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Shite in Miniature II


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Plastic fantastic. Essentially some weird but unwarped Polistil copies by a old Soviet company. Moving bits and all.



Old Hot Wheels Cadillac. Rubber tyres and made in France stamped on the base. Neat.

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My brother came across these in a skip on at a house he's doing an extension on. He says he'll keep his eyes open for anything else.post-17414-0-72541400-1535661733_thumb.jpeg

Most stuff I remember from the 70's apart from that red pickup which is a Matchbox Holden and the blue and white coupe, a Majorette GS Camargue , apparentlly which on Googling was a Bertone concept on a Citroen GS. The Capri,Cougar and X1/9 are Cat B at least and might be good for parts for someone- let me know.

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I'm happy with this one, in the end went for a full repaint along with the new tyres and new 'glass'. The last decision on this one is whether to get Steve Flowers to send me two tiny waterslides for the number plates. Might take a break from restoration projects for a bit, so thanks to everyone for help and advice this year.






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Some more 1/72 stuff has arrived. The Chevy is quite rare but this one was hidden away because it was mis-spelled as 'Caramama'. The Datsun had only one hopeless blurry photo so that probably put people off too.



57 Chevy by Adam Floyd, on Flickr



Datsun 240Z by Adam Floyd, on Flickr


Also, SERCK! Thanks to A1showplates' online preview I can now make authentic plates in a myriad of different fonts.


Sercks by Adam Floyd, on Flickr

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More buyage, though I may be tailing off my Trademe searches for a wee while, after a minor bout of buyer's remorse.....





Bought this at a local market a mere couple of days before Junkman revealed his freshly restored one, which is all kinds of nicer than this, what with the miniature TV sets I'd known nothing about. Likewise, I didn't know this came with an aerial, until I heard it rattling round in the back! Quite pleased for £2.50.






I was VERY pleased to bag this for £3.50 off Trademe, delivered! Turned out to be the only bidder and there was also a Corgi XJ-C n red available for the same price but I didn't nab it, as I'm not a major fan of the casting and this is a more 1/43-esque size, so more in line with other rammle I've been accumulating of late. I do actually have another of these in the UK, which my brother & I liberated from our dentist's waiting room (still feel shame for that). That one came with the earlier 4 spoke wheel inserts, so I guess this is a later version, from that weird period where large Corgis sold alongside each other in different scales. Said liberated one was very playworn but we 'restored' the missing bumpers with some Fimo and then I think it was painted light blue....






Couldn't resist this one, since I (often forget I) own a SWB SIIA but this is about as close as I'll get, toy-wise. Stance Yo and missing screen mean I got it, along with a Lesney US military half-track (sans tracks, natch) for £1, then spent £2 on postage. Still, it's within my pocket money budget, which is a personal comfort zone.





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.......Buyer's remorse set in a smidge, after suffering a sever bout of Siku nostalgia. I bid on a few items one guy was selling and fortunately I lost most of them, as they very much weren't pocket money territory (well, a few weeks saving up, perhaps). I did get this one though, which was actually my least desired item I set a bid to:





Ratty box didn't help my unease I'll admit, though feeling the weight of it (about 750g!) reminded me of one of the reasons I liked Sikus so much.






Opening up the box however and seeing that flimsy purple plastic casing again after so many years, set off the old nostalgia senses once more. It looks waaaay better out the box, thankfully.






Once again, please excuse the iPhone 4 shots but I had stuff to do today. Here's a few of the opening bits, along with the lol-worthy mis-scaled luggage, which is so terrible, it can stay on its sprue.






And the other side. FIVE STAR COACHING.






And just for fun, here it is with my Atlas Dinky Berliet. I reckon they're probably about similar scale, though I haven't actually seen a real one of these Berliets to know any better.


Fortunately, the chunky Siku coach landed on my doorstep today whilst Mrs_Jon was out, so has been snaffled away until I work out what to do with it next. I currently have most of my miniatures on display in the front room and whilst they take up very little real estate, it was commented that our house has become a bit 'manly' in the styling department. I suppose it gives me a reason to tidy up the room at the back of the garage and transfer stuff there. It also just so happens to have a lot more space!

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Loving all the back window stickers on the MAN, as nearly all foreign motors of the period, bragging about what they had compared to say a Paramount bodied Tiger that a bog was classed as 'luxury' LOL


IU'm not happy atm, a parcel from egay has gone AWOL allegedly, so now started the process, sadly ebay won't act until the 10th, taking the piss really as I've given it almost 2 weeks to arrive so far, seller claims to have posted it last Saturday 1st class, I think that may be a porky pie tbh

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Read today the 2019 Matchbox range will include a Subaru SVX and a Merc W123 estate. So in a few years they’ll be in Poundland hopefully. Went in yesterday and purchased a Datsun Pick up and a DUKW for a quid a piece for Sierraman jr to play with.

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I did a bit of Poundland shopping myself yesterday, for once our small local one had a few bits of interest. I got the three Matchbox below there, plus the HW Fairlady and a 1987 Toyota that I found I'd already bought so handed it over to my son (I wasn't deliberately depriving him of the others, it's just that he's only really interested in sporty supercar nonsense).




The remaining HWs came from other supermarket visits, was pleased to find the Mazda pickup.


Norev DS and Mondo Motors Renault 8 were picked-up in French supermarkets on the way home from holiday. Never did find that Hachette though.

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Found the right thread! Thanks Egg!


I think Charlie has a little obsession. Obviously being under 3 he can't post this up himself, but earlier I pulled both sofas out and got all his cars out!






2 won't fit in either, I walked past another one of these holder trucks at the car boot earlier, should have grabbed it




Most are Carousel ones from Tesco, Amy buys him a couple every time they go, but at the last few car boots, I've helped* him choose from the inevitable bloke selling 5 for a quid/£2 and he has more Hotwheels and Matchbox stuff now. There was a beautiful Citroen DS in the box earlier but the windscreen was smashed, which wasn't much good. The bloke selling them let him have the chavved up motorbike for free though, which was nice!


We usually let lots of them stay under the sofa but occasionally we race them up and down the front room, and occasionally line them up and crash other cars into them... It's great fun! 


I did look to get him a little Laguna 2 and Zafira B to match our cars but bloody hell, I could buy a real car for what they sell for, so sod that!

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Found the right thread! Thanks Egg!


I think Charlie has a little obsession...................


Good to see that he has the Matchbox Hairy Hustler. I've had one of them since I was 4-5 (quite a long time ago now).

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Daughter #2's favourites from her 1:64 stash - the horrendous lilac beast in the foreground is a '73 Chevy Camaro, and the vanilla yellow effort behind is a '70 'Cuda. Daughter was keen to post some of her shite in miniature cos it was an opportunity to try out her new phone. : - |


Thus more to follow.

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Scammell wrecker - Esso stickers missing from doors, but still has both yellow flashers, tow hooks and all tyres, is thus ready to cover loads more carpet miles. Has actually been retired from active duties though, and is currently on windowsill in main bedroom, much to mrs. b's chagrin.



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Not sure what these two are - bases of both are stupidly uninformative. The blue one is a Chevy, for sure. The mystical green pick up is on Firestones yo!

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Not sure what these two are - bases of both are stupidly uninformative. The blue one is a Chevy, for sure. The mystical green pick up is on Firestones yo!

The blue one is a Chevy, yes; a Malibu from about 1965-66 IIRC.  The pickup is a customised Ford from about 12 years earlier.

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Nah, that's not abandoned.  Some "old money" type will be along in his 1959 Vauxhall Cresta (owned from new doncha know) and move it to his winter storage soon.

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Had a bit of a Friday blowout last week and bought myself these two:


Oddly enough, I don't really like TR7s in and of themselves, but I've had my eye on this Vanguards model for a couple of years now. I think this'll look a treat once I re-jig the display cabinets in the hall to display my BL diecast.



The model shop in Smithfield that I happen to frequent has a somewhat erratic pricing policy; they could have done me a white one for £20, but I felt it was worth the extra three quid to get the Java Green version. It really yells '70s!' to me.


Also couldn't resist this: a no-name partwork model of a Dacia 1309 crew cab.



Certain parts are a bit cockamamie and it was already missing its driver doormirror in the sealed (if slightly crushed) blister pack, but I do quite like models of weird shiz like this.

Last month's Lada Samara and this one seems to have now cleared out all the interesting Eastern European chod from the shop, so here's hoping some more appears soon.

I might also dig out all my Soviet/Commie stuff to populate the second display case...

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