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Well that's a bit random - somebody stole half my car... eBay nob content

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"GR8 communication, item as described, top Ebayer - now THAT'S sarcasm!"

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I have only just stumbled over this thread again, having seen it originally when it was just a couple of pages long.


It sure did escalate quickly, and Will- when I grow up I want to be just like you, everything and anything but sensible.

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Great stuff, these 306's are indeed worthless. I had one back in the day though, a great car and wafted about a treat.


This ebayer provided me with the best adventure £62 could possibly buy, pity the car was a heap of (auto) shite.

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It's done a Peugeot, that one. Top bombing, wack! A steal at half the price. May the chord gods bless you for all eternity.


Didn't actually take long to find it, the distinctive acute angle the side street in the background makes with great George street made it quite easy to spot from the map.


For feedback;

Car even worse than described, managed to collect despite sellers best efforts. F-- would avoid like the plague.


Does the heater fan work? If so, I could do with the switch + resistor. :)


Top Chod Collection, btw.


If the seller delays/does not send off the V5 for you just text him and let him know its parked outside on double yellows.


The fact you paid via Paypal makes it sweeter as the seller would of received even less then £62 once Paypal help themselves to some of that.


If you can scrap it without the V5 all the better, hopefully hel then get hit with SORN fines.

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A lot of yards wont take a shell/full car without a V5.

Which is why I suggested stripping and chopping it up.


Mine will, I tell them it's already scrapped.

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I'd just apply for the V5 and pay the £25, put a letter in saying he never gave you the log book and told you to apply for it yourself. Then he can cop the fine off DVLA!

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What is his mongbay username? Has anyone thought to email him and ask if he still has the 306 for sale and if so will he take 300 cash tnite m8?

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Went to trouble of refitting* stolen* gearbox which he said went missing after my bid. A1* ebayer. Would call bluff again.


:shock: ... to have been named, specifically in connection with the...THE MOST EPIC TreDD Evvahh...




A Quote??


All fled--all done, so lift me on the pyre; 
The feast is over, and the lamps expire.

306TD safely parked up at my Gaff...!

from suicide note.
~~ Robert E. Howard, writer, d. June 11, 1936



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I wandered lonely o'er to Lancs
That floats on gearbox stolen pile of wanks,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
But no host, of 306 perhaps smoke cloud
Beside the unit, beneath the shit,
Fluttering and dancing as I A-framed it


To complete the saga,take the engine out and take the rest back to where it came from lol

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I think he should deffo be made aware of this thread. Hopefully he'l join up so we can flame him "Barry Boyz" style.


You Sir, are a loon.


But that's a GOOD thing.


I think going by the NHS ticket in the 306 and the sellers utterly half-arsed attempts to manage the situaiton, that he is just one of these types for whom getting out of bed and putting some shoes on is a massive victory so I would go easy on him.

  • Like 6

Gr8 thread, an absolute treat to read after a weekend with no internet access. To go through all that hassle for a £62 knackered 306, then to A-frame it behind a 205. Absolutely marvellous.

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The fact you paid via Paypal makes it sweeter as the seller would of received even less then £62 once Paypal help themselves to some of that.


Let's do some accounting. He's not a business seller, so let's assume standard eBay Motors fees apply


After PayPal fees (3.4% + 20p), he received £59.69 from Explosive-Cabbage. 


He will have had to pay the Motors auction insertion fee of £10.

He will have then had to pay the final value fee which is 1%... oh, wait, have another look at that fees page I linked. It says the final value fee in motors is 1% but with a minimum of £20


So he sold the car for £29.69


So, if my calculations are correct, he sold the car for less than the cost of Woman's Face Balloons (pack of 50: £29.99)




I'm having problems submitting feedback.


I was going to write 'Good seller? Maybe not! Search 'Autoshite.com  - somebody stole half my car''


eBay won't let me use ''.com'' or ''Autoshite'' for whatever reasons. :?


Do we have an URL or website not bearing the word 'shite' that automatically links to here?


How do I get round this one? Writing 'somebody stole half my car' in Google mearly brings up references to 'Dude, Where's my car?'


Oh, and upload the images in the first post to the forum so they don't vanish when eBay deletes them in a few months!




Still doesn't like it Trigger :



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