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Tickman's stuff. Insight out.

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So long Sonic.

At least he's staying in the fold and with a good sort as well :)

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I promise to look after him. Still can't believe that such a bargain lasted long enough for me to snap it up. I'm totally gobsmacked on how little progress the automotive industry has made in the last 48 years. This still has everything the modern motorist could ever desire, it genuinely doesn't feel old at all. Perhaps that just means I am old? - don't answer that please!


While I'm waiting on my finger to heal properly I thought I would tinker so I pushed this out.


I gave it a brush off.


But it still wanted a clean so that happened.


Then for easier access the front hinged bonnet was removed.


With the spare wheel removed there is a helpful place to stand.


Then a reference photo was taken.


The tension is released there.

New Gates belt was then thrown at the engine.


All tensioned back up and a couple of revolutions done with a spanner.

The waterpump felt fine to rotate and more importantly I didn't have one to fit.

It needs a go over electrically to get it ready to run again.

The distributor is in a really great place for access.


Yep it is hiding under there. Quite frustrating but I have a plan.

First though I need a decent charged battery and a multimeter, both of which are not here.


Look at all the space in front of the lump, and where the distributor is burried! 

I guess engine placement was designated for BALLANCE AND HANDLING over anything bland or boring like maintenance access. 

How's the finger coming along man?

  • Like 2

some designers are total spanners, putting a dizzy there??? aye very good place, the bloke probably worked for subaru in a later life 

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Jim Bell said:

Look at all the space in front of the lump, and where the distributor is burried! 

I guess engine placement was designated for BALLANCE AND HANDLING over anything bland or boring like maintenance access. 

How's the finger coming along man?

Certainly for balance and handling, definitely, yes, that...


Finger is still objecting to doing anything but is getting better. Another week or so before it will be up to the usual abuse I think but at least I can still count to 10.

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With your sensible fleet reduction so other cars can get some attention, I'm now half expecting you do something really daft like bringing home a rusty Jensen Interceptor.


Excellent, fantastic to see this old thing in daylight for the first time in ages!

Reliant looks good too...

  • Haha 3
2 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

With your sensible fleet reduction so other cars can get some attention, I'm now half expecting you do something really daft like bringing home a rusty Jensen Interceptor.

No purchases happening here, if I was getting something it would be a certain A30 from a long way south but sadly even that isn't happening.

  • Like 2
  • Sad 1

Still having a break from welding so I've started looking at wiring...

Helpfully* Reliant went bust before a manual was produced for the SS1. I have the one produced by the club which is at best described as poor so I went looking for wiring diagrams and found a few bits on the internet so download them all.

Pop up headlights are ace except when they don't. First I had a look at the manual function, the driver's side winds up perfectly but the passenger side has quite a bit of resistance to moving.

With the power probe I put power to the actual motor and driver's side great, passenger side less so.

Out it comes.


Stuck in a vice and started pulling bits off.


This is what was causing the issue.


So the magnet has broken and started rubbing causing the extra friction.

I doubt I'm going to find a magnet easily so first attempt to fix is going to be glueing the broken bit back in place and see how that goes!


I have completed a professional* repair* using this


Which didn't turn out badly so far


It is smooth to the touch so I will throw it back together later in the week for a test.

Fingers crossed


My G26 was the best for pop up lights.  A rod you pulled out of the dash, which then prevented you from indicating left.


323F's pop ups were really fast, I miss that car.


A little bit of tinker time today, giving the GSR a once over. It has been giving an egr fault quite infrequently which will just clear itself at times.

I had a look at this today. Valve off and this is the mounting point on the intake.


Not the greatest. Then the valve itself.


Yuck. This got cleaned out, quite a bit on the side of this tub all came from there.


After that I got rid of some slack in the accelerator pedal. That should make a difference.

  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Still doing some stuff.

Work has returned to normal or even busier which means time for the workshop has drastically reduced. 

Aoifa  (The Clio) has been giving reliable transport and recently had all four of us and two dogs to deal with while we had a quick break away which she coped with perfectly. 

I went to use the screenwash and was met with nothing, I'm usually quite good at not running dry but went to add some more only to discover that it was full.

After a bit of messing around I got the washers to work but in a very odd manner.

This needed looked at so off with the wipers, scuttle and out with the wiper motor and screenwash bottle.


While doing this I discovered the car has a cabin filter located here.


The filter was slightly* dirty so it got a quick vacuum and went back in. I did get a picture of the side of it incase I needed details. I would guess this has been here quite a while.


Filter shall be ordered as well as a new pump, couldn't be bothered with swapping hoses (the rear works perfectly) it is the one motor which runs forward or reverse depending on which way you select and no amount of cleaning the pump would free it off.



While you're there, apparently there is a drain in the middle of that scuttle section. When it blocks, the cabin ends up filling with water. Might be worth have a poke through while you're there. 


Pollen filter and wash pump arrived so after work today they got fitted and normal service is resumed.

This is the lovely* old one.


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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Man from the ministry day

It was that day.


The man from the ministry says despite it having a Boris MOT and hadn't been seen for 18 months it isn't a death trap.


Now it can get timing belt and associated stuff as we as two shiny new tyres ready for the winter.


Well done little Clio. It looks like a right little gem.  

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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. New arrival.

I've not bought anything for what seems like ages and was quite happy with the fleet as it stood. I had half an idea that next year I would buy something nice which is quite a departure from the usual purchasing plan. 

Then a car was advertised on here that just made sense. I went to bed to sleep on it with a don't be silly opinion, in the morning the decision was different. Some messages were sent while roffle numbers filled up. 

I committed to buy it and yesterday was the day. I got help from @stereotype with the logistics and off we went. 

Cash machines were visited and then paperwork done. Once it was taxed off we went. No fuel stop as it had plenty. The journey home was a game of where is the switch for that, especially the fog light which was on.

It drives lovely as expected, the brakes will need a little look as it has been sitting a while. I expect a few issues and will do my best to keep it in decent shape.

Thanks @reb 

Back in familiar surroundings, it's been a few years out of a Volvo and it is a decent view.



Top buy. Will be nice to see the camper Volvo again. Sure it'll serve you well man. 


nice one john, she will be well looked after in your hands, another volvo in the scotoshite crew, volvo only meet at armadale in the new year???

44 minutes ago, big_al_granvia said:

nice one john, she will be well looked after in your hands, another volvo in the scotoshite crew, volvo only meet at armadale in the new year???

Are Saabs allowed as honorary guests?

  • Like 2

Well played chap

Completely irrationally I wanted that car sooooo badly (I already have a V70,  god knows what I'd have done with it in reality) 

The sale and subsequent roffle cancellation sapped my weekend mojo. Seeing that it's now in your fleet has abated my post sale man feelings, I'm happy it's gone to a good home.

Looking forward to updates.

8 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

It couldn't have gone to a better home.

This, definitely! Top purchase :)


Today was a quick look over the cars day which is a perfect way to spend your 23rd wedding anniversary. 

First up was the Clio. Is was smelling of burning oil the other day when used so had been sat waiting for time to investigate what was going on.

Oil and coolant checked ok. Plenty of mayo under the oil filler cap but this is most likely to be short winter journeys.  I drove it up to the workshop and put it on the ramps for a better look. All seemed ok so I decided it can get a quick oil change and monitor what is going on from there.

Next was the new arrival's turn.

Into the workshop for a quick once over.


Everything seems to be in decent shape. .this is good news.


As is this.


I've never seen a fully ticked off list before!

I played about and got the seat how I want it and put the radio code in as well and that was the extent of the work it needed. I need to do a tidy up then I can get some actual stuff done.

Really glad this has joined the fleet.

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