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The grumpy thread


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Some knobbed crashed into Micra whilst it was parked. no details left .... must have been jealous because I had spent the last 2 days cleaning and fettling it. Fucksocks...

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I decided to take the DAF along to a show today it was happily cruising along nicely at 60 then BANG at the crest of the hill and one of the bloody belts snapped. Being honest i was expecting it as the belt had being slipping turning hard right and to had to that the brakes need rebuilt before its MOT on the 22nd. On the plus side the new belts were included when i bought it. The joys of shite motoring.

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Had headaches, hot and cold flushes and the shits all day on Sunday. Couldn't sleep so just got up and treated myself to some rice crispies. MISTAKE!!

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Some knobbed crashed into Micra whilst it was parked. no details left .... must have been jealous because I had spent the last 2 days cleaning and fettling it. Fucksocks...


Sorry to hear that Moog, unfortunately there are alot of twats that hate Micras, I still occasionaly have to deal with cock-jockys in bigger (like the twat in the Pugshit 308 today) cars trying to run me off the road/drive at me/pull out in front of me ect ect.... when I'm in the Micra.


I bet it was BMW that crashed into your Micra too. Hope you can get it sorted.


* Incidently, there is a Silver facelift Micra in a scrappy not far from me, if there are parts you want me to get for you, just let me know.

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AROnline's forum update to PHPBB3 means that I've had to re-register because PHPBB3 can't handle the apostrophe in my username. Now every post has to be approved by moderators before publication, and I've got no PMs available, not to mention not being able to view any sent to my original username. :roll::roll::roll:


You're now a new user and should be good after 5-10 posts.

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Some knobbed crashed into Micra whilst it was parked. no details left .... must have been jealous because I had spent the last 2 days cleaning and fettling it. Fucksocks...


I bet it was BMW that crashed into your Micra too. Hope you can get it sorted.

Oi, less of the snark, we're not all the same. :roll:

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I'd like my new job to get back to me. I was back from Sweden last Thursday. Since then I've called, been in and rung again. Listen lads - do you want me to start or what? I may not be around in the August weekends but there's bloody plenty I can be doing for you during the week until we hit September. I can't give you a better indication of when I can work during the week until University pull their finger out of their arse and give me a timetable with my options listed accurately. A generic timetable listing everything isn't good enough. I need to know, sort of NOW, what options I've been accepted on to so I can at least start putting a schedule together.


I'm starting to think Warren's right and that I should bob down to the car delivery place instead, and get some hours in. If the other place kick off I may well say to them that I've given an ample amount of time and chased them as far as I can without being a nuisance, and that they showed zero interest in giving me a start date. From what I know neither of my references have been contacted either. The last time I went in they appeared to have lost my response sheet showing the holidays I had booked off. When the confirmation letter arrived I went straight in to confirm in person.


I like the time off but it's getting a bit stupid now.

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Sodding pikeys around again. Fortunately saw them coming so had time to get down the garden with mega fierce dog before everything disappeared in the pikey pickup. Wasted the afternoon moving the more valuable stuff before they come back when I'm out. sodding pikeys.

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* Incidently, there is a Silver facelift Micra in a scrappy not far from me, if there are parts you want me to get for you, just let me know.


Cheers for the offer I am going to try just knocking them out. They hit is halfway down just behind the B pillar. Its a 3 door otherwise I could have just swapped the door out.

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Quote for insurance on a 19 year old Astra with a 1400 8v engine that is worth 300 quid max, driver has no claims and two year's NCB, his 69 year old Pa with 40 year's worth of driving included in policy:


Grand Total: £1762.13


How? Wankers.

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It was £400 9 years ago, I doubt inflation or claims would've pushed it up 1,300? Why can't they just nail the drivers who can't drive and leave the ones who have never had a crash or made a claim or had whiplash alone? It makes no sense! Absolute wankers.

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It was £400 9 years ago, I doubt inflation or claims would've pushed it up 1,300? Why can't they just nail the drivers who can't drive and leave the ones who have never had a crash or made a claim or had whiplash alone? It makes no sense! Absolute wankers.


Go traders with your insurance.

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Quote for insurance on a 19 year old Astra with a 1400 8v engine that is worth 300 quid max, driver has no claims and two year's NCB, his 69 year old Pa with 40 year's worth of driving included in policy:


Grand Total: £1762.13


How? Wankers.


If you think thats bad there was something in the news that some teenager was quoted £26,000, dont know what the car was but don't think it was a new one.

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I was quoted £32.5K to insure the Scorpio Cosworth TPF&T


YEWOT????? I always knew it was a scam, but that's... you know, I don't think there are any English words that cover it.

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I'm in my late 20s now, have a couple of years of NCB but having been on Classic policies now for a couple of years I dont think they are valid anymore. But even if they are, for me to insure mk2 Rover Sterling is at least around the £2000 mark, its a 1995 model so not quite into classic territory. Its the only reason I havent used it since mid 2009. I've not tried Traders policies yet though.


Also - A couple of years ago someone from abroad offered me a set of Rover 800 mats from an early model for free, he kept saying he'd send them but for one reason or another, never did. He keeps on telling me he'll send them but never seems to get around to it. I offered to pay for the mats and postage, or just postage if needs be but he always refused.


I sent a PM recently (Not this site) and told him he didnt have to send them if he has changed his mind or its difficult or whatever and I shant be offended, but coulod he at least let me know he he is going to send them or not, I've since seen him online but he has never bothered to reply to my PMs, no courtesy. :|

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I'm grumpy cos i'm SKINT! I have spent up completely on shite/shite parts.


Yup. Same here. Most frustrating! Can't progress any projects due to skintness. Can't actually afford to put fuel in the cars even, which stops me enjoying the ones I have.

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Ditto. Work's so thin I'm stuggling to find the money to do the few things the V70 needs. So I'm quitting smoking...day 1; thus far I haven't killed anyone, but I've got a scraping-bottom-of-the-barrel job booked for tonight. O Joy.

I'm only really looking to scrape up enough to change the cambelt and service the bloody thing. Is that too much to ask of the Universe?

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Meh, I'm always skint. You get used to it. Try looking down the back seat of the Maserati, with your luck there will be a Diamond necklace or a Faberge egg down there.


I'm having a properly shit day today.

First, UK Mail.. They "tried" to deliver something at about 5 to 8 this morning, belted on the door hard enough to wake my wife up but didn't stay long enough for me (already up) to make it to the front door. Gets. The card they left says to ring on (0845) something to re-arrange delivery or to collect from their depot (15 miles away). Something to do this afternoon then. I expect to be more grumpy about this later.


Next, off to the yard so I can get the LT to the class VII test station before 9.00 so I can get a free brake test before the days work starts....


3 cars to move... 2 in the yard, one on the back of the truck, all should run.


First car - crank, crank, crank, click.... Damn and blast. Find jumpleads, start it from the one in front.

Second car - started fine, ran out of fuel before I got it to the gate. AAAAAGH. Find petrol... look for spout, fail, use a watering can instead (note to A5, don't smoke near the watering can, or try to put fires out with it....). Put car outside.

Third car... lower ramps on truck, remove straps, get into car and turn key.... Nothing at all, no lights, totally flat battery. Shit. Put ramps back. Reverse truck out of yard, then reverse in. Ramps down, freewheel car into yard. Replace ramps again.


Finally, lock gate and take truck to MoT station. 2 minutes past nine. Lots of piss taking about punctuality and some rather crap brake roller readings later I'm back at the yard. Stuck a battery on the third car, put it outside. Truck in, caliper off, Stuck piston (VERY stuck)


While I was dealing with that, one of autofive's scimitar driving "chums" popped in looking to waste half a morning talking total nonsense. It took an hour to get rid of him.


Just after he went, I managed to maul 2 fingertips with the caliper (it popped a piston out while I was blasting it with compressed air. Not the stuck one, and my fingers were in the way) so I decided to give up. First and second cars drove in fine but the third one? Bugger went and ran out of petrol! Never mind, there was some in the watering can.



Teatime update edit - UKmail are gits. Their phone system sucks, I'm going to go collect tomorrow instead.


and, because I was home early my wife made me help in the garden, and I got bitten by one of the ferrets (hard enough to bleed like a stuck pig, and also on one of the previously damaged fingers - just to add injury to injury I suppose)


BAH. I'm going to get pissed and go to bed early.

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Our next door neighbour at the unit has at a stroke turned from a boorish irritant into a full blown arsehole. I can't even be bothered giving him the time of day any more. One more complaint out of you big lad, and I'll hammer your fucking skull into the pavement.


Aaaand breathe.

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Going on holiday soon and for the first time my lad isn't coming with us. So that's no more sneaking off to play football and crazy golf and instead being stuck with two females whose idea of 'fun' is shopping and watching shit about Peter 'Twatting' Andre and that incredibly annoying, balloon titted, balloon headed gobshite Jordan.

Plenty of reading material and some covert Autoshite viewing via moble phone is in order I think.

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Going on holiday soon and for the first time my lad isn't coming with us. So that's no more sneaking off to play football and crazy golf and instead being stuck with two females whose idea of 'fun' is shopping and watching shit about Peter 'Twatting' Andre and that incredibly annoying, balloon titted, balloon headed gobshite Jordan.

Plenty of reading material and some covert Autoshite viewing via moble phone is in order I think.


Isn't there any 'activity' where you're going? For example, during a beach holiday you can go 'swimming' and just read the paper on the beach while ogling the local (or imported) talent.

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That was always more fun in holiday camp indoor pools where amongst the disgusting Toyota Previa driving, dole cheating, walk with a limp and crtutches until I see food or cheap clothes then run like fuck lardy bints there was always a couple of right hotties. The two ladies I'm holidaying with don't 'do' swimming :[

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When I go on holiday, I spend the first three days pissed, then go and barter for a cheap rented Jimny Soft top, and go explore. When on Zakynthos a few years ago, I found a 3000 year old Mycenean (I think) graveyard, with poorly written signs from the main road. A few Kilometers down a dirt track, and there was a three vehicle Land Rover "quest" style trip going off, all passengers in locally driven motors. They were mostly Germans.... I sat for a while and just soaked in the peace once they had left. I then went and found a "local shop" and filled the back with Mythos. Went back to the apartment and got pissed for the next three days WIN!

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