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The grumpy thread


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They're slowly moving around. Mersey Plod seem to be doing a decent job.


This made me giggle a bit admittedly just as it's properly cheeky, but the grumpy thing is the guy who owns this place is cool, and will cut car mirrors to size (from a template) for a few quid each - and he gives you sticky back plastic to fix 'em on with.



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There is rioting in Birmingham now - I have a ticket for the Test Match on Sunday. I'll be really pissed off if its cancelled. Keep your silly rioting/looting to London please....

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Outside the M25 now


Waltham Abbey. Bloody Essex!


To some Londoners this is 'up-north'



The daft cow on BBC News 24 said Waltham Abbey is in Buckinghamshire. Get your geography right BBC!

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Well done to the dipshit rioters in Liverpool. What exactly where they rioting for? It proves nothing except what massive bell ends they are and at the end of the day its honest Joe who will pick up the tab to clean all this shit up. Some people in this city are a fucking disgrace and need to hang their heads in shame. Same with elsewhere too, innocent people having their stuff torched, businesses being fucked up for no good reason. The initial reason is bollocks frankly and doesn't even apply to Liverpool anyway, absolutely pathetic. Makes me embarrassed to live here sometimes the mongs.

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Unfortunately all this shit will probably get worse rather than better. To me it's getting like the early eighties again, lots of disseffected youths with fuck all going for them who want to smash the system. Lack of jobs, living in shit areas and not much of a future is bound to bring all this sort of thing to the fore and (sorry to get political) with a government hell bent on booting as many people as possible out of work it was only ever really going to go one way.


I abhor racism with a passion but I have to say had the person who got shot by the police been white then a lot of this shit probably wouldn't have kicked off in the first place. That said though according to the news the first protests in Tottenham were peaceful until some people decided to hijack it. Once word gets round that shops are being looted it doesn't take much for those less well off with nothing much in their lives to join in the 'fun'. Not condoning it at all but I bet it's easy to get sucked in if you live in an area where this is happening and you are on your arse with crap all to get up for day in, day out.

Now Cameron is going to start getting tough and going all Maggie on them, the coppers are going to go wading in to peoples homes and it will just get worse again so this is probably just round one for now. I'm not saying nothing should be done about it but you just watch when they raid the home of the first person who claims innocence and it'll all go up again.

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To all the people who moaned about rhe police being too heavy handed in the student fess and g20 protests.........happy with yourselves?

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Now Cameron is going to start getting tough and going all Maggie on them, the coppers are going to go wading in to peoples homes and it will just get worse again so this is probably just round one for now. I'm not saying nothing should be done about it but you just watch when they raid the home of the first person who claims innocence and it'll all go up again.


Personally, I think they should give the Police machine guns for this kind of situation. If you're out there looting and destroying businesses, you should be in a hail of bullets.

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Being honest Norm whilst I'd fight for my family without a thought, the police are paid to do this sort of thing. Not saying they deserve to be shot at or beaten up, but surely that argument is a bit like where the tiny minority that sign up for the army then complain because they get sent to a war zone. I'd have thought you have to expect some level of 'opposition' in a job like that.


As for shooting protesters then it'll just lead to utter carnage and the amount of illgeal weapons on the streets will rise massively. Instead of seeing baying mobs armed with baseball bats and bricks trying to loot shops they'll be armed with guns instead and then the real 'fun' will start.

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And if it's MORAL to expect the police to step in and protect you, then it is JUST AS moral to protect yourself.

Would you have stood with me, rifle levelled to protect that 89-y-o man and his barbershop? Or would you feel more honorable dithering on the phone to expect another man with wife and kids to risk his life doing it for you or taking a you-tube video of the carnage?

If a thug is going to smack your wife's head open with a ballbat, do you call 999, or do you intercede actively? If you interceded, are you a "vigilante", or are you a right honorable citizen protecting his family, his community, and his home?

Why is it MORE MORAL to expect a man in a uniform to show up and risk his life FOR YOU if you are unwilling to man-up and defend yourself? Tell me, which is the higher moral ground? The man who expects another man to fight for him, and possibly get hurt doing so to the detriment of that man and his family? Or the man who would be ready to relieve that man of the burden and defend his ownself if necessary?

And if you come down to defending your loved ones, yourself, and your community, why would you go all wobbly at the notion of being armed properly with the requisite tools? Are you unable to control yourself, or somehow impaired mentally? Who told you that you're incompetent to defend yours and yourself?

Uncomfortable musings, innit? But very real when scarce resources are in play and desparate people abound who would do you harm.

From what I'm hearing, the looters who kicked off near me then went to an area (Brick Lane, with a large Bengali population) to 'do their thing', only to be met by gangs of Bengalis defending the area.

Brick Lane and the surrounding area, for now, remains untouched.

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Why does everybody keep on about it being 'disadvantaged' and 'poor/less well off' youths causing this trouble? As for Livingstone stating it was university/college leavers who are frustrated that they can't get a job... If they really are that poor, why are they stealing flatscreen TVs and mobile 'phones? Surely if you are so poor it makes you want to riot, you'd go for the food first?


The trainers they are wearing cost more than my car and the 'phones they are using to orchestrate the violence are at least 4 years newer than mine - and this was when they started - now they've got their 'free upgrade'...


This is my only comment on this, I'm off to collect my rifle. Just in case someone feels like looting stonehenge or something.

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Disadvantaged my arse. Excuses are many, the reasons are none. My family weren't at all well off when I was growing up, in common with just about everyone we know. Yet we didn't go out and behave like these scum. All this bollocks about the "lack of role models" really grips my shit too, about traumas of a deprived childhood. Three of my friends saw their own father blown into a million pieces in front of them, and they turned out alright.

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Those riots scare me a lot. Like some kind of Spooks episode in real life.


Also, fucqing merde. Took 2CV for an MOT, quick pre-check showed (a.o.) exhaust trouble, knackered wheel bearing, and most of all chassis problems: fucked in two places. Cost will easily run up to 700 or 800 euro for everything, plus the convenient free parking spot sort of near my house won't be free anymore soon, plus the Dutch 'summer' means I don't drive it often enough to justify the expense... I think it's time to say 'au revoir' to my second car dreams for a couple dozen of years.

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The disadvantaged thing only stands up if these people actually took an opportunity that presented itself. Instead, they make teaching them a nightmare because they have no respect at all for authority figures. That starts at home - that's where the issue is. I don't pretend the Police are perfect - they do have a nasty habit of occasionally killing an innocent person, but then some black kids with guns accidentally shot a young asian girl a few months back. Don't remember that leading to rioting...


I've been accussed of being middle class with some of my thoughts - if I am middle class (which I don't think I am at all), that only proves that social mobility does happen. I come from working class roots and had a childhood that never had enough money in it. I didn't really care that much at the time that we couldn't afford the nice things that other families had (though the few years when my parents couldn't afford a car was tough!). It just made me more determined to try and do my best to make something of my life. I didn't go looting or smashing stuff up. I put a large amount of my success in life down to my parents. If you get taught well at home, you'll do better in life. Parents are the ultimate role models.

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To be fair on Norm and the rest of the MENTAL GUN SQUAD, I've pondered the gun debate for a few years and have come to a decision that I'd prefer to have a wall of guns like Burt in Tremors. The police around here are completely incompetent (from personal experience) and I wouldn't trust them to protect anything of mine, including my life. I doubt as many of those kids would be out there if they knew there was a sizable chance of their face being blown off.

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To be fair on Norm and the rest of the MENTAL GUN SQUAD, I've pondered the gun debate for a few years and have come to a decision that I'd prefer to have a wall of guns like Burt in Tremors. The police around here are completely incompetent (from personal experience) and I wouldn't trust them to protect anything of mine, including my life. I doubt as many of those kids would be out there if they knew there was a sizable chance of their face being blown off.



+1. There is a very real possibility that Citizen Militias will come out of this, and that is not illegal under The Common Law. i.e., if the King cannot protect the people, the people are permitted to protect themselves. Sounds arcane, but the Common Law still pertains.

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I attempt to prevent lawlessness in my neighbourhood. We live next to a Bridleway, which is part of a National Cycle Network, and also next to the local park. Kids, dogs, horses, cyclists, ramblers..... and motorcycles.... mostly off-road types, some road legal, mostly ridden without headgear... Well everytime I hear one, I ring the Police. I make a nuisance of myself. Last week, three turned up at the end of my street, as I was talking to a neighbour. Now I'm an ugly looking cunt, and scruffy too. Also I can shout like Brian Blessed. I told them to leave. Promptly. I was met with blank stares and a finger. I stood in front of one of them. He rode round me. I rang the Police. Nothing happened. Next time it's a fucking big stick or my Land Rover. I can and WILL chase them down the track... Whether I get a ticket or not. (I have permission off the land owner to use it if necessary.I consider chasing wankers on illegal bikes a necessity!) So if I get locked up within a week, you know why!

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No lunchtime trip to Halfords Brixton for me, the scum have done that over as well as burning footlocker to a shell. I don't normally feel threatened around here, but I shan't be working late tonight...!

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Distrubances in Medway now. Message from my dad saying they are taking "extra precautions". All quiet here but people are getting paranoid when they hear sirens.


Ive never know anything like this, pretty scary stuff

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It seems to me what they're trying to say is "this is our city and you can't tell us what to do". They feel genuinely put out because the police hassle them and try to stop them doing bad things in an area, which the believe they own and have control of. It's a big fuck you to society as they think they have the right to do what ever they want and they'll do anything including shiting on their own doorstep to prove it. It's truly fucked up.

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I think desuetude would probably apply.


Possibly, but the authorities are unlikely to play that card in the face of public opinion. It is, however current that if it can reasonably shown that the constabulary is unable or unwilling to protect the populace any member of the public can apply for a Judicial Review of Policing in their Jurisdiction (Divisional Command Unit in Northern Ireland) up to and including the House of Lords.


The reality in the current situation is probably that if some scrote breaks into someones house with badness in mind, and gets ventilated, the householder is probably not going to get Tony Martin'd.

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just seen on sky a young guy got injured and lads who look like they are helping him to his feet start to go through his rucksack and taking his stuff...ffs these scum deserve all they have coming to them..


it has nothing to do with a guy being shot.... government..... no jobs.... bored teenagers.... its just fucking sick criminality... from useless scum who wouldn't even want a job if there was any out there...


it's the mindset of the youth of today that they think they deserve the same as hard working people but don't want to work to get it :shock:

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I tell you what, it is getting awfully close to satire you know. Just watch Life of Brian and insert the word Government for Romans...



Too many people expect life to be handed them on a plate.

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I'm trying to get it to go viral:


this vid has aready gone viral, long before your post. several remix versions have appeared from 8:20am this morning

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Trouble has started in Brixton again, work sent us home an hour ago and I didn't need to be told twice. Market traders packing up quick and from the train window I could see rozzers and ambulances up by the town hall, I'm not ashamed to say it's shit me up seeing that first hand. And then I come home and see that idiot Johnson on the telly in Clapham getting in the photo opportunity talking to the wounded middle-classes - you want to get down to Brixton mate!!

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