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Guest greenvanman


Buy one of these and never see another advert again ever:




Don't be tempted by cheap PVRs because they're usually unreliable shite. I've had one of these for about 18 months and it's bang on. And it's cheaper now than when I bought it!

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Merc failed it's MOT. Nothing too serious. Track rod end, fuel pipe and insecurely mounted exhaust. All this is fine other than the fact that I fitted the exhaust, which is as bit embarrassing.

I've not got time/cannie be arsed to fix it so I'm getting the garage next to my lockup to do it.

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There was a Beetle in Thailand with loads of swastikas over it! They obviously had no idea, and I didn't care either to be honest.


There's a rather nice house on the road from Wolverhampton to Kidderminster that has a Swastika above the front door. I do hope it's there for Buddhist (or whatever) type reasons.


The swastika was actually used in various parts of ancient north and south america as a symbol or prosperity and good fortune. It means "well being" and is derived from Sandscript.

The version used by Japanese Buddhisim is a mirror image called "sauvastika" (Manji in Japanese) ad is generally asociated with night and/or magical pratices.

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It was on a matt-black Beetle that had iron crosses and other stickers, the swastikas were on the rear windows! This was also in the same town as a cafe that was called Hitler's and had the man as it's mascot, I kid you not! I think WW2 just isn't that well known about over there, I doubt very much the Beetle owner knew it was a bit offensive!


I've just seen a photo of my car in front of a petrol station from early 2007. The sign says 86.9p p/l. This can't be right surely???

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I've just seen a photo of my car in front of a petrol station from early 2007. The sign says 86.9p p/l. This can't be right surely???


Probably. It was 104.9 last September.

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It was on a matt-black Beetle that had iron crosses and other stickers, the swastikas were on the rear windows! This was also in the same town as a cafe that was called Hitler's and had the man as it's mascot, I kid you not! I think WW2 just isn't that well known about over there, I doubt very much the Beetle owner knew it was a bit offensive!


I've just seen a photo of my car in front of a petrol station from early 2007. The sign says 86.9p p/l. This can't be right surely???



Being pciky, WW2 would be very well known over there seeing as they fought alongside the Japanese.


In a similar vien, the Japanese Rising Sun would offend a lot of people in SE Asia but wouldn't raise an eyebrow here

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I've just seen a photo of my car in front of a petrol station from early 2007. The sign says 86.9p p/l. This can't be right surely???


Probably. It was 104.9 last September.

The other day, I found a perfectly preserved reciept from 1996, 35 litres of Premium Unleaded, and it cost £19 odd. Depressing.

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i remember reading, and seeing photos of, jap bikes destroyed at US motorbike rallies in the 1970s. In todays europe many of the countries involved in WW2 have made a peace and continue to be on good terms with former enemies. Perhaps all nations need to draw a line under the second world war. Including the usa. The japanese may have done nasty things to family members, but they didnt kill the US (and indeed euro) car & bike industries; zero investment, nationalisation and/or poor products were to blame.


should we (in the Uk) hate the saxons, vikings, scots, picts, romans or the normans for the terrible things they all did to residents of these shores? or maybe just forget it and carry on with our own lives.


as an old pisshead once slurred to me outside a pub; Your a long time dead.

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Norm, you do realise that 95% of everything you say is so utterly ridiculous it makes everyone else want to cut their own fuggin' heads off in desperation, right?


Reasons for me wanting to visit this forum as of 03/08/11 - The ebay tat thread, and that's it. :roll:

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Sorry having read those posts about Japan I feel like I've lost a few brain cells, WW2 ended nearly 66 years ago if we all held grudges about who did what then we wouldn't have moved forward. All countries were guilty of bad things, that spreads to both allied and axis forces, every single one of them. Enough said, at the end of the day though it really is only winners who write the books which is a easy way to gloss over some of their wrongdoings. It's in the past now though and no amount of talking can change what happened on either side.


A proper grump related to the home, our bathroom tiles need fixing and despite being reported 3 months ago they only sent someone around 2 weeks ago to "makes sure what tiles they were" (like we don't know what they are when we reported the grout being fucked) I despair at them sometimes I really do :roll: especially since this is the second time there has been an issue.

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There are plenty of people who don't know the whole truth and facts about the things that were done on both sides in WW2 and never will, it wasn't just the axis forces, both sides were as bad as one another in some degrees. That's just the way some people are and a bit of reading into some subjects reveals a lot sometimes more than you actually were expecting! At the end of the day though, some people just don't care or aren't that interested and nothing can be done about that really.

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Go get a freezie cup and watch SpongeBob or something.

Sadly, that sums up 90% of the population of the world.

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^^So I guess Colc is thinking that Holocaust war criminals who escaped Nuremberg ought to simply be forgotten about? Aw, fark it, it's been 66 years, let's pack it in. Why should anybody care? Even though the Poles, Czechs, Liths, Lats, Jews, Gypsies, also suffered the consequences of WW2 right up until the present day? And I guess the whole careers of people like Solzhenitsyn, Wiesenthal, Iris Chang, Elie Wiesel, etc are now meaningless because "it's been a while"? You ignorantly call knowing facts "a grudge" and attribute it to "Americans", and yet Americans imported vast numbers of war criminals to use in the Cold War. The above-named individuals (none of whom were born in America) dedicated their lives to educating the Mongs out there about Stalin, Tojo, and the Third Reich. I guess there's no need for Holocaust Museums, for Auschwitz to be preserved, for Beevor and Keegan to keep writing, or for the people of Stalingrad to keep the Panorama open? Here's some pocket change, mate. Go get a freezie cup and watch SpongeBob or something.


Oh ffs. I take it that a touch of mild sarcasm is totally wasted on you? As I come from the only part of the Great Britain occupied by the Germans during the War, [by the way, that's Jersey, Channel Islands.........my ancestors were responsible for founding New Jersey, something they now probably regret] you have nothing to teach me about "suffering the consequences", I get daily reminders of it when I drive round the island.

However, unlike the vast majority of the inhabitants of the USA, we've learnt to live with our past.

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I've got man flu or bad aids or something and am currently sat at the doctors. Running 40mins late already apparently. Ace.


I'm blaming that Hitler. And possibly the French.

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I've got man flu or bad aids or something and am currently sat at the doctors. Running 40mins late already apparently. Ace.


I'm blaming that Hitler. And possibly the French.


It's the Americans.

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Being pciky, WW2 would be very well known over there seeing as they fought alongside the Japanese.


It really isn't over there. Japanese occupied Thailand, and then the primeminister declared war on the allies, but the USA where stationed there and used air bases. 'Joe Pubric' (lolz) hated the Japanese occupation.

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I've got man flu or bad aids or something and am currently sat at the doctors. Running 40mins late already apparently. Ace.


I'm blaming that Hitler. And possibly the French.


It's the Americans.


But they make such good television. :cry:

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Well the Allegro has failed the MOT have not seen the sheet yet but there are about four bits of welding needed :( . The total cost will be around £350 - not sure what I am going to do with it yet as I do not currently have a spare £350.

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Will do when I get it back tomorrow night.


It doesn't sound from what they were saying that it is too bad, nothing like a sill or anything just about four patches or so!!

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In a similar vien, the Japanese Rising Sun would offend a lot of people in SE Asia but wouldn't raise an eyebrow here

And that's only because of the failure of Western education systems (yours and ours alike) to actually teach the truth about the past. If the truth about the Burma RR, Bataan, Unit 731, rape of Nanking, and a host of other atrocities were widely taught

So, in the spirit of teaching the truth about past atrocities, when are you going to address the topic of the illegal immigrants who went to North America (USA & Canada), shot the indigenous peoples and nicked their land? I guess we (over 'ere in Europe) should be apologising for what the settlers did and the effects since?

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amen. Amazo, there is a whole forum JUST for arguing politics with Norm, and this isn't it!

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Yeah but It's CAR forum, everytime something like this kicks off it brings the whole forum down and ends up pissing everyone off.


Do us a favour and take it elsewhere please before it all ends in tears again.

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Yeah but It's CAR forum, everytime something like this kicks off it brings the whole forum down and ends up pissing everyone off.


Do us a favour and take it elsewhere please before it all ends in tears again.





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