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Good thread this,even with its warm discussion.


A bloke at the bottom of my mothers street,bought a sierra new in 82/83 dangley mirror one not a grey grill.I remember riding my bike just looking at the shape of it,compaired to nextdoor's cortina.


Not for me,but it does need to live on,with someone looking after it.

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