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The grumpy thread


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1. Constantly feeling tired and achieving nothing all day and feeling awake at night

2. Phone lines being fucked about all the time

3. Shit Internet caused by 2. Broadband speed of 0.12MB

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I would... but it won't fire (another of the day's things against me) and the front jacking point has a jack stuck under it.

Put car in gear,turn key to start and it will "chug" forward onto wood, place jack under,jobsagoodun

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you missed out the bit where it lurches off the jack just far enough to wedge the jack into the sill, puncture the metal and cause an MoT failing hole big of similar dimension to that which sank the Titanic.

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First gear (or reverse, it's lower).

I prefer to get the engine turning first with the clutch down, then ease the clutch up (starter still spinning). It seems less violent that way.

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Like a dickhead I have not looked at my tyres for yonks, noticed today that the inner edges on the fronts are completely gone. I've only had them on for the last year and 9000 miles. Loads of tread everywhere else but the last inch of tread on the inside has disappeared. So that's a ton for a pair of Dungchungs or double that for premium. I suppose I could stalk out some part worns.


Going to get the front of the car in the air tomorrow to see if it's ball joints or something like that, else it could be tracking - the current hoops (Kumho Ecstas) seem to have a rep for uneven wear but the roads round here have also gone to pot(holes) with the extreme weather.

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First gear (or reverse, it's lower).

I prefer to get the engine turning first with the clutch down, then ease the clutch up (starter still spinning). It seems less violent that way.

Even better, take the plugs out to reduce resistance and let it wind itself forward on the starter.

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Changed the rear discs and pads on the alfa and had to get the calipers on the bench due to no wind in tool and seized handbrake mechanism. Think my knees are getting too sore for scrambling about under cars.


No sooner had I finished when the wife returned with the disco complaining of heavy steering. Steering fluid is pishing out from the vicinity of the power steering pump. Couldn't face more than a cursory glance today.


Don't suppose it's just a split hose.


Harrumph ..

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you missed out the bit where it lurches off the jack just far enough to wedge the jack into the sill, puncture the metal and cause an MoT failing hole big of similar dimension to that which sank the Titanic.


Dig a hole under the jack to remove it. Obviously this method doesn't work *quite* so well if you're parked on hard standing, or a road (although white spirit helps in the latter case...)

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My weekend on in the traffic office. No show yesterday meant a trip to Dundee. I'm just back in the garage, look at tomorrow's sheets and I've nine buses out before 9am. All of which need fuelled.


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Car buyers. Yes, I know, it's an old subject, but I've just put the MG on Gumtree, and within minutes, Asian guy phones up. Asks a couple of questions, then puts his dad on the phone. Pleasant enough guy, to be fair, but then asks, "Can I come and see it now?"


It's half nine at night, FFS. Anyway, says he'll phone and come tomorrow. We'll see.


Meanwhile, Pete M's Cougar is winking at me (fnarr, fnarr). This makes me grumpy, as I don't really need it, and it's not really something I want to tick off the list, but for some strange reason, I'm drawn to it. 

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Hammer and brick bolster, make an alteration to the wall so you can get it out


Moggie thou?


Owner of the garages (and the bloke that rents the next one in the block) wouldn't be too pleased...


Moggy 1275! 


I just stuck the front wheels back on, dropped the front end on the deck and shifted the back end over a couple of inches on the jack. It was just that 'FFS' moment...

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Trolley jack under the diff housing and a gentle push is surely the quicker* safer* way?

On a bus recovery many moons ago I had to recover a Leopard from down a country lane. Out come the one half shaft ( road side) and embed the other into the bank at the side of the road. Back to garage for a pick axe and shovel and stuff the traffic waiting to get down the lane.

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After owning 9 other K Series cars, some having very dubious history, having had ZERO HGF's, this has happened.


I've owned the car since it was brand new, and looked after it in my own inimitable OCD fashion.


I don't have the time or inclination (nor am I well enough at the minute) to sort this out myself, so it's off tomorrow AM on a beavertail to my mate to either fix this one, or put one of my spare engines in it.


Still, I suppose 12 years for a factory head gasket on a Project Drive Rover isn't too bad.


Still pissed off, though!





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Finally looking to amke some progress on my Dodge van this week so I figured I'd refit the dash etc so that the windscreen can go back in. It'll at least look like progress even if it isn't actually getting it much nearer to being done. Got the screen, got the rubber, just need the little chromed plastic locking strip that goes in the rubber. Just had a look for one and it's a mere one hundred sterling with the postage. Fuggin nora! No doubt customs and parcelforce will all bum me for extra cash too. By far the most expensive parts for this thing are any kind of seals. Glad I don't need a new screen rubber!

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I've just remembered, I've still got that box of Volvo lights, do you still want then for cost of postage?

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I've just remembered, I've still got that box of Volvo lights, do you still want then for cost of postage?

Yeah please if you've got them, they wouldn't go wrong I think. Gimme a shout with costs :)

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The person in, of all things, a modified classic Beetle who pulled into my lane without looking. Luckily the outer lane was empty and the ABS works so I was able to avoid a rather nasty coming together. I know I complained about having to spend £400 on the brakes, but I think it's just paid for itself

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Shit me man :shock: Trying to get online here is nowt less than some serious arse ache. So for the 2 weeks I've been here I've been trying to figure how to get online through the very vague descriptions my work colleagues have given me.


I finally managed to buy myself a wifi dongle after driving into the city. Then I ran out of credit on Saturday evening, bought some yesterday, tried to put credit on the dongle and I ran into this; Couldn't put credit on dongle through a mobile phone, then I tried the sim card in a phone and found it couldn't call out (some sim-related lock). So I finally managed it using the French landline at work. Phew.


Then I tried to access Autoshite and kept being diverted to this bastard ISP website which informed that I needed to shut my browser down and reload the page, all other internet pages worked but it really didn't want me to access autoshite, despite it working on my phone.


Wow man, seriously. France is a great place, plenty of nice women, peaceful living (I live in a village), nice weather and nice old French cars to drool over, but to do simple things like buying a mobile phone or accessing the internet requires you to go around the houses. Well, at least I've got here now.

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They love sending you around the houses for everything in France. Agree theres loads of gorgeous women everywhere mind you!!!! Its the old 'paperwork v women' balancing act.

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Women! For the first time EVER I'm within a whisker of getting a brand new car (yeah, they're all shit etc) as Mrs C said if I sorted out carpeting and flooring upstairs I could sign on the dotted line, as it were.

After an enjoyable afternoon spent looking at/daydreaming about/crossing off the list I'd mentally narrowed it down to one of two cars, and all of a sudden it's gone to a full blown redecoration of house, holidays and all kinds of shit. 

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Know the feeling well. Sacrificed a lot of stuff last year so Mrs P could have loads of things she needed (wanted).


All of a sudden we also need a loft conversion, conservatory, garden redone, and holiday. Funny how we didn't need them before her expensive laptop and holiday to New Zealand.......

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