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Base Model Hearses


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A few years back, a leading light in the 2CV world died unexpectedly. His send-off was very much in the style he would have approved of, involving a convoy of twin-pot tin sheds following his box, which was itself hanging out of the back of a 2CV van.


But not this one...





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There's some grim stuff on here, but also wonderful ones like the ZILs. There's an undertakers round the corner which has a Vectra stretch 'limo' (a saloon with 6 doors) and a Vectra hearse. What a way to go. I confess I quite like the Mondeo one, but then I would.


The ones based on Renault 19/Pug 309's are a bit tight, it would be like Coleman Milne doing an Escort Mk4 one using the 'L' trim!


Well done on the Princess save :D , it looked very end of life in the original photo :( .

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If it wasnt for the fact it would probs cause my family a frigging logistical nightmare I would want my coffin ratchet-strapped to the flatbed of a Leyland FG.



I recall our ramp department at aviance Glasgow were hauled over the coals for a similar feat; normally the vehicle used to transport bodies which arrived on aircraft was this...



aviance AV00107 - P107 MTR by cms206, on Flickr


... but as it was out on a house removal at the time, as it was most weekends, the deceased was transported to the cargo sheds on one of these...



aviance AV01134 - H443 KJN by cms206, on Flickr



Normally that wouldn't have been a massive issue, except the old man's widow spotted the body being driven away from the plane on the back with four burly rampies on the back trying to stop it sliding off the back.

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Spoke too soon on the Escort then!


You'd think they would have used the 2 door estate shell rather the van...


I'd be a mite peed off if I'd paid for a funeral for a dearly beloved relative, and the hearse turned out to be a rusted out Cortina pick up with pudding in the front wings. I take it that one wasn't still in service in the 2000 pic?


Mind you some banger racers would probably love the idea of going out in a Mk5 Cortina :D .

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Spoke too soon on the Escort then!


You'd think they would have used the 2 door estate shell rather the van...


I'd be a mite peed off if I'd paid for a funeral for a dearly beloved relative, and the hearse turned out to be a rusted out Cortina pick up with pudding in the front wings. I take it that one wasn't still in service in the 2000 pic?


Mind you some banger racers would probably love the idea of going out in a Mk5 Cortina :D .


Not just Banger racers by the way.......I had the chance of one back in 1999, stupidly I didn't bother :twisted::twisted:

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There's an Omega hearse and matching limo still working up here, I see them fairly regularly plying their trade.  Not a patch on that Argenta with its amazing wheels of amazingness.


Interestingly, mainland European hearses tend to keep the stock (or very nearly at least) roof line with the coffin bed sitting low in the car where UK hearses tend to lift the roof line and have the coffin sitting quite high in the vehicle.  American hearses tend to prefer side-loading to the UK end-loading and Japanese hearses look like small temples, which I imagine they probably are.  Even more peculiar are the van based ones as often seen in Italy.


This Fiat 1400 is a charming little thing.



While this Fiat 125 looks like it started life as a pick-up and has had a high top and oversized tailgate fitted to make it fit for purpose.



Not to be outdone, France offer you their surprisingly stylish Peugeot 309.



Sweden give you a solid little Volvo 240.



And Spain a 1.2 be-wheeltrimmed Seat Malaga.


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Ladies and gentlemen .. I give you the Dacia Funeral. Made by an East German coachbuilder in the early 80s. 


Romania is generally full of shit hearses - just google image "vanzare dric" for some absolute crackers. Best I've seen was on a Fiat 125 base. 


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