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That was the day that was... HubMeet 14-04


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I awoke, in a Campervan cold enough to freeze Jack Frost’s balls off.


Having fixed the indicator fuse the day before we had travelled up to the Lakes. Having successfully lowered the tone on our campsite (ours being the oldest van there by at least 15 years, having a blowing exhaust, and the only one with visible rust). We set off for the Lakeland Motor museum. A building which resembled a rural Ikea but filled with motoring joy rather than furniture misery.


The reason for said trip was the Hubnut social, or HubMeet as we called it. Sure enough on arrival it was clear that the Welsh Wizard himself was in attendance! His Rover of BASe glory sat resplendently in the dappled sunshine.



Some Minis arrived and assembled themselves in red white and blue, mine and DavidFowler’s day was made there and then when an Alfa turned up to complete the Italian Job picture.



An assortment of my favourites, not all were HubNutters (the official term for those with an affinity for said YouTube channel)




Complete with dealer plates from Dan Dan the Nissan Man...



And this bonkers thing was awesome!



Of course there were some proper classics too


So proper a video was filmed complete with back seat drivers.



Mrs_Nova, Mr Fowler and I also peruses the museum.



But by the end only the hardcore of shiters remained.



Not pictured: the epic static caravan, the bit where we had 5 drinking tea in the Camper, Memphis the doggo, Sian’s epic crisp butties, the 9000 mile russet Brown Allegro, Eddy & Pete M, or our van in the meet.


Back after a lovely tea we’ve pitched up for the night, safe in the knowledge that today didn’t go quite as expected, it went much better!



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I'll attend to this tomorrow once I've extracted the photos from my phone to the PC and the new broadband is fitted. I went the long way home. Got to Carlisle at 7pm via mountains. Home for 9ish.

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That was a bloody good day out, and a joy to meet Shiters I haven't met before.  Memphis and I are absolutely shattered.  Huggy, of course, took it all in his stride, including having a strange hand on the tiller for a while.

I didn't shoot a lot of pics today, unusually, but I'll upload them tomorrow.

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I took one photo. Of the 131.


And one of a lovely silver cloud which was giving it some majestically down the M6.


Nice to see / meet you lot.


PS. I think I'm the only one to turn up in a 354 BHP car nobody noticed.


</stealth mode>

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We went that museum last year while on holiday with the caravan. Took the (late) dog and he loved it too. Great day out. Shame it’s too far away for a run up in the shitter

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I was considering going to this, but couldn't afford the petrol. :(


You should have said and I'd have given you a lift.

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Thanks to the wonders of the modern internetz I found the shots the professional photographer took...


Look it’s my van!




Blended in perfectly...

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I really wish I could've gone to this. We were taking the camper up to Chester yesterday though. Sadly didn't see any returning shite going the other way but I did see a 1984 Triumph Acclaim so there.

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I awoke, in a Campervan cold enough to freeze Jack Frost’s balls off.

Having fixed the indicator fuse the day before we had travelled up to the Lakes. Having successfully lowered the tone on our campsite (ours being the oldest van there by at least 15 years, having a blowing exhaust, and the only one with visible rust). We set off for the Lakeland Motor museum. A building which resembled a rural Ikea but filled with motoring joy rather than furniture misery.

The reason for said trip was the Hubnut social, or HubMeet as we called it. Sure enough on arrival it was clear that the Welsh Wizard himself was in attendance! His Rover of BASe glory sat resplendently in the dappled sunshine.


Some Minis arrived and assembled themselves in red white and blue, mine and DavidFowler’s day was made there and then when an Alfa turned up to complete the Italian Job picture.


An assortment of my favourites, not all were HubNutters (the official term for those with an affinity for said YouTube channel)


Complete with dealer plates from Dan Dan the Nissan Man...


And this bonkers thing was awesome!


Of course there were some proper classics too


So proper a video was filmed complete with back seat drivers.


Mrs_Nova, Mr Fowler and I also peruses the museum.


But by the end only the hardcore of shiters remained.


Not pictured: the epic static caravan, the bit where we had 5 drinking tea in the Camper, Memphis the doggo, Sian’s epic crisp butties, the 9000 mile russet Brown Allegro, Eddy & Pete M, or our van in the meet.

Back after a lovely tea we’ve pitched up for the night, safe in the knowledge that today didn’t go quite as expected, it went much better!


I’ve just watched the video. I used to live up from the main road from Dan Dan the Nissan man in the mid 90s.

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Video may contain over-excited Autoshiters in a caravan (and a few other places).


Grand day out.


Awesome video :)


shame RPF19R was buried I was really hoping to get a good look at its unique control scheme, you would think given the historic and social importance of these things they would of had it on display a bit better, but im horribly bias at this point  :mrgreen:





(I wonder what the story is behind RPF19R, how did the museum get ahold of her?, she is currently SORN, but I noticed what looks an 06 tax disk in the window...)

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I promised you photos, didn't I?

So let's begin with Huggy, or a corner thereof, now sporting a long-deserved Hub Nut sticker!


Maybe I should adjust one to read Hug Nut?  Or is that too much of an in-joke?

Anyway, on with the show, and here's a bunch of more-or-less random exhibits that took my eye...
























You'll be pleased to know I managed to snap this before it got covered in sweaty SVM fingerprints!


And finally, after over two hours of loading pics, here's Memphis having a break in the back of Huggy!


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I’d go if it was down South somewhere viable to get to. I.e M25ish - say for instance Brooklands... or Ace Cafe just off the North Circular

I went to the Ace Cafe once. When my son was living in Mill Hill and I had a contract in Hemel Hempstead.


It confirmed my biased anti-south stereotype.


There are better cafes run by drug addicts in Fleetwood.


Over rated. Living on its dubious history.


That said I couldn't be arsed to travel to the lake district either and I could get there in an hour or so.


I did however see a hub nut sticker on a car in Stoke.

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Right I finally got the USB-C cable out the car so I could connect my phone and get the photos from the day.


A cracking day as expected meeting up with other Shiters and having a Tebay (Tradition, Old charter, something) breakfast on the way there. Many thanks to TEAM_brownnova for much tea, shelter and pieces 'n' crisps.


I had stayed at maw 'n' paw's the night before 'cos I was already there for other reasons and I couldn't be arsed going a little bit north to sleep to then go south again. I woke to a crispy car.






Sian met Memphis.



The Italian Job*



This for no reason.



Lovely little K10 Micra. Not too perfect but not shabby either.



Dan Dan The Nissan Man.





Me, brownnova, Eddie and Memphis went with Mr wobbleur a run in Huggy to do a HubNut thing.





I left about 3:15pm and headed north through the mountains with the aim to pop out at Carlisle, have dinner then motorway it home. So somewhere near Eskdale...



At the foot of Hardknott Pass.



A man had broken down on one of the REALLY steep bits. What an arse.



For those who've not done it, yes it really is THAT steep.



Stopped somewhere to find a toilet. Grasmere I think. Found some bus action.



After a McDonald's dinner I stopped at Todhills rest area for fuel. The man behind the counter gave me this. PANTS!!!

post-5330-0-04186300-1555703098_thumb.jpg post-5330-0-69675900-1555703107_thumb.jpg


Fuelled up again in Glasgow just to see how the Volvo was running after it's recent major engine surgery. 37.3mpg at an indicated 75mph (about 68mph actual). I'll take that. Oh and when I checked the coolant the next afternoon after having it let it cool down, I had more than when I set off from maw 'n' paw's.

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Looks a great day out. Did anybody else spot the Sanglas 500 hiding behind the tree next to the Rover P5?


I did, but only because the owner collared me about it. I don't really care for bikes, but this one did seem true Motoshite. 

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What's on the 8 track?

IIRC it was Elvis...


It’s funny how many people seem miffed at you missing bikes on your YouTube video comments DW, and just how many times you’ve had to explain you’re just not that into bikes!

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