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The grumpy thread


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Who's the sanctimonious HOTWIRE guy? Does he own the site?


HW is alright - just a perfectionist lost in a world of imperfection


its the pseudomoderators and the disciples of RR that ruin it for free thinking members


That, and the fact the site wants to be StanceWworks so bad....

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Don't worry about it Wat! I doubt they can see your old code and even if they can, just plead ignorance until they go away - it wouldn't be the first time the taxman messed up and put somebody on the wrong code. Obviously you can't get done for tax evasion as you haven't evaded any tax.


Try to be more calm about it. Unless you're a bit of an oddball, CVs and job interviews all involve some level of lies. When you turn up to a job, does everybody look "passionate and enthusiastic"? Did every single person leave all their previous jobs on good terms for "better opportunities"? Course they didn't. It's just a means of picking someone to see if they can do a job, it's not a criminal investigation. Leaving a job off your CV is about the classiest way of handling it - I would have just completely made a job up out of thin air and attributed it to a company which has recently gone bust.


If you can turn up and do the job and get paid, none of this really matters and any decent employer respects your need to have a few untruths to move things along. I'm presuming you're doing some kind of office admin job and not flying passenger jets or something, so if you can do the job, balls to the rest of it.

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So it's one of those "if you don't 100% agree with us then fuck off" kind of threads. Might as well just start another thread full of google image results instead....

I have just posted something on the RR 'modern Audi' thread (an "opinion", forsooth!) which may well get me banned. I could live with that... :mrgreen:





Are you trying to say that Retro Rides has "peaked"?

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And I find the phrase "stanced" thoroughly annoying. It's oft interchangeable with "fucked" in the same way as "sorted" is in Citroen Saxo/ Vauxhall Corsa parlance.


In other diction-related grumpiness; there's a dealership in Bockings Elm (Churchills) who have many typical post-2000 motors displayed outside, all with adhesive sashes on the windscreen denoting "One Owner", Air-Conditioning" etc. Unfortunately, the 3-Series and SLK in attendance bore the legend "Convertable" (sic).


That's convertable as in sofa-bed or drop-leaf table. I couldn't work somewhere with such a loose grip on common automotive phrases.


Hmm. I'm a bit of a tosser, really.

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Morrissey. Again. It seems that at a gig in Poland he referred to the Norway massacre and added that it was nothing compared to what happens daily for McDonalds and KFC ...

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F1 going to Sky next year. Well, the BBC will get half the races, but what use is half a season? I'm not giving any of my money to that cunt Murdoch, he can shove his F1 up his arse.


http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/ju ... #post-area


As long as the BBC keep Moto GP I'll be happy. Ish.

F1 - not as good as it used to be, run by some form of mafia midget boss or alien life form, whose only redeeming feature is what's attached to his left arm at parties...,

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F1 is dog plop but if I were old Bernie I'd happily be b*llock deep up every available spare bit of quality flange, no danger.

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Not an F1 fan particularly but I bet a lot of licence paying sports fans are wondering why they have to pay twice to watch their favourite sport!!

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stop the arses listing something at like £230 when it is really £2300. Do these sellers seriously think that I want to spend that much when I'm arsing about with sub-£500 vehicles. Do they? WANKERS!!!

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The £230 thing isn't to attract those on a lower budget but to be the first listing on the first page for that make and model.

it is the single most annoying thing about autotrader!

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That Autotrader listings hack that many are using to get a better position is pushing the boundaries of what's legal and it's certainly not helping Autotrader keep the quality of their content high. I'm very surprised that Autotrader's admins haven't put a stop to it as it'd be quite easy to get software to spot the abuse. The way I look at it, though, is that if the seller can't even list their vehicle in an honest way, what are the chances of the other details being accurate?

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Because they add in the text 'wrong price, should be £2395' (or whatever) and for some strange reason probably assume that Mr and Ms Council Estate-Dole Scrounger Esq (twice removed, once from the pub) will magically find ten fold their budget for some tarted up heap of wank ex-repmobile.

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BTW, why does that Aussie who owns Sky and various media seem to be unpopular in the UK? Was he driving Dodie's car or what did he do?

his company was hacking the phone of a murdered kid and deleting the messages!

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The £230 thing isn't to attract those on a lower budget but to be the first listing on the first page for that make and model.

it is the single most annoying thing about autotrader!


I'd say the endless customer surveys were the most annoying thing.

They're all written to give artificially good results and have no "other" boxes for you to write about why autotrader is shit.


Mispriced cars are certainly on the top ten most annoying things about autotrader though.

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The other autotrader thing that annoys me is when I see car advertised for £244 then I got into it and it says "Own this car for £244 month".

If I'm looking at cars in the sub £500 section do you really think I want to pay £244 a month for one. I really don't like autotrader as a website but everytime I've advertised a car on it I've sold it without any hassle.

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The other autotrader thing that annoys me is when I see car advertised for £244 then I got into it and it says "Own this car for £244 month".

If I'm looking at cars in the sub £500 section do you really think I want to pay £244 a month for one. I really don't like autotrader as a website but everytime I've advertised a car on it I've sold it without any hassle.



Or "PRICE IS £2249 NOT £249". Wankers.

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his company was hacking the phone of a murdered kid and deleting the messages!


^^No, no, no. Peeps been hatin' on Rupert for 20+ years before the current kerfluffle. In fact, the current kerfluffle is being used as a pretext to "even the score" against News Corp. So, what is the old score all about? Straight up xenophobia against Aussies? Anger against the rich? Bitterness about the Beeb tanking under de-reg? What is the long-term anger all about, that preceeds the current kerfluffle?

media moguls per se!

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I'm not sure as Brits we can be xenophobic about Aussies. They're not really foreigners.


Anyway, Rupe is the spitting image of an old bastard round here who used to shout at us for playing football in the street.

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Insurance renewal has come through for my Fiesta Diesel. The AA seem to think its a Bugati Veyron looking at the renewal price :cry: up £336 extra from last year but no accidents etc in that time and twice what the cars worth. :roll:

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Utter twats who won't look after their drunken partners .

Had to haul someone out of another bar so he could shovel his pissed other half into a taxi.


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Paying income tax ffs. :(


April I was still part time so paid no tax on that months wage but since then I've been paying tax despite having the same tax code/employer.


I'm no high flier by any means but it's over £900 so far, I could be paying my stinking council tax or something.


Are these goons contactable in the normal world as i'd like it back now not next year or something?

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his company was hacking the phone of a murdered kid and deleting the messages!


^^No, no, no. Peeps been hatin' on Rupert for 20+ years before the current kerfluffle. In fact, the current kerfluffle is being used as a pretext to "even the score" against News Corp. So, what is the old score all about? Straight up xenophobia against Aussies? Anger against the rich? Bitterness about the Beeb tanking under de-reg? What is the long-term anger all about, that preceeds the current kerfluffle?

media moguls per se!


Murdoch pretty much ruined almost every aspect of fair, honest and objective journalism. They're motto seems to have been "get the sory, any story, and bugger the ethics", which meant that any journalist in their employ was under immense pressure to come up with the goods by whatever means, knowing that if they didn't, they're was always another journo waiting to take their place.

Other newspaper and media organisations are probably as equally cupable, but Murdoch's mob were the prime instigators.

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