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AROnline had a similar problem.Not just with Spam,trolls as well and it got out of hand. I think there is software you can get to resolve spambots, at least.

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Would it not be possible to appoint some new mods, a couple of trusted regulars who are on here every day? Siestaboy hasn't visited the forum since Xmas last year.....

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I do think a few extra mods with a brief to only deal with spam would be the way forward... But this idea has been floated a fair few times and received with utter silence by the management, so they're clearly not keen for some reason. It is irritating but not much we can do

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I suspect simply a more robust registration process would help. Such things exist elsewhere.

Used to exist here. This place was notorious for being difficult to get onto.

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Today is a good example of why we need a spam killer. People will stop using this forum if confronted with 2 pages if slam every day. The fuckers are still uploading it.

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Just volunteered again. We shall see.


Also, as Michael suggests, it may help if we all click on the exclamation mark in the top right of the posts to report them.

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I pm'd Mr S earlier, hopefully he'll get an e-mail notification. Let's keep bumping the real threads for now.

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The spam is put on here not for us to actually read - the spammers couldn't care less whether we reply to it or it gets bumped off the front page within half an hour. They put it here because it gets the links indexed by google, bumping their page up the listings. Many forums use a "nofollow" tag on all links posted (it'll be a setting in the options here) which means google won't follow the links to index the spammers website.


Obviously with none of the spam being deleted (just eventually bumped onto the 2nd and 3rd page), and the nofollow tag not being used this place is like a goldmine to them.

Unless we get something sorted it'll only get worse, the solution is really quite easy - Just have a question on signup asking some shite related trivia, "Where is the gearbox one a Maxi?" or something. It wouldn't take any manual verification by anyone and would keep the spammers out.

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Just have a question on signup asking some shite related trivia, "Where is the gearbox one a Maxi?" or something. It wouldn't take any manual verification by anyone and would keep the spammers out.


I thought there already was such a thing, I've even had the questions when I'm signing in.

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