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Cycling North After Winter


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Looks like you are reliving your glory round the bins at Blackburn services....


In any other context that would be a euphemism for dogging.

Not sure which he’d find the least embarrassing?!

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Just glad to see that you're out of, and away from the worst of the weather.

It could have been potentially disastrous if you hadn't ducked into that 'guesthouse' at the time that you did, and now of course, you have a chance to recharge the batteries.

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Etouars is due South and pretty much the exact direction I'll be heading when I leave here.


Coolio, I'll PM you.

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I think you may have got yourself a bit too comfortable there and we are going to have to set you spotting targets!


Now obviously a Visa spot is highly prized and would entitle you to several days by the fire!

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Alex, TontonTdB says if you get near Toulon, he knows a few people who work in construction who might have a few grafting opportunities if that interests you.


You look like you are enjoying that sunshine, and I can't blame you.

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L1 - Thanks, that sounds awesome.


Holbeck - Nothing of note yet, but it's early days.



Today I was doing a little bit of repair work on the bike.




With six_cylinder's admonishment ringing in my ears, I thought I'd better go out for a ride to try and grab some worthwhile spots, whilst also making sure I had made the bike better not worse.


I'm guessing this won't suffice as a Visa spot Chris?




Me and my travel companion visited some history first.




Unfortunately, today was a day when the spotting gods were not smiling upon me, so please don't expect much of note. Yet another white R4 was probably the highlight.






I passed a local lake.




Which promised much.




But didn't quite deliver.




So I returned to papping anything vaguely resembling interest.










And that was that.

I did have some more pics to add that would have made this a slightly less dull post, but somewhere between there and here they have vanished from my memory card. I'm not best pleased but c'est la vie as we say in English.

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With six_cylinder's admonishment ringing in my ears, I thought I'd better go out for a ride to try and grab some worthwhile spots, whilst also making sure I had made the bike better not worse.


I'm guessing this won't suffice as a Visa spot Chris?




I have a Visa card in my wallet, does that count as I have been cycling around France today!


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I cannot believe I am following this thread to see what has been abandoned in my locality. A few I did not know about already!


I think it is great that I can sit here in North Bucks and check out the cars in France!

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That stone bridge thing is amazing. How do you even make a that?

Apparently it was the troglodytes that built it. There's troglodyte cave houses around here too which I'm going to check out. If I meet any trogs whilst I'm there I'll ask them how they built the bridge.



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As I have accidentally bought an Xantia estate  is there any chance you could find half a cheepo dozen Mobylettes 40T, 40V, 50T styles as it's only 6 h 46 min 382 miles each wey and I can get a "free" day crossing to pick them up? I have previous - as the rozzers say. Then I'll forget that  Surrey Benny Hill Removals want their fleece back.

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Do you still have the place?


Well I think so anyway.


This was the last time I was there.




And the summer before, with more floor trees.






The view from my balcony*.




Once you climb the most of the mountain, this is the entrance to my driveway*.




Apologies for anyone (ie: no-one) who remembers these pics from my other spotted/travel thread.


As for the winter conditions there, these are a few pics from the winter I spent living a kilometer or two further down the mountain from my holiday home.








-30C at worst and three solid months of no higher than -10C. This explains why this year I was aiming to go somewhere warm for winter.

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I am hi-jacking this thread as I reckon that this is chod spotted in the area.


When I first got here, one of the antique shops had a WW2 Jeep on display in the window. After a couple of years it was replaced by something more French, but about 10 months ago it vanished.


Today I agreed to pick up a "Boite de lettres" for a friend from one of the local shite antique shops and afterwards went for a look around some of the others. At the above mentioned antique shop I spotted the previous star exhibit in a shed at the back of the shop. The shop has changed hands, and the previous owner has moved to bigger premises, but apparently does not want to sell the car. I will have to track him down and see if that is true.


Shite photo, but anyone care to guess what it is?



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