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The grumpy thread


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Plus I am one of those sad people that likes my old chod to work properly. OCD or something.

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Fucking  if I wasn't such a tight wad I'd get that Panda in the sea. Pushed it out the locked to paint some seat bases and it needed a jump to star. I just wanted to move it across the yard out the way but the fucking linkage got jammed up locking it in gear in the middle of the  yard. Had to stall it then knobbed about getting it out of gear then had the push the bastard across the yard and and make an attempt to park it in a half decent manor. The gear linkage looks like a right knuckle grazzer to change as well.

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Cars with ABS aren't old

Lol... But the speedometer would be handy. Am meant to be driving to Newcastle.

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Fucking if I wasn't such a tight wad I'd get that Panda in the sea. Pushed it out the locked to paint some seat bases and it needed a jump to star. I just wanted to move it across the yard out the way but the fucking linkage got jammed up locking it in gear in the middle of the yard. Had to stall it then knobbed about getting it out of gear then had the push the bastard across the yard and and make an attempt to park it in a half decent manor. The gear linkage looks like a right knuckle grazzer to change as well.

Fully comprehensive insurance





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I've just fired it up and it's all gone... I'll see if I can work out what's causing it with speed/revs. There's a nice r reg 1.8 mondeo being sold cheaply and with a possible payment plan via someone at work...

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Ordered brakes for the Puma on ebay and selected Argos as the delivery point. All paid for and sent off. 


Argos have refused them and now are sending them back to the seller. He wants me to pay for another lot of shipping to send them to another address.  I am slightly annoyed by this turn of events. 



This is why I like having an ECP branch on the way home.

Click and collect for internet prices and retail ability to check that you are getting the right thing, no hassle.

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This is why I like having an ECP branch on the way home.

Click and collect for internet prices and retail ability to check that you are getting the right thing, no hassle.

Sadly these are secondhand calipers. It looks like if I want them then I am going to have to pay any extra £15 for postage. Which puts it into the range of bit expensive
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I'll just nip out and take a picture of the 850's shifter.




FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Is anybody selling a blunderbuss?

Someone really, really likes your car....



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That's how they reward you for MOTing them. Mine murdered it's ECU totally within weeks.

Mine was weighed in with 49 weeks mot....

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You could always 'discover' a fault on her car that would render it unsuitable, something that you can helpfully 'fix' for her when you get back ? You wouldn't want to be driving all that distance with dodgy brakes for instance ?


Yes, it would be a shame if you did some routine inspections the day before you went, just to make sure like and discovered a front pad was cracked/the backings fallen off a pad/insert other cheap to fix issue here...

Fixed it.


Yesterday was, in the words of the Bard, "bastard hot". We needed to collect a few odds and ends so we* decided to use her car. Thankfully it has crap air con along with crap seats.


She has now gone off my idea to use her car for the long journey.

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Damn. Just tried to ring and book an MOT and it looks like my friendly local specialist has closed down / is going to be turned in to flats. Anyone know of somewhere in central or south Bristol that's likely to be sympathetic to middle aged, sightly incontinent Citroens?

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Fixed it.


Yesterday was, in the words of the Bard, "bastard hot". We needed to collect a few odds and ends so we* decided to use her car. Thankfully it has crap air con along with crap seats.


She has now gone off my idea to use her car for the long journey.


now all you need to do is "pull a muscle or have cramp" in your right foot/leg which means she will have to try and drive the auto as the pain is terrible

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now all you need to do is "pull a muscle or have cramp" in your right foot/leg which means she will have to try and drive the auto as the pain is terrible

Yes, but if she is so unfamiliar with autos, this plan runs the risk of having your head smacked into the dashboard as she hits the brake thinking it's the clutch.

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The weather was lovely, so I took the bike into work rather than drive. Which was great, until I got home and was told by my neighbour, that the council had been cutting down trees, had knocked down a lampost, and now there is a dent on my car.





At least it didn't take out the headlight, but because it's pierced the bumper it'll at least need duct taping, just another scratch could have been ignored.


I'll send an email to the council but expect no satisfaction from them, the fact they didn't leave a note or anything is more irritating than the damage. 

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now all you need to do is "pull a muscle or have cramp" in your right foot/leg which means she will have to try and drive the auto as the pain is terrible


Yes, but if she is so unfamiliar with autos, this plan runs the risk of having your head smacked into the dashboard as she hits the brake thinking it's the clutch.

May I refer the honourable members to the answer I gave earlier - I like them where they are. Besides that, I like my modern and would rather it wasn't b*ggered upl

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I'd imagine their liability insurance would pay up for that especially if there's a lamp post down....


We'll see what they say, the internet and my experience of working for a council suggests their insurers will fight to say it wasn't them and if it was they do a risk assessment so can't be held liable. The E of Bay suggests a a pattern bumper in primer is about 60 quid delivered. Getting it painted in a way that doesn't look terrible is the main issue. 

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I have just spent the day replacing a CV joint boot on SWMBO's 2.2 Astra Convertible.  It's 15 years old but being Australian is rust free and is low mileage so I like to take care of it. Over the last couple of weeks I have done a complete major service including replacing all fluids (engine oil, gearbox oil, brake and clutch fluid, coolant etc.) As I had all the wheels off to bleed the brakes I had cleaned the inside of the wheels to get rid of all the brake dust. Last but not least it had 4 new tyres last week, Yokohama C Drive - the last of the japanese ones.


Yesterday after a very early start to look at some steelwork in a shopping centre 70 miles away that was put up overnight and had to be signed off before the shopping centre opened we got to the Yacht Club for a leisurely breakfast before racing and parking up I noticed black stuff on the front left wheel. Moly Grease. Sailed (Came 2nd so not Grump) , drove home put the Astra away and thought this is an easy fix I've done lots of these on Astras before (I've had 6 over the years plus a couple of Novas and three Cavaliers.)


Got the wheel off this morning and I've never seen so much grease, all over the inside of the wheel, wheel well, brake caliper, macpherson strut. Turns out the culprit was the ****ing brake pad wear sensor had falllen of the brake pad/caliper, got tangled around the boot and cut through it. The business end of the sensor was inside the CV joint boot!


Now we've run out of kitchen roll and had to resort to toilet roll for cleaning up purposes.


Breaking news - two rolls worth of kitchen roll liberally impregnated with moly grease and some petrol (ultimate degreaser) is really good for getting the wood burner going very quickly indeed.


Now I've also got a brake pad warning due to the lack of a sensor. That isn't getting replaced- will figure out the wiring and reconnect so it thinks the sensor is fine and brake pads have lots of thickness.


Edited to add - comment from Non PC wife - "You could be in the black and white minstrels show"

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