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Lazy spotters thread

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This would sell for several million pounds on eBay.



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I spotted this MGB in Rochester today.

I have never seen a beige one in the wild before and not parked up on a west country driveway...


Is that beige? Looks more like Colman's Mustard.


Saw this ages ago and forgot to post it.




This was the other day though.




Someone thinks they live in a shit film




And yesterday




Also seen a Polo Derby. So much nicer with the boot and to match above I've also seen a Gen 2 but I think it's the same one I always see.

  • Like 6

.....Also seen a Polo Derby.....


Haven't seen one of those for years!


Just found this thread.

Have some random spottage.




Never seen one of these before.

Golf Country.

4 wheel drive Volkswagen Golf.

Raised ride height, underbody protection, front and rear bull bars.

British registration but left-hand drive.

I think they all were as they were allegedly never sold over here.

Seen outside the industrial unit opposite where I work on 22/01/2018 then a few more times in the next week or so. Not seen again since.






Nice unmolested Volkswagen Golf L Mark 1.

Spotted in the car park of the local Tesco on 04/07/2018.






Beautiful Jaguar Mark 2.

Spotted in the car park of the local Aldi on 25/07/2018.

Nice big boot for all the shopping but if they can afford this I would have expected to see it in Waitrose car park rather than Aldi :).




Yes, this is a Rover SD1 3500 Estate.

There were only two of these ever officially produced, both of which are in museums, but this is a home-made* version.

Cut & Shut.

Front half of an SD1 welded very neatly to the back half of a Volvo 240 Estate.



Much wantage from my son, who loves SD1 Estates, but sadly not for sale.

Seen lurking in the garage of a guy in Bedford who I didn't buy a Maxi from on 12/08/2016.






American specification LHD Volkswagen 412.

Seem to recall seeing 411s over here but don't remember any 412s.

Well scruffy and full of junk.

No badges on the back but the model name can be seen in the unfaded bits of the paintwork.

No idea how old it is because it is still on USA plates (early 1970s?).

First seen on 15/10/2018 opposite where I work outside the same industrial unit as the Golf Country above.

Still there most days so must be being used as a daily.




Proton (too)Savvy.

Not particularly old (2006 from the reg) but when did you last see one of these?

Lives just around the corner from me and I see it on the drive most days. It is taxed and MoTd, but I have never seen it on the road.


That's all for now.

More to come in the future I'm sure.



  • Like 8

....this is a Rover SD1 3500 Estate.

There were only two of these ever officially produced, both of which are in museums, but this is a home-made* version.

Cut & Shut.

Front half of an SD1 welded very neatly to the back half of a Volvo 240 Estate.




Do you love someone enough to give them your last Rovlo?


Not sure the rising roofline towards the back works for me aesthetically, but it could be convincing as a hearse....


Not much spottage of late but I can confirm that Proton Savvy is still there as I walk past it every day. I can see this from my window most days and finally managed to get a pic of it - who even remembers the Nissan Vanette Cargo, yet alone the badge-engineered version that was the LDV Cub?



2001 LDV Cub 2.3D by Adam Floyd, on Flickr


This week in shite

Aha, someone has been to Barnstaple Sainsbury's! It's sad I recognize it just from those photos - haven't lived there for 10 years!


There are zero pandas in Barcelona... Apart from a Marbella which doesn't count and a mk3. Which is not a panpan.


So, shitters ahoy.






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Day 2, I'm aware this is Spain. But these fuckers don't appreciate at Fiat. I've seen more Saabs.


I saw the red car stopped and burst out laughing. An old man wondered why I was taking a pic. How many expats are shitters?


And finally a double Panpan.







I came home from work to find this parked in our drive.


It belongs to one of Mrs Yoss's friends. She normally turns up in a Nissan Note, this being her husbands. Must be pretty rare in estate flavour.

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One for Egg.. Definitely not* shoddily photographed at extreme zoom before the lights changed.


Some shit Robbie Williams song. post-26064-0-29399800-1550700535_thumb.jpg



Out in the wilds of Aidensfield (Goathland) naturally expected to see this.




Was not expecting this.



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Astra F that would pass the Daz doorstep challenge parked up at the Co-op yesterday.



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Fez was a victim of Lidl's aggressive speed bumps!



Wow. It was lucky it didn't collapse when the damn thing was travelling at speed!


Epic failure to spot :(


Walking around yesterday I was passing through an A1 underpass when I spied something interesting and loud turn towards me from a T-junction at the other side of the underpass.

Old and American, suitable V8 rumble, very dark blue.

It then approached very quickly but slowed down when he saw me raise the camera.


Unfortunately it was too dark in there for the camera to snap it - when I looked on the card there was nothing, just nothing.

It usually manages some hopeless porridge but not even that.


I'm guessing an early Trans-Am but that is it, pure guesswork.


That said, I have passed over a lot judging by entries above - they look more like highly desirable conveyances rather than tat.

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