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Unhappy purchaser!!!!!!!!! More texts!

warren t claim

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5 mins ago I recieved this text:Mark its danny. I bought the micra off you last week you agreed to any trial when you advertised the car and I am very unhappy with it. It is very troublesome starting and keeps cutting out at junctions i have had a mechanic look at it and basically he thinks its a lemon can i have a refund and you have the car back?4 mins ago I recieved this text:I'm asking nicely first mate before I get my solicitor involved and also report you for false advertising.Any ideas what to do?

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Surely you cant even get done for false advertising on the premise that a car sold by a private seller is sold as seen and without any form of warranty?And what Mechanic says 'Its a Lemon' when presented with a car with apparent issues? I thought you were meant to fix the car and get money in return but I guess its pretty fair to just write yourself out of any income and just make a single remark. If the car was working fine when you sold it, they dont really have a leg to stand on, if we could predict cars would work/break in the next day/following days Im sure we'd have alot less problems.I hate people like that! Sorry to be of little help...

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Did you give him a receipt when you sold the car, "sold as seen?"I don't think there's anything he can do legally anyway. He bought the car sold as seen. His problem.

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Wasn't it something like £500? What do people expect for that sort of money really.Tell him to get bent. If he wants to waste money on a solicitor then crack on, he ain't got a leg to stand on.

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What were the circumstances of the sale?How much, where did you sell it and what did the ad say?I don't think he has much of a claim on a private sale..I think Richards bob-on, if you make a reciept including "sold as seen", both you and the buyer sign and he takes a copy you're completely covered.

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It was £300 including £70 worth of tax! And I did say it needed a couple of turns to engage the starter every now and again. I NEVER experienced any cutting out at junctions.

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Disposable PAYG sim cards. FTW!On the other hand, he has had it a week, more than long enough - he has no come back I would have thought. Certainly when I bought a fiesta that had issues within a few days I just sorted them out (new rotor arm, leads and plugs and it was fine).

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£300! What the hell does he expect? Unbelievable.My old Accord was £250, it was shit, but so what?Tell him to sod off, private sale sold as seen.Let him winge on about solicitors :1) He's bluffing2) A solicitor will tell him he doesnt have a leg to stand on

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If its a private sale then the buyer does not have any rights - other than it is what it is described to be - eg a Nissan Micra. Nobody in their right mind would expect a £300 car to be without faults.Bet he mentions the Sale Of Goods Act next. If so, tell him to go and bum himself (it doesn't apply to private sales).You can begin to understand though why people traded perfectly decent cars in under scrappage though. Who could be arsed with dealing with mongs like that?

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I agree. Every car I want to dispose of now is getting fragged! I think is a superb little car that never let me down once! I covered 11000 miles in it since november without any problems. I even said on the autoshite happy thread that I hope it gives him the same sterling service for him that it did for me!

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£300! What the hell does he expect? Unbelievable.My old Accord was £250, it was shit, but so what?Tell him to sod off, private sale sold as seen.Let him winge on about solicitors :1) He's bluffing2) A solicitor will tell him he doesnt have a leg to stand on

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I reckon Lobsters right, he will quote all sorts of BS now. Its probably just a case of him being less than happy with the car. Perhaps someone said he looked silly in it, considering how much focus everyone has on image now. He reckons by looking 'pro' and knowing all the right words he can make you beg him not to go legal.

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I'm thinking that he has found something else he likes with more street cred and wants to buy that instead.

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Tbh he's shot himself in the foot with his opening statement '..you agreed to any trial'. He must have had the trial before he bought it and then decided he wanted it.Therefore he took the car after you offered a trail so his problem.Tell him to get his solicitor and do his worse but you won't be paying his fees. If he wants to throw good money after bad it's his problem, no solicitor in the land worth his onions will touch a case like that against a private buyer.Especially a week after he bought it and even especially-er after he gave £300 for it.

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£300! What the hell does he expect? Unbelievable.My old Accord was £250, it was shit, but so what?Tell him to sod off, private sale sold as seen.Let him winge on about solicitors :1) He's bluffing2) A solicitor will tell him he doesnt have a leg to stand on

Yep, private sale is 'sold as seen' and can't have any comebacks whatsoever, the buyer sounds like a total fuckwit :roll:
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I would like to say that I would just ignore the texts but I reckon I would reply but only to say that it is a private sale, sold as seen and although I was sorry he is experiencing issues they were not there when I sold the car, I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do!

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'Sold as seen' is no longer a countable statement on a receipt. Send him one text message and one only only saying you're sorry he had trouble with the car but it was fine whilst you had it and you're not prepared to discuss it any further.

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Yup, if the mong gets arsey phone him back and tell him straight, bit of a loser's trick contacting you by text anyway.

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Any trial in the context of an advert would mean test drive.So I assume,unless you are an ex CarCraft type salesman,after his test drive he was happy to purchase a car for Halfords push-bike money.Trial or try before you buy means exactly that and not "have the use of this car for a week and if you don't like it bring it back" You haven't mis-led anyone in your advert and his second message is threatening.The rules on buying privately are very simple.BUYER BEWARE. In replying I would be firm but politely inform him of these facts then tell him I found his message threatening.

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My mate had the same problem recently with his old Vectra he said for £250 as a few of you may remember from the thread on here.The bloke got narky wanting his money back and saying that he was going to go round to his house to collected, he never did turn up and never heard anymore about it.Just call his bluff, tell him It's sold as seen, and if he wants to go through the courts then to feel free as it will cost more than his £300 and he won't have a leg to stand on.Christ people like this make me sick.

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WTF? There seems to be alot of this - Sell a car to punter, punter not happy with car after a few days, contacts previous owner and threatens previous owner with legal action - type scam going about of recent.


Where is it all coming from? Does someone know something we dont?


Sounds like just another chancer to me, in fact it sounds th same as Peter C's incident on the PC forum. You sold the car for a low price, private sale, it is his responsability to check the car over thouroughly. end of.


If he's too stupid to do that then thats his problem. Again, you dont know if he has delibertly changed a part for a duff one whilst in his possession therefore trying it on.

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I saw exactly the same story somewhere before here I think, and on practical classics forum wasn't it? A guy called chris something. Edit, yes it was peter


My advice would be to tell reply to him along the lines that you do not wish to be contacted again in any way. After that do not respond to text messages and if he calls you politely say that you do not want to speak to him and end the conversation.


A wall of silence will force him to either give up and take you to court, and he will loose and he knows it.


Do not enter into any discussion or arguements with him about what his "consumer rights" are, because he is either too stupid or he's trying it on. You can't argue with idiots or unreasonable people. Better to keep it simple, i.e. I'm not interested, all you can do is take me to court.


Also read up what harrassment legally means. I think it's something along the lines of behaviour that makes you feel threatened, but you need to check it. Basically if he threatens you in any way, or you feel threatened and he won't stop then I think he has committed an offense and you can talk to the police.

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Tell him to buy a big tin of gold Hammerite and paint himself from head-to-toe, then jump in the air going "I feel ALIVE!" like Johnny Five at the end of Short Circuit 2.If he doesn't like that, tell him to cram it.

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Sounds to me he's got bored or his girlfriends refusing to be seen dead in it with him so hes tryin it on with you to see if he can return it.He hasnt got a leg to stand on...if he did i wouldnt be drivin around in my truck that needed 500 quid spendin on it a week after i bought it however i wont go into details on that as its a bit of a touchy subject :roll: Tell him sold as seen,no comebacks any more harassment and your solicitor will be getting in touch with him.....

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I remember now what the scam is.Your car is broken because it needs some mechanical part. Lets say the alternator is buggered and both rear shocks have had it.You go an buy another car.You swap the good bits from the car you bought with the shite bits from yours.You start harrassing the poor unsuspecting seller.To get some peace, or maybe you feel sorry for him or whatever the seller agrees to take the car back.Then he realises it's not the same as it was when he sold it but it's too late now.That's probably why it cuts out. It's because the injection system (or whatever) off the car you sold is now on his (or his girlfriends) micra and the shite one off his is on yours.

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