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Shitefest Cymru - 16th-18th May 2014


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What a brilliant weekend. Cheers Ian for all the organising, the Museum in particular being a good choice, and was a bloody good laugh all round. Thanks to everyone who let me drive their cars, and Joe for his 90mph feat in my Cav on the test track, mentalist! Made my arse twitch a bit that did sitting in the passenger seat...


The Cavalier did me proud and is a pleasure to drive on the twisty bits, even if it has acquired a few new noises. It's no longer silent as a fish but certainly does pull like a great, and averaged 38mpg over 580 miles which ain't bad considering I did 80-90 all the way on the M-ways there and back, coupled with test track shenanigans.


Did everyone get home without flat bed assistance? If so that means all old snotters are 100% reliable, FACT.

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I'm waiting for Gary Cox to report in...


This is how lucky we were with the weather. We had a HUGE thunderstorm at half six this morning. Glad no-one stayed overnight now.

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Guest Breadvan72

The venue could not be faulted.  The hotel staff were very welcoming, the room was cheap and good, and the food at dinner and breakfast were noms.    The car park and field were spot on, with great views but also a rotting Landy and some enormoJapSUVheap on its arse nearby.  The roads and scenery nearby are fabbo.  The eerie abandoned mine workings along the valley (pictured with the Cad above) press all the industrial/social history buttons as well as looking like a set from Blake's Seven  (which is of course the Autoshite of sci fi telly) 


If we can guarantee as many crazed Scottish Volvo nutters at the next one I will bring Mrs BV, who is a Mcfemale and would love to hang oot with McNutters.


One option would be a one dayer at Gaydon with a pub lunch, but if we could run to a weekender in Autumn that would be fab.


Gaydon is a bit too logical for Autoshite as it is in the middle of the UK and near the hub of the UK motorway network, as well as having a museum of manky British car bollocks.     The Boot pub at Lapworth has a big carpark and is near a flight of 13 working locks with associated Industrial Revolution canal technology, for further blokey admiration of old clever stuff.   Pub lunches there very good but a bit spenner, but there are picnicky spots nearby.    A proper Autoshite picnic would take place with giffer caravan, sun shade, and socks with sandals in a lay by on the A33 while artics thunder past, but we couldn't all fit in one lay by.  


Anyway, I vote for Dollywobbler to be named El Jefe Supremo Grand Cheese et Top Geezer de Autoshite.  He can have this position for life (ie until he next drives the Lancia of FEAR). 

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Big thanks to DW for sorting out a brilliant day . I think dad enjoyed it but he was pretty tired when we got home . Certainly nice to meet the members and put names and faces to the usernames.


I loved the 504 and it chilled me right out . Breadvan you need to fix that steering - stat ! Drove nice apart from that though.

Driving the acclaim brought back memories .



Cheers for a good weekend everyone . Cornwall next?

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Guest Breadvan72

Thanks for fine three-ship line astern formation leadership on the way in, twosmoke.  The Saab seems to bang along pretty well, alternator or no alternator, and watching yer dad's BX wazz round the corners ahead of me was fine fun.   (OK, so then you ruined it by driving off into the sunset and missing the hotel, but whatevs).      I had a mad girlfriend in the 90s who had that exact same Saab only in blue.    It had never been washed. Come to think of it, neither had she.


red5 kindly diagnosed the steering fault as a collapsed bearing, so at least it won't need a whole new rack.  


New gaskets on the rocker covers and sump and a bit of Poundland polish on the wob and it should be concours.  Bob will indeed be my uncle  (in the sense of Croydon Council House Tricia's fourteenth male companion in a week saying hello to little Casey-Jayne type of uncle).  

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Will posted a respectable* time of 3 hours, 20 mins from The Field of Dreams to Cracoe in the Dales, N. Yorkshire in the Lada of Doom.

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Right chaps, I've been up since about 7am, I'm bruised, battered and quite a bit sore - apparantly I spent all last night snoring so SWMBO continued to elbow me in the ribs until I woke up, then I fell asleep and started snoring again so she pushed me out the bed - so a quick message from me while I've got the pea sea on staring at everyone else's wonderful photos.

That was without doubt the best weekend I think I've ever had. Thanks everyone for the drives - I'm still not sure which I liked most for sheer lunacy, the Samara or the Beta coupe - to Mr Wobbler for the organisation, to the Hafod for not throwing us out when there was nearly a riot about the interior of a mid 90s Ford in the quiz, to the Hafod again for allowing the Scotoshite Volvo Massive to win said quiz (avec Hairnet, who appears to have adopted us), to Mr Breadvan for being even madder than the rest of us and giving out ice creams and daring everyone to terrify themselves with the Beta, to RobT for the blezz in the Cavalier to really make me feel bad for not having mine fit (again) this year, to Sweden for providing my accomodation for the weekend, to the sun for shining meaning Wales looked even more beautiful than I expected, to the Welsh themselves for *those* roads, to everyone - friends old and hopefully new - for turning up and making it what it was...

... Britain's best car show, by far.

Wherever it is next year, even if we end up Shitefest International in France or something bloody rediculous - I'm there. Good work gents.

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Guest Breadvan72

All that I know is that now that Shitefest is over my life is once more empty and without meaning.




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I got back in about 6hrs yesterday, using 100% Volvo power as well...


I fixed the noise by turning the stereo up and opening the window and sunroof. It is still doing it though, probably ought to look at it at some point.


Was a great weekend, but although the Volvo was much better than sleeping in a tent It did seem like cheating a bit. I'll bring something else next year.


Oh, and Dave Scotland - thanks for the CD, I think. It did get a lot of use on the way home.

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Does that mean that everyone made it home with no* problems? Brilliant.


* If you don't need a recovery truck, it isn't a problem, so we can gloss over minor Lancia foibles and Mcoli's reluctant Peugeot.

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Did everyone get home without flat bed assistance? If so that means all old snotters are 100% reliable, FACT.


Ironically I had the second newest vehicle there (2003, after that Jag) but they exhaust header gaskets failed on the way. Moderns beset with mechanical problems...

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I'm glad to hear that Gary got home ok. I'd been thinking that I really should have made use of David's copper grease to make sure the front brakes were both properly freed up.


I tried to take it easy on the way home to save fuel. That lasted until about 2/3 of the way , then I thought "bollocks to that" and caned it for the last 1/3- causing the average mpg display to drop by 0.3mpg.

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That is impressive considering the distances we all covered in old chod. Sorry to gush, but only now is the sheer perfectness of everything starting to sink in. As you said Ian, the weather really helped us out too. Standing around in pissing rain would've taken the edge off it, althougn I'm sure we'd have coped. The Cavalier has certainly earnt it's place in the fleet, not sure I can sell it now which was the plan if I end up buying the 220 (or I should say when...)

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Guest Breadvan72

OMG can HAZ new tyres on the Lanciarrrrrrrrggggghhh.  Full report on this and other japer capers to follow on the Coup de Loop's very own thread, later.

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I'm glad to hear that Gary got home ok. I'd been thinking that I really should have made use of David's copper grease to make sure the front brakes were both properly freed up.


I tried to take it easy on the way home to save fuel. That lasted until about 2/3 of the way , then I thought "bollocks to that" and caned it for the last 1/3- causing the average mpg display to drop by 0.3mpg.


I'm sure the fact myself and cms206 went screaming past you had absolutely no bearing on your choice to get the toe down. We pushed hard all the way from Chester and stood at Todhills for the best part of 10 - 15 minutes before you and Adrian went past.

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That is impressive considering the distances we all covered in old chod. Sorry to gush, but only now is the sheer perfectness of everything starting to sink in. As you said Ian, the weather really helped us out too. Standing around in pissing rain would've taken the edge off it, althougn I'm sure we'd have coped. The Cavalier has certainly earnt it's place in the fleet, not sure I can sell it now which was the plan if I end up buying the 220 (or I should say when...)


You should say.  I thoroughly enjoyed hooning through the Elan Valley on the way home and it was a great send-off for it, judging by the smile on your face when you came back from the test drive I think you'd be mad not to.


I am slightly biased though.

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Will posted a respectable* time of 3 hours, 20 mins from The Field of Dreams to Cracoe in the Dales, N. Yorkshire in the Lada of Doom.


Hope you don't mind Joe, but I pinched that pic for my Blog. Craptacular Road Test reports have commenced!


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Pm coming your way soon Phil, I might be free next Monday if you are as I could get a lift half way saving me the pain of using public transport.



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I'm sure the fact myself and cms206 went screaming past you had absolutely no bearing on your choice to get the toe down. We pushed hard all the way from Chester and stood at Todhills for the best part of 10 - 15 minutes before you and Adrian went past.

I accidentally went to Wales again instead of home when leaving Chester so was determined to catch up again. For a boutique hotel it really does fly...

Wherever the next Shitefest is, I'm going.

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Just wanted to add my thanks too, as SF14 was DA BOMB (even though I was asleep for half of it due to the hangover of massiveness).

Utterly fantastic job by DW organising everything.

Much gratitude to twosmoke300 and twosmokesenior for allowing me to nurse the filthy hangover in the BX of comfort.

Garycox and the Volvo of squeakiness provided not only my transport to Wales but many laughs too.

Thanks to KruJoe for the lift to Preston, and to both he and Catsinthewelder for putting up with me on the journey North.

Thanks to Trigger for leaving some beer behind, it's going down lovely.

All of Scotland deserve credit for being even more entertaining in real life than on here.

And thanks to everyone else for bringing themselves and their luvverly vehicles.


Also, I baggsy first go in the Samara of ultimate win next time Will.

And of course, thanks to Matt_the_Cat for lumping the Stellar down. I really must have drunk a lot because at one point I actually thought there was a Rover V8 in it, which would just be ludicrous.


Oh and hope to see you in France soon SambaS.

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LOL Bucketeer!

You really are most welcome, it was great to have you (two) aboard as far as Preston.

Thank you for the navigation, the coffee and use of your phone (you saved my bacon!) :)

If you're ever an hour East of Preston, do hit us up, come claim your drive of the Samaratat. Tea, biscuits and kips on the sofa also available here.






Hope you don't mind Joe, but I pinched that pic for my Blog...


Or course not Ian, that's fine. Super article too, you really are too kind!
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What more can I add, apart from another thank you to Dollywobbler for organising it - it was a big incentive to pull my finger out and make some progress. A shame I didn't make it down earlier, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening which I survived with only minor injuries. And Richard, I think I owe you some food after getting an attack of the late night munchies and eating everything in sight!

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Guest Breadvan72

Scotlandish Shiteist Fixmob tackling stuck window winder on Coup of Crap.   Also a fine SS1.



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Guest Breadvan72

I reckon that I caught rickets from sitting in the Samara.  Can I sue Dollywobs for mental distress?

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