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2001/51 plate BMW 318i - we have a winner!


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If it makes you feel any better, I've only just realised that you're called Ken, and not a Purple Bar-Gekkin as I've been reading your username...

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Okay, got one mobile mechanic looking at pricing up the gig, message left for another one.


Hopefully by the end of today I will have an idea of cost. Not bothered about getting the other bits sorted as my mate will tackle those. This is steam engine mate who detests working on stuff that isn't steam powered or pre-WW2 :)

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Urrgghh, two mobile mechanics contacted and both of them responded with - 'will cost the parts up this morning and get back to you later today with a price'. Outcome? Zilch, nada, nothing. No response to my messages. Nothing.

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Hopefully they will be in touch today, fingers crossed for you mate. I am just off to brave your ‘exciting ‘ part of the world with a jolly jaunt to the big smoke (or utter shithole that exists when the M40 stops depending on your point of view), wish me luck!

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Yeah, I didn't think it was bad at all really, especially with the genuine parts. I am actually tempted to get him to do it, he's free on Saturday.

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Mon the bargekkin!!!


My brain is a dickhead for getting frustrated and throwing the toys out the pram, so I can appreciate how much aof a chew on these things - which are minor to observers - can be. 

Once it's sorted, I'll be in for a roffle though  :-D

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Like most of the time I go grrrrr, it is due to an amalgamation of shite, physical pain, stress and work shite. Much calmer now though.


I will register your roffle interest Sir.

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God knows ^^.


Mobile mechanic came today and BMW fettled. He replaced the CCV and the hose that used to breathe. It was vile, a massive split in the pip was obvious and the whole thing was the consistency of a chewed licorice allsort. Disgusting. No wonder t he car wouldn't idle. I replaced the 3 small hoses at the front of the engine. It now wears blue silicon replacements for an added 0.000000005 bhp extra. Does the job happily though.


The mechanic pronounced the car 'lovely'. The car now purrs like a teutonic kitten. It really is lovely. We ran out of light to do an oil change like I'd hoped.


Photos to follow.

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