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The grumpy thread


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Resigned from my job today.


If you want any of my shit, no unreasonable offer will be refused.


If you need any help then let me know. I do understand what it feels like to have a world of shit dropped onto you!

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Resigned from my job today.


If you want any of my shit, no unreasonable offer will be refused.


If you need any help then let me know. I do understand what it feels like to have a world of shit dropped onto you!


Cheers matey, very much appreciated. If ever I need a Spooge Cunt Attack Force (Pat Pending) I'll give you a shout. :D

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Resigned from my job today.


If you want any of my shit, no unreasonable offer will be refused.


If you need any help then let me know. I do understand what it feels like to have a world of shit dropped onto you!


Cheers matey, very much appreciated. If ever I need a Spooge Cunt Attack Force (Pat Pending) I'll give you a shout. :D


Happy to help such a good cause! There's no situation that a man cant face if he's got enough cocaine and firearms!

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Happy to help such a good cause! There's no situation that a man cant face if he's got enough cocaine and firearms!


Yeah, Norm seems to get by with little, if no difficulty. Well observed.

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Resigned from my job today.


If you want any of my shit, no unreasonable offer will be refused.


Sorry to hear that Jon, I know its not nice to resign from a job, I've had that experience too unfortunately. If you need any help/chat, just let me know.


In other grumps, I'm really starting to feel let down by my shit car. I've had it taxed, insured and MOT'd for about a month now and its still languashing in my mates garage throwing up new ways of not starting after one aborted attempt at driving it home. I'm almost half-way through a Job-Centre sent Photography Course. I was hoping to have it done this weekend as we are going on outings for assignments.

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Resigned from my job today.


If you want any of my shit, no unreasonable offer will be refused.


Sorry to hear that Jon, I know its not nice to resign from a job, I've had that experience too unfortunately. If you need any help/chat, just let me know.


Tis done now Mo.


I feel a lot better for it as well. A shame as in some ways it wasn't a bad old crack. In some ways.


The plan now is to hammer every job site available, fill in some application forms, badger friendly references and offload a ton of surplus stuff to help pay the bills until something else comes along. Aye and also, probably do some holiday \ placement \ writing stuff too.

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Severn Trent - your engineers are a bunch of f***ing muppets! Next time you send one of your electronic toys down a hole, try get someone to work it properly so they don't cut off the internet and phone lines to 1500 households


BT - they managed to dig a hole 2000 ft down to some chilean miners in less time than its taken you to dig a hole ten feet down to a few hundred severed copper wires.


We've been without internet and phone now since last Thursday and it's only today you've managed to dig a hole!

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Actually selling half the parts on the Metro making a 400% profit and trying to find the enthusiasm to take it to bits.


Jealous. None of my shit is selling.

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The Leon.


Went to leave the GF's for work this morning, clutch down, engage reverse, clutch up.... clutch up.... clutch up...... arse.

Popped the slave cylinder and dribbled all the fluid over the box. Looks like the one job on the car that's easy, but alas no tools - as petrolheaded as Mrs Pillock is, she doesn't have any. AA called, dragged the car 100 yards to a garage who emptied £120 quid out of my pockets.


Has cured the odd knock/bang/scrape noise on idle that had developed the day before though, bizarrely enough.

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Orange. On the 25th of May, I upgraded my phone to the one that confuses the guy at the airport. You told me that in "up to" 6 weeks, I could have my free gift. The "Work and Play kit" that means I can use the TV as a PC screen. Well 6 weeks came and went, so tonight, 8 weeks in, I rang them. The surly youth on the end of the phone could not have been less interested.


"Why have I not received the kit yet?"


"Oh, it's back-ordered. Anyway, it's free, so why are you moaning?"


"When was I going to find out it's on back-order? Whether it's free or not, you have a duty to supply me the item on time, or inform me why it's late and when it's coming"


"No we don't, we can't call everyone.... we don't have enough man-power here"


"So improve your service by texting people to let them know about the delay... It's common courtesy and....."



It was at this point he started talking over me, and when I remonstrated with him, he told ME that I was ignorant! I asked for his supervisor, or indeed someone who was able to speak to me in the manner I was expecting. I told him that we let customers know if parts are going to be late, or indeed offer a refund... He was quite unfussed by this revelation. I think I got the world's spottiest youth that was looking after the phone for a mate. I asked him if my conversation was being recorded. He went a little quiet after that.



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Ah yes, mobile 'phones. Got an iPhone (*sorry) about eleven months back now and the bastard thing always was a pain in the arse to end calls as the screen just stayed blank meaning inadvertantly leaving long answerphone messages to people containing expletives as I tried to end the call.


Called Orange the other day, tried a few reboot type things, sod all worked. They put me through to Apple who said I could send it Express, get another phone within 48 hours BUT if they decided it was my fault I was going to have to cough up £140. I told them I reckoned they were going to con me so they went through other available 'services' including taking it to an Apple shop where they'd check it for me. Oh good, there's one in Chester. 'Sorry sir, they're not authorised repair agents, it'll have to be Liverpool'.


They then decided because if I look down the headphone socket and I can faintly see a red colour that I must have dunked it in my pint, taken it swimming and then gave it a nice hot shower for eleven hours.

This is shit because I really look after my 'phones and it's not been near water so they go f*ck themselves. Trouble is though it's me that's f*cked because I either pay £140 for a new 'phone or have another year with this heap of shit that I can't end calls with. I did mention I've done an internet search and it's hardly a rare ocurrance(sp?) but they just denied this.

Come end of contract they can go and whistle Sex Pistols tunes out of their collective arseholes and I'll get a different 'phone altogether.

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The young lady next door but one. If you do not wish to converse with 'Andy', I belive the best thing to do would be hang up the phone, as oppossed to repeatedly screaming "fuck off".

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The red thing down the headphone socket is shite - there will be a moisture-sensitive sticker inside, but it'll be properly inside where being in a sweaty pocket won't affect it.

Sale of Goods act means that they have to prove that you've caused the fault. To be honest, and I speak as someone who does legal reports for electronic devices where my employer is being taken to court, it's usually easier for them just to settle unless it's a blatant case of user damage, such as a phone bent in two or with hammer marks all over.


Read up on the SoG act, and drop a few choice words into a letter. Mention Citizens Advice - this makes more waves than Watchdog. Show them you know your beans and be polite with it, and you'll usually come out on top. PM me if you want some more advice on how to take this further....

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Cavette- Did you send it in for repair? Generally, I think they can't really fob it off as water damage unless it is opened up. because the markers inside show up as orange/red when liquid damaged. £140 is the generic iPhone quote, as they won't repair your handset, just give you a refurb unit (as new however). It is a real pain, you will probably have more luck with Orange than Apple, they are notoriously difficult to push when it comes to warranty issues, and are the only company to give a one year warranty, rather than a two year. I have seen iPhones doing this before, I will have an ask around at work to see if anyone knows what the repair came back as in the past.

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I second the advice by Pillock, and once more I'll repeat the golden rule of dealing with large organisations:


Unless you have a very straightforward issue (e.g. misspelled name on your bill), NEVER use a call centre. E-mail if possible, letter if not. It only took 2 letters for Satan's bank to refund me the stupid debit card charges from last month, and, even if they had refused to do it and I had to sue them, a couple of sternly-worded letters are enough evidence that you've tried to avoid court, and saves you from having to keep meticulous records of the outsourced drones in India passing you from pillar to post.


Of course, apple are shit. It's HTC if you want an all-dancing, all-singing top-of-the-range smartphone, or LG/ZTE if you want a cheap one that, unlike the iphone, actually works.

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Got an iPhone (*sorry)


You're dead to me.





Jon, sorry to hear about your job fella, sure something better will be around the corner. Must admit, I did have great feeling of satisfaction when I handed my notice in at my last place of work...

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speeding ticket

3 points

60 quid fine :(

Were they earned driving shite?

I used to work wit a woman who had a framed speeding ticket in her downstairs loo - that she earned in a 2CV! :mrgreen:

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I sold my car in 2009.

I sent off the V5.

The bloke got a parking ticket.

I get the fine.

I complain and complain and complain that I didn't own the car and I was not driving it and PROVIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE.

They don't and continue onto fining me extra, etc etc.

While on holiday, the BAILIFFs (Marstons - CUNTS) arrive at my mum's house and terrify my mum so much she coughs up FOUR HUNDRED QUID.


Apart from jamming my car in front of the baillif's offices doors and burn the place down, do I have a case, especially seeing as I appealed and I received no correspondence in the form of a photo to prove I WASN'T DRIVING THE CAR.

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speeding ticket

3 points

60 quid fine :(

Were they earned driving shite?

I used to work wit a woman who had a framed speeding ticket in her downstairs loo - that she earned in a 2CV! :mrgreen:




the giff-tina

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I sold my car in 2009.

I sent off the V5.

The bloke got a parking ticket.

I get the fine.

I complain and complain and complain that I didn't own the car and I was not driving it and PROVIDE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE.

They don't and continue onto fining me extra, etc etc.

While on holiday, the BAILIFFs (Marstons - CUNTS) arrive at my mum's house and terrify my mum so much she coughs up FOUR HUNDRED QUID.


Apart from jamming my car in front of the baillif's offices doors and burn the place down, do I have a case, especially seeing as I appealed and I received no correspondence in the form of a photo to prove I WASN'T DRIVING THE CAR.


Did your mum pay by card?

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Cavette- Did you send it in for repair? Generally, I think they can't really fob it off as water damage unless it is opened up. because the markers inside show up as orange/red when liquid damaged. £140 is the generic iPhone quote, as they won't repair your handset, just give you a refurb unit (as new however). It is a real pain, you will probably have more luck with Orange than Apple, they are notoriously difficult to push when it comes to warranty issues, and are the only company to give a one year warranty, rather than a two year. I have seen iPhones doing this before, I will have an ask around at work to see if anyone knows what the repair came back as in the past.


Thanks, not sent it back yet but I fully expect them to bum rape me with their £140 fee when I'm absolutely convinced it ain't my fault. I will send it back though on the strength of your reply and see what they say.

Cheers to all for the response and much LOLAGE at Jon :D

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Great! I flogged that E36 to a fella that my mate knows..... a few weeks later I get a speeding ticket for it, although just after that I got the thing telling me the doovla had processed the V5C so it obviously crossed over. I phoned the cops, and then sent the form back with a letter explaining.


Two weeks ago, a letter from a garage in Blackpool who would like to inform me that they have "my" car, and will shortly by crushing it unless I pay all the fines, storage etc. So I phoned them. "Hello, that's not my car, I sold it in April and have the doovla letter to prove it". "OK, no problem, ignore the letter".


I laughed at the time but suddenly that seems too easy. I should probably expect bailiffs! Luckily my mum (where the car was registered) knows the score and she'll likely send them away with a flea in their ear.

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Got an iPhone (*sorry)


You're dead to me.

"Sent from some ****'s iPhone"


The joke is true though: how do you know that someone has an iPhone?


They tell you.


Excellent pieces of kit, really easy to retrieve the messages and other files from with a forensic accuracy :wink: but you won't EVER willingly catch me using one as my main form of cellular telecommunication: I'm as uncool as fuck(® Marillion), and just wouldn't feel comfortable belonging to the iPhone crowd.

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Using an IPhone to navigate to SW London last week. We were happily following the route, when just north of London, it tells us to turn back and go to Birmingham. Fifteen minutes later on a turn off I just get the papery OS map out and found it through that.

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Fully agree M'coli hence me only just mentioning I have one having had it 11 months or so. And even then only in the hope someone would know how I stand if I send it back.


Still got an old Samdung D600 I've owned for years. Dropped it umpteen times, cracked the screen, leant on it, sat on it and generally hammered it but it still works fine and the battery holds for days. Should have just got any upgraded 'phone, sold it and lobbed the sim into the D600.

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