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Cycling North After Winter


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No wonder Mr Toucan decided to hang around our Rayburn and not travel with you!


Mr Toucan had an offer to move to Silverstone last week but they only have gas central heating so he declined them!


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Sterling job Alex, I told Mrs Spart about your planned adventure and she was extremely envious. I'm sure you know this but with each couple of days moving South you'll feel a noticeable difference in temperature. Even as close as Fontainebleau, just south of Paris, the temp tonight is forecast to be 3°, an improvement on below freezing, by the weekend is forecast to be 9° at night there.

While many of us would like to have a go at what you're doing I don't think we should forget how draining it can be to sleep in a cold tent for days on end, pulling on damp shoes and socks and relying on Maccy D's for a dump without getting frostbite on your bits.

You clearly have a strong spirit of adventure!

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I would not consider your trip during winter... However, I enjoy reading about it. As you are close to Cologne I can offer my support.

Bike parts, a washing machine, a warm shower or a bed are available in central Cologne. That's what they told me one should offer to a biker when I checked into Sarajevo's The doctor's house hostel last summer... Since then you will also find me on warm showers.

I prefer temperatures over 30 degrees to this cold: I did Corfu-Sarajevo last summer. This picture was taken close to the Tara canyon / Montenegro. Send a PM for my number.




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:) I think warm showers are a great idea :D

And offering to wash the clothes is not due to sympathy with the biker but with oneself - they explained to me in Sarajevo. They do seem to get some smelly folks... which does not surprise me. I had only 4 t-shirts myself.


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Thanks for the offer Daniel, that's very kind. As I type this I am about 15-20km outside Cologne. I have a friend who lives there who I am going to visit tomorrow. I think/hope he has a bed for me for tomorrow night. We could always meet up for a beer or whatever though if you fancy?


I have spent the last hour trying and failing to upload photos but the phone signal in these woods is not great so I'll do it tomorrow when I'm in the city.

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The last couple of days I made my way southeast to Cologne, where I arrived this morning.

This post will mainly be a photographic account of this latest part of my journey as I'm currently sat by the side of the Rhein with freezing cold pinkies that really don't want to type.





























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There was a large clump of those stacks belching out steam/smoke along the route to here. I did think they were probably cooling towers releasing water vapour as they seemed to create their own microclimate of rain.


Anyway, a few more pictures from yesterday's final leg into Cologne.


At one point in the morning a mystery bright yellow orb appeared in the sky. I think that was what people call 'sunshine'.




On a side note, I've been impressed so far with Germany's provision for cyclists. It's not quite on a level with Holland obvs but I've still only had to spend maybe ten percent of the time actually cycling on the road. Most of the way was paths to the side of the road or separate cycle routes (as pictured above). They are a lot less smoothly surfaced than their Dutch equivalents but overall I can't complain.


Right, spots.














I fancied a 'wheeeeeeee' moment down this slide in a deserted play park but unfortunately I sat in the top and didn't move. I think it was a bit narrow for a 6'5" lump.




I visited Motorworld also yesterday. It wasn't as good as I was hoping but was a decent distraction for a little while and I have plenty of pics from there which I'll post later.




The view of the Rhein from where I was posting yesterday with chilly fingers.




I'm going to stay here a couple of days with my friend before heading off. There are a few different directions I can take, I just want to avoid lots of hills/mountains wherever possible.


I'm off to visit the cathedral now, and no doubt do a bit of spotting along the way.

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I'm going to stay here a couple of days with my friend before heading off. There are a few different directions I can take, I just want to avoid lots of hills/mountains wherever possible.




Then the obvious one is following the Rhine upstream, no? Pretty much a straight line south towards Switzerland.


I'd be looking to turn off onto the Rhine - Rhone canal at Mulhouse:




then follow the Saone / Rhone valley south to the Med.


Hills dodged!



The Mosel also makes a tempting turn off at Koblenz, taking you towards Nancy where you can pick up the Canal des Vosges:




which also brings you to the Saone / Rhone valley. Handy site here https://www.af3v.org/index.php if you haven't seen it already.


Choices, choices...

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I'd head for Luxembourg, then Dijon and the Rhone to the med, the quickest way out of central Europe where it can get brutally cold and also from Dijon onward you probably have a lot of traffic free riverside paths to use.

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A few years back I worked in one of those inverted "L" shaped buildings behind the middle bridge in the pic of the Rhine.

If you like Guinness then head to Barney Vallelys in the old town, possibly the best Guinness in Germany.

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I'd head for Luxembourg...


Yeah, cheap petrol! Oh, wait...



A few years back I worked in one of those inverted "L" shaped buildings behind the middle bridge in the pic of the Rhine.

If you like Guinness then head to Barney Vallelys in the old town, possibly the best Guinness in Germany.


Those buildings are supposed to reminiscence the cranes that once stood there.


Nothing beats drinking Guinness, which reportedly doesn't travel, in a country that's world famous for its art of brewing.

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