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Show us your shite - in the snow!

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Sorry to keep doing this but I am young and full of OMG TEH MOST SNOW OF EVAH!!!!!1111111111111





I'll stop now.


Lovely, don't mind seeing it over and over again!


Yesterday, there's a 240 in this shot as well:





Bestest snow here in for-evah! (we are only 3 miles from the sea, so don't get much of a look in with OMGSNOWCHAOS).




Nothing is sacred when you're a dog :roll:



Fantastic photo!



Getting ready for a ride out tomorrow. That's going to be fun in this weather.



Brave!! :shock:


Not shite in my book :D and not in the snow, just near it. Any closer and it would instantly turn into a big rust flake...




This is the most snow I have seen in Stourbridge for I reckon 15 years!


The choir sang at a Wedding today, it finally got underway two hours late. The reception (which was supposed to be in Stratford) has been cancelled and they ahve rented a room above a local pub. Of the 100 guests expected about half managed to turn up!


There is an Allegro underneath here somewhere:










The 14 in camouflauge!!







This was just before I cleared the snow off the Herald and popped out.



I do so love this motor Seth :mrgreen:


Yes, it does snow in Jersey!




Not half as well covered as the Focus was mind.


Been out in the saab, after reading this on the UKsaabs website:


the Idea behind the font handbrake is that its much safer used as an emergengy brake if the hydraulics fail (although most 99 handbrakes are so weak that that's kind of a moot point) but also that in snow or mud you pull the handbrake on half way to split the torque on the differential and stop one wheel from spinning all the power away. I can report that the latter technique works very well for getting you unstuck from snow...


locking diff!, and it works very well indeed for getting unstuck!




before kids



after kids




Was it the kids or the snow that changed the plates on the 607... ?! :lol:

Guest Leonard Hatred

I'm pretty sure dieselnutjob had a prang in the 607 recently, maybe the wrong plate was put on and he's just replaced it?


Been out in the saab, after reading this on the UKsaabs website:


the Idea behind the font handbrake is that its much safer used as an emergengy brake if the hydraulics fail (although most 99 handbrakes are so weak that that's kind of a moot point) but also that in snow or mud you pull the handbrake on half way to split the torque on the differential and stop one wheel from spinning all the power away. I can report that the latter technique works very well for getting you unstuck from snow...


locking diff!, and it works very well indeed for getting unstuck!


:D I didn't realise that was the point of their front handbrake, makes sense when you think about it. I've used the footbrake as a form of traction control, it kind of works.



My 900 was a late rear handbrake model so only GR8 4 DRIFTIN. They are very good cars in the snow though, even without winter tyres. Loads of traction and very sure footed.

I'm still embarrassed about those Comic Sans MS font numberplates. :oops: I should have binned them immediately.

before kids



after kids




Was it the kids or the snow that changed the plates on the 607... ?! :lol:


Well spotted, I'm guessing a bit of Photoshop trickery to change the ID so as to discourage cloning?

Well spotted, I'm guessing a bit of Photoshop trickery to change the ID so as to discourage cloning?

Every now and again people knock on the door and ask if I want to sell the 604. Normally when I'm at work and my wife is there on her own.

I don't trust these types at all. She said one of them had a "great big truck" so I don't think was a classic car enthusiast...

Given that the DVLA will give your name and address to just about anybody for a couple of quid I'd rather not post pictures of the real plates on the web.

But yes I suppose if you wanted to clone a sky blue 607 to steal petrol, and I suppose if you had a V6 auto one you might want to do that quite a lot, you wouldn't be very likely to see another one just out and about so the internet might be useful there as well.



Pikeys, take the fucker away.

Still, today I have been hooning about in the snow and having fun.


Interesting about the Saab stuff. I found my (now M'Coli's) 900 was a bit wayward to be honest, despite putting a nice new pair of Hankooks on it. Wish I'd thought of the handbrake trick last week in the BX. Not sure it would have got us up that hill given that it was wheelspinning on tickover though!

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