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Shite in Miniature II


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I wondered if the mystery tyre might be from a Spot On, too (minus lettering).

Consulted my bookshelf Zephyr which has tiny hubs (see AS Sapphire for comparison):




But it's got big fat sidewall specimens, so I'm guessing these aren't the intended recipients.

Putting them back in their places, I remembered this:


Comically tiny hubs/tyres compared to other Spot Ons but they do look right.



Then I snapped a quick comparison, which inadvertently emulated some worn out overpriced shite grudgematch.

Grrrr! etc.

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57 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Okay... an additional challenge to Tat Friday, then...


Nip round and borrow my 4wd Vitz, if you like.


Be sure to take full advantage of the generous factory 10mm lift.


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The tyre conundrums on here reminded me that I went in a Lidl last week and they had a box of various size rubber O-rings for £7. I was going to pick them up but I was only getting some breakfast pastries and thought Mrs N would ridicule me ( more than usual ) if I did and had to explain why.

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2 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

In Scotland you'd put on your 'Timby Bits' on mornings like this (a.k.a. Timberland Boots).

Luckily, Tuffa yard boots come into play on mornings like this...


Just as well! The Corolla required a bit of clearing; must have been about four inches of snow on the roof to brush off.


Journey in wasn't too bad, though plainly my colleagues decided to stay in bed.


Not too slippy-slidey to get over to the market...


Though inside it was a bit Marie Celeste.


Seems that a fair few stallholders had taken a look outside and thought, naw...


Including my preferred scone vendor of choice.


Well, that's annoying.

But what about the tat, I hear you cry?

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There was tat.

Not as much as we might have liked, maybe - but it was there.


Saico Minor Traveller had curiously flat plaint, but was otherwise decent enough.


Super kings Jaaag was ok; some chipping, but perhaps strong enough money at a fiver.

Had it been a Volvo 245, I definitely would have - but I've owned one of these before, and it wasn't especially minty enough to warrant a preservation buy.

Dinky Terex quarry tipper had buckled axles and some heavy deliberate scratching to the tipper bed, but was otherwise reasonable enough.

Lesney Mercury police cruiser had some aftermarket stickers that may have come from a Graffic Traffic set - definitely not factory finish.


Dinky Imp was in a sad way, with missing frunk lid, cracked glazing and a natty two-tone paint job carried out with enthusiasm rather than competence...

Dinky decker refinished as a Code 3 for 'Wexeter City Transport'.

Well, okay.

Corgi 007 Aston was a later '90s reissue, rather than a '70s/ '80s Mettoy-era original.


Both eras of Corgi Leyland Terrier Weetabix promos were in evidence - the '70s original, and the late '90s version with no commonality.


Unfortunately, both were a wee bit too playworn for my liking. And apparently slightly chewed, in the case of the more modern version.


Peelermobile version of the Dinky Dodge Royal was tired, but complete bar the roof light.

[EDIT - I've had a request put through on this one, so will be going back over at lunchtime to see if I can nab it!]

Dinky Chrysler wasn't too bad, considering its venerable age.


This thing's got to be over 70 years old, now.


Corgi Jaguar MkX was just a bit too scruffy to tickle my fancy.


Also up top were a load of modern renderings of tanks and other military vehicles, but it's not really my bag so I didn't do much in the way of photos here.


There were also some Action Man vehicles offered out - some of them Palitoy originals, going by the stickers.




Postage could be a pain, mind.

I'd been hoping for a box of tat, but instead there was only a box of ties...


Ah well.

And someone laughs in the face of cold soggy toes:



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I had to wait for Alan to finish setting out the 50p tray on his Emporium.


He's a man who will not be hurried.

In the meantime, I scuttled over to the General Tat Stall.

Colin there had some new Big Matchbox items.



The transporter trailer looks very like the original Convoys CY-1 trailer, but is actually all-plastic. So while it's plainly a copy, it's not been made using the actual Lesney tooling.

In fact, there's not much metal in these at all - only the top half of the cab involved any diecast, with the lower half also being plastic.

Still has the 5-packs and all.


He apparently sold quite a few of the individual Hot Wheels over the weekend and at markets earlier in the week.

He'd seen Hundred Hot Wheels Harry again on Wednesday, and said he'd take another lot if he was selling more.

Harry told him 'maybe'.

So watch this space, kids.

He also showed me a flyer from Oxford Diecast, showing some future releases - the red Maestro in 1/72 looks like it could be good, even though they are £7 or something now.

I wandered over to the Charity Stall, which had rather less diecast again this week...


...and rather more in the way of packets of biscuits with a BBE date of August 2022.


Though there was this VHS video beside the soggy Jaffa Cakes:





32 minutes of Tony Pond ragging a Rover 827 Vitesse round the Isle of Man TT course - that's gotta be worth 25p of anyone's money, surely?

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36 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

I'd been hoping for a box of tat, but instead there was only a box of ties...


Ah well.

Any natty 1970s kipper ties in stock?

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4 minutes ago, RoadworkUK said:


Will do my best!

I sooooo nearly bought it, but was reminded of all the other VHS tapes I'd picked up speculatively and then had to bin last year as not even charity shops would take them - will head over in an hour or so!

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Just now, MorrisItalSLX said:

Any natty 1970s kipper ties in stock?

Many of them were on the wider side, 'tis true... exactly the kinda stuff I would have become a bit overexcited about around 20 years ago!

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4 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Will do my best!

I sooooo nearly bought it, but was reminded of all the other VHS tapes I'd picked up speculatively and then had to bin last year as not even charity shops would take them - will head over in an hour or so!

I think it's on YouTube anyway

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So eventually Alan had everything arranged exactly to his liking...


But there wasn't much new to be seen, unfortunately.

I did take a poke through the no-name cheapies though - this stab at a Lancia Stratos looks recent-ish.


And I think this is trying very hard to be a fourth-gen Honda Prelude:



What think you?


My crappy pics don't help, but those slabby rear lights are quite distinctive.

1996 Prelude Si (Australia)


The pointy bit at the front looks about right too, even if the sludge-brown paint doesn't really improve its kiddy-appeal.

1996 Honda Prelude Si coupe (2015-07-09) 01.jpg

Ah well.

There was also this LP, on one of the other generally overpriced Tat Stalls:


Look how happy they are.



Well, who wouldn't be, in their shoes/ boots?

I bet they're filing their pockets with H3 and 501 bulbs, the little scallywags.

And it seems that was about that... coffee in hand and a (second-tier) scone procured from another baked goods purveyor, it was time to shuffle off out into the crisp cold morning...


But - I didn't come away empty-handed...

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4 minutes ago, bunglebus said:

I think it's on YouTube anyway

It is, and I've watched it about a million times. But having the ACTUAL thing is wholly justifiable for my Rover 800 fetish

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6 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Many of them were on the wider side, 'tis true... exactly the kinda stuff I would have become a bit overexcited about around 20 years ago!

Tempting, but I do already own enough highly dated and unfashionable neckware to wear a different one to work every day for 6 months (presuming a 5 day working week).

It’s a shame I don’t have a job that involves wearing a tie.

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It's absolutely bloody awful!

But - the basic shape looks alright... could be something of a restoration challenge, to improve and detail it to the point of looking the way it was supposed to?

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So, what do I have to show for my epic battle against the wild winter elements?

A mildly shonky Jaguar XJ6, as requested by @bunglebus last week:



Yup, Alan hadn't sold it.


The paintwork really is remarkably lustrous on it.

Also for @bunglebus, from the General Tat Stall, is the Hot Wheels Studebaker Champ pickup mentioned last week:


Nice illustration on the pack, too.

As I ended up in quite a long conversation with Colin on the stall (which provided the interesting nugget that Jim, the fella who was always behind the stall beside Colin when it was in Bangor Market on a Wednesday, never actually worked there - he was just a random punter who turned up every week and stood behind the stall. What is it about diecast and strange men...?), I ended up buying another Matchbox Working Rigs truck to go with my GMC attenuator truck from last weekend:


An International Workstar 7500 waste tipper.

These are really quite decent for the price.

And lastly, for now: this, from the Tat Stall.



It's the ERTL Pontiac Bonneville which, I believe, was supplied as part of the licenced Smokey & The Bandit II playset.


Sheriff Bufort T. Justice's car, to be exact.

ERTL Smokey And The Bandit Trans Am and Boniville Police car 1/64 Set‼ ...

Even if the shade isn't very exact.

IMCDb.org: 1980 Pontiac Bonneville in "Smokey and the Bandit II, 1980"


But it's in decent enough nick, and for £2 I thought I may as well.

Available if anyone wants it - but I'm equally happy to hold on to it in my own nostalgia toybox.

[**EDIT - TAKEN!!**]

Oh, and I also bought four packets of past-date chocolate orange mini bites for £1.


Because I know MrsDC's quite partial to such chocolatey orangey products - and what better way to show affection than with a joblot of expired white chocolate?

More to come, then, in about half an hour!

Not much snow left, now...


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3 hours ago, Jon said:

Nip round and borrow my 4wd Vitz, if you like.


Be sure to take full advantage of the generous factory 10mm lift.


Honestly, MrsDC's Mk1 Yaris is absolutely formidable in the snow. It just goes straight through, no messing.

She knows a few horsey people who also rate them; see also Citroen C1/ Pug 107/ Toyota Aygo.

I've seen them go places in the snow that Land Rovers can't...

Didn't even know they'd made a 4x4 version until now ! Is yours an ex-Japan import?

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