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The grumpy thread


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In my (limited) experience even if you did happen to get the registration number of the bus it wouldn't help much. Unless witnesses were available.

Bus companies get quite a few chancers making false claims for damage so are naturally very wary. Simply complaining is unlikely to get you anywhere sadly.

(Am not suggesting that you are a chancer btw!)


Im not expecting to get very far TBH. But it will keep mrs kgb sweet making the effort.

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Guest Breadvan72

Not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.



 Perhaps I should spell it out.  Tories: I is hatez them.   They always piss me off, but recently they have been pissing me off even more than usual.  


And now .... breathe.

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Perhaps I should spell it out. Tories: I is hatez them. They always piss me off, but recently they have been pissing me off even more than usual.


And now .... breathe.

Am not sure how to tell the difference between political parties nowadays. They all seem to be fronted by shiny faced folks in suits spouting whatever drivel the Daily Mail* requires of them.


* Other tabloids being available, if you crave such nonsense.

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Guest Breadvan72

They are all pretty shite but some are more shite than others, I suppose.  A bit like beige cars except without the good bits.  


Actually, I do think there are some differences, and don't think that all pols are rotters (unlike beige cars).

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I think Boris Johnson's proposals to ban pre-2005 cars from (presumably) central London is something that just isn't being taken seriously enough. London is one of the best places for tat spotting in the country, and if these proposals become reality, London is going to become shite-free overnight. Also, it's hardly fair on those people who can't afford a new car to force them to buy one, or go without.

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They are all pretty shite but some are more shite than others, I suppose. A bit like beige cars except without the good bits.


Actually, I do think there are some differences, and don't think that all pols are rotters (unlike beige cars).

I tend to avoid Politics whenever possible. Politicians of any party being just media puppets nowadays rather than actually having a genuine belief and sticking with it! (Tony Benn?)

I would rather ignore real life and lurk in the garage tinkering with chod.

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I used to believe very strongly that getting the "right" people into power would make all the difference. All we needed was a group of politicians with a social conscience, sense of fairness, a respect for individuality, and a determination to make the world a freer, fairer and more equal place.


Now I just agree with you Bob.

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My grump is that "Super Dooper 70's Day" in Norfolk in July. On the flyer it states quite clearly that the event is only open to cars 'manufactured between 1970 and 1979', yet on the facebook page the organiser was advertising that his friend's 1968 (F reg) Volvo Amazon estate would be attending. I pointed this out, saying something like 'The Amazon is lovely, but isn't it a '68 model?' and my post was deleted. I posted some more this morning, and managed to get a screenshot of the comments before they were all deleted. A friend of mine, who was going to attend with his FE Victor also commented, pointing out that production of the Amazon estate finished in 1969, and suggesting a separate parking area for non-70's classics. All very reasonable, but his comment was also deleted within 30 seconds. Naturally, he has cancelled his entry. The organiser can't have it both ways. Either he sticks to his own rules and doesn't let non-70's cars in, or he lets in any classics. Neither of us were impressed by his attitude, his deleting of dissenting posts, or his bending the rules for mates cars. Fortunately I took a screenshot before my comments were deleted.


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Well looks like getting sparky to spend a day to find this fault. Even he isn't optimistic.

Not sure i can cope with house being rewired if it comes to that

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I think Boris Johnson's proposals to ban pre-2005 cars from (presumably) central London is something that just isn't being taken seriously enough. London is one of the best places for tat spotting in the country, and if these proposals become reality, London is going to become shite-free overnight. Also, it's hardly fair on those people who can't afford a new car to force them to buy one, or go without.


Remove all ID. Apply for Q plate. Job is a good one.

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My grump is that "Super Dooper 70's Day" in Norfolk in July.

I know Potsie who's running the show and I know that he's trying really hard to make a big show of it, it's never going to be easy to please everyone but he has said that if the model was still made in the 70's he will allow it, the Amazon was still made in 1970 IIRC, plus I think the owner of the Amazon also brings a period caravan and has a 70's trade stand at the show so he doesn't want to upset them.


He's said my mate can bring his 1969 Ford Taunus as the model was made in 1970, last year's show was probably the best show of the year for me.


I do think your picking hairs slightly with the Maestro comment, it was never made in the 70's!



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Sorry to see that damage to the Volvo Ade, such a nice example it is too. :(
And possibly the only Volvo in the world with an Axminstered headlining.

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I was involved in a Volvo bending collision with an Audi today. I'm alright bar some shoulder pains but it looks like my 740 is dead :-(

Sorry to hear that dude but at least your ok, made that arse look a bit saggy though!


I guess you'll be entitled to a bit of whiplash too then.

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I was involved in a Volvo bending collision with an Audi today. I'm alright bar some shoulder pains but it looks like my 740 is dead  :-(

I'm glad you  walked away from it. Mr Volvo did his job, passenger area untouched by impact.  bloody shame about the car though, 740 saloons are getting pretty thin on the ground. 

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Thanks chaps. Aye, I'm alright, just a bit gutted really. It took a fair wallop from behind, although the Audi didn't look particularly damaged... 30 years of progress I suppose...
As for compensation, it's a bit too early to say what'll happen. Got a doctors appointment this week anyway so will get all the important bits checked out to be sure there's nothing too serious. I was bloody fond of that Volvo but the likelyhood of it being mendable is pretty slim.
Like any true Scotoshiter, I've already started looking at other Volvos.

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Thanks chaps. Aye, I'm alright, just a bit gutted really. It took a fair wallop from behind, although the Audi didn't look particularly damaged.


That newfangled stuff always looks like new after a shunt, until you look behind the plastic cladding and discover that it's a write-off.

New Aldi vs. old Ovlov? I'd rather be in the old vault any day, lemme tellya.

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That Avensis looks remarkably fresh Trig! The Audi appeared similarly unharmed but with the force of impact that I felt it had to have done more. I spoke to the other party who reckoned she must have been doing 10-15mph but the damage on the Volvo seems a bit much for that. 

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I'd say she was doing at least 20-30mph for that damage, this was how my Passat ended up.




The boot floor was wrapped around the spare wheel and the tow bar was bent right up.

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Sorry to hear about the Volvo, fella, just glad to hear you're ok.

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Trig, I didn't seriously want to bring the Maestro, I was just making a point. I don't think it's right he makes a big thing about only cars manufactured in the 70's can attend, then he lets in a '68 F reg model belonging to his mates. He then made up some bullshit to cover that. Like I suggested, if it's the model that needs to have been made in the 70's, rather than the individual car, then he needs to change his flyers. It quite clearly says "H-W registration" on them. I could overlook that, it's his show afterall, but it was mainly his deleting of dissenting comments that annoyed me. I made some perfectly reasonable arguments and he simply deleted them because he knew he was wrong, and couldn't argue against them. I don't know the guy personally, but he's just put off one 70's owner coming with his actions. He just needs to think before he acts. I'm sure you know how irritating it is having your comments deleted when you're simply making a point.


Turns out he's now (indirectly) called me a "dick" and a troublemaker, playing the cha-ri-dee card and claiming my posts had to be deleted as I was trying to sabotage a fun, charity event. Of course. What a truly pathetic little man he is, who obviously doesn't have the balls to message me directly with those comments.

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Thanks for the kind words chaps. Didn't sleep much last night just with everything that's happened. Waiting for Copart to come and collect the Volvo but the chances of good news are very slim.

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You're driving a BFO vehicle and someone is guiding you in from above. Is the best course of action to have your windows up and your radio on, thus rendering yourself unable to hear the instructions being shouted? And when you finally fucking twig and open your windows/turn off the radio is it then best to completely ignore the simple instructions given?



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