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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes- Today with cute Lamb picture!

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Or from your messages tab, below "more options" there is still the "find and contact member" option.  I haven't tested it to see what limitations their new 'let's piss off all users' policy might have imposed though.


Ok I have managed to send him a message by just looking for a member and pretending it was not about an item.


^^ That's what I do Chris when I want to get in contact, the other option is that if you paid by Paypal, you will have his email address.


Next DVLA Balls Up!


I tried to SORN on line a Visa I have had for 2 ½ years with a V5C in my name on line and it would not let me. I sent off a V890 form in September and today I have had a letter to say I am not the registered keeper and they can’t deal with my notification.


I have replied with a copy of my V5C, but my concern is they will now claim it is an October SORN and I won’t get the refund for this month.


A trick I learned years ago: Cut diagonal grooves in an old spark plugs thread with a junior hacksaw and use that to clear the threads in the cylinder head.

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A trick I learned years ago: Cut diagonal grooves in an old spark plugs thread with a junior hacksaw and use that to clear the threads in the cylinder head.


Thanks we tried that but the hacksaw we had with us was blunt!


Note to self - buy some new junior hacksaw blades!


Thanks we tried that but the hacksaw we had with us was blunt!


Note to self - buy some new junior hacksaw blades!

If you want to have a look in my cellar somewhere there will be hundreds of junior hacksaw blades. I can never find them so buy some more, then I can't find them the next time, so I buy some more, then I can't find them........etc.

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Poor little thing doesn't look like it wants to leave. Like a pleading puppy!

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Bloody hell Chris, I'm having trouble following the thread as there are so many cars involved! 


I'd love to get my hands on both the Stag and that little Citroen's interiors!  I have the time and the tools.

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Shame you couldn't keep it for long. But hope you enjoyed it none the less, I know I did.


Makes me want to drive the AX now. But must resist dragging it over the winter roads....

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It's going to a good home where it will be appreciated and looked after and tucked up in bed with a story every night.

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Shame you couldn't keep it for long. But hope you enjoyed it none the less, I know I did.


Makes me want to drive the AX now. But must resist dragging it over the winter roads....


I would have liked to keep it longer but I do need to reduce numbers a bit. As you say a real shame as it is exactly the right model as far as I am concerned in the right colour.


It has moved around the drive today because I have been out in it, just to check it runs properly you understand!



Bloody hell Chris, I'm having trouble following the thread as there are so many cars involved! 


I'd love to get my hands on both the Stag and that little Citroen's interiors!  I have the time and the tools.


There is always car stuff happening here:


Today to took my gold CX to storage, collected my Rover 75, called at my local garage to check if they still had a spare ABS unit that they had not working but turns out to be just the wrong one. I took the AX for a drive to the Stag, took the hardtop off the Stag, washed the Stag, drove the AX home. The replacement Spark plug chaser I ordered turned up. I had also been told my BMW 3.0S is outside when I thought it inside, so I had to contact the friend who has it to find out what's happening, hopefully ready for an MOT in a weeks time. I am also helping to organise a car event next year and talked to some people about that.  Oh yes and I do work as well!


The plan is to Clean the Stag interior tomorrow, but don't worry I have plenty more dirty car interiors including the Sovereign S1 which has had paintwork and now needs a really good clean.


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Just when I think Im up to date with your fleet you casually drop in another car to your commentary!


A grand read as always.


I'm not sure if I've told you about when we had an AX Splash and a Volvo: We needed to get both cars from Kent to West Sussex

and started out with me in the Volvo and MrsDS in the Splash. After a few miles I stopped to see what the problem was as she kept getting left behind. "I can't keep up with you" - Ok, so we swapped cars... she still couldn't keep up. :)

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how very dare you mention an CX without moar pictures- you should be ashamed of yourself!

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how very dare you mention an CX without moar pictures- you should be ashamed of yourself!


Shock news! I have sold the CX2500 I/E Pallas!


Last picture I have 7th October.


Its new owner collects it 1st Nov. So now I have to fix my CX2400 I/E Pallas if I want to keep CX motoring.



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It's going to a good home where it will be appreciated and looked after and tucked up in bed with a story every night.


Cough. Autotest! Cough...


I visited the garage who have my Gamma today and found them working on it!


It needs an Exhaust box across the rear of the car.



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Strange sight in my favourite garage, I glanced into my car as I arrived to see a five pound note stapled to the MOT!


My 200TE had been there for a bit of welding, service and MOT.



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Shock news! I have sold the CX2500 I/E Pallas!


 you complete and utter barstaad!


I am doing a collection and am attempting a live update!


First leg is to get Mrs6C to take me to the station.



First fail, tail light failed on Merc and no fuel in Rover. Alfa to the rescue


Now I can't add a photo! Third try


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Not my train, I arrived 3rd class in a cattle truck!


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