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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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2 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

yeah insurance is just half the battle in this case, its 3 hours away on public transport, something  that I am not very compatible with at the best of times, let alone 3 hours of it and then the 3 hour drive back. so I need to figure out the how one would get it from point A to point B otherwise

and again, I dont want to commit to anything, before I know what the deal/plan would be there. 


Overthinking is the mother of procrastination, try to avoid thinking off all the "what if's" 

Nothing in life is guaranteed to go perfectly, waiting for the right opportunity to fall from the sky and land in your lap is very unlikely to get you anywhere

You might have a few logistical inconveniences along the way, but nothing that cant be overcome with the right mindset and enough determination, something you surely must have?

What might be a day or two of struggling could unlock a lifetime's worth of freedom. Once you've got a practical set of wheels to take you wherever you want, whenever you want, you'll think back and wonder "how did I ever go without that?" . I promise you will. 

If there's an ounce of you that wants to do it, then do it. Fight away all the doubts, they're only temporary. They won't last. 

Maybe once you've got a set of wheels you can talk to red5 and arrange a visit to get things moving on the Invacar and discuss what's been done to date and what needs to be done going forward? 

All the queries would probably be solved a lot more easily in person than over text/email/phone. 

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10 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

If there's an ounce of you that wants to do it, then do it. Fight away all the doubts, they're only temporary. They won't last. 

to be honest, no not really, I wont deny its a very practical motor, and as on the previous page im looking to make it happen, but tbh im mostly going into this out of depression if that makes any sense


again I what I really want right now is just my Invacar back....


what people dont seem to grasp, is what REV is to me, its like if your pet or someone close to you was sick and away at the vets/doctors, but the vet/doctor is being very vague about it and you dont really know whats going on or happening (meanwhile everyone else is shouting at you to do this or that or another thing)


so dosent matter what else is going on, all your going to be thinking about is that and your not going to be at ease until the matter finally reaches its conclusion


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6 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

again I what I really want right now is just my Invacar back....

Please feel free to tell me to mind my own business but why haven’t you DM’d red5 and advised him that you are booking transport to have the Invacar collected and could he let you know a date that would work his end and to let you know what you owe for whatever has been done thus far?

Surely it’s time to stop treading on eggshells, unless there’s more to this than you’re letting on, someone has your car, is ignoring your messages but is logging on to the forum regularly. 

I don’t for a second think anything dodgy is going on, but all you’ve said so far is that you’re messaging for updates but being ignored for months at a time, as far as you’re aware there’s no progress, at what point are you going to stop this cycle?! 

Genuinely, I think 99.9 % of members on here would have stopped this months ago, it feels weird now. 

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Don't let's forget that two years ago,many were encouraging LBF to send REV to red5 who would soon have it sorted.Think we should be careful in our encouragement as he has a unique collection of circumstances and is almost completely inexperienced in the ways of shite cars,on the road at least.Christ only knows what's going on with REV.Has no one at the HoW College questioned why a strange blue single seat Robin Reliant has been sat there for so long?Do feel for red5 in all this,as I'm guessing he thought it'd be a quick recommission job for an experienced technician,as I did myself.

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20 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

to be honest, no not really, I wont deny its a very practical motor, and as on the previous page im looking to make it happen, but tbh im mostly going into this out of depression if that makes any sense


again I what I really want right now is just my Invacar back....


what people dont seem to grasp, is what REV is to me, its like if your pet or someone close to you was sick and away at the vets/doctors, but the vet/doctor is being very vague about it and you dont really know whats going on or happening (meanwhile everyone else is shouting at you to do this or that or another thing)


so dosent matter what else is going on, all your going to be thinking about is that and your not going to be at ease until the matter finally reaches its conclusion


To clarify I and I'm sure other members aren't shouting at you so I'm sorry if it appears that way. We are trying to suggest ways to best deal with this as we all want the best for you. Sometimes it's frustrating over a forum as things can be misunderstood. It's definitely time to get REV back and I totally understand how it must feel 

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16 minutes ago, Dobloseven said:

Don't let's forget that two years ago,many were encouraging LBF to send REV to red5 who would soon have it sorted.Think we should be careful in our encouragement as he has a unique collection of circumstances and is almost completely inexperienced in the ways of shite cars,on the road at least.Christ only knows what's going on with REV.Has no one at the HoW College questioned why a strange blue single seat Robin Reliant has been sat there for so long?Do feel for red5 in all this,as I'm guessing he thought it'd be a quick recommission job for an experienced technician,as I did myself.

100% agree, but that being said - how many of us would literally years later, with what Dez is telling us no updates, ignored messages etc just let this carry on?

Im not trying to shit stir as I still commend Red5 massively for taking on the project to help Dez out, but as much as LBF annoys me with references to these blue chariots in every thread he can possibly manage to, I still see a young lad who hasn’t seen his own car in years and apparently has no idea what’s going on with it. 

As well as all of this, I’m pretty sure Red5 would love to see the back of it by now 😂

The main reason I asked Dez was because he’s constantly talking about wanting a second car but makes his excuses each time which then fall back to how much he just wants the blue peril of resolution to the worlds problems back outside his house, yet as far as he’s always said, hasn’t actually put anything in place to get it home.

When we’re talking the length of time this has been and according to Dez the ignoring of messages etc, I personally come to the conclusion it probably isn’t working out and it’s likely best to get it home and book it in somewhere else for the remainder…

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What's stopping you from having two pets though?  You've already bought and are paying for insurance on REV, so that's a fixed cost.  Why can't you have the Kangoo as well?  Buying the Kangoo is not going to make it any more or less likely that you are going to get REV back soon.  Plus it would give you instant mobility, storage for a mobility scooter (which you've mentioned before that you wanted), and you'd fit a lot more lightbulbs in there than you would in REV.  And if and when you get REV back and up to a standard where you're confident of using it as your only transport, including long A-road runs, then you can always sell the Kangoo.

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23 minutes ago, JJ0063 said:

Please feel free to tell me to mind my own business but why haven’t you DM’d red5 and advised him that you are booking transport to have the Invacar collected and could he let you know a date that would work his end and to let you know what you owe for whatever has been done thus far?

Surely it’s time to stop treading on eggshells, unless there’s more to this than you’re letting on, someone has your car, is ignoring your messages but is logging on to the forum regularly. 

I don’t for a second think anything dodgy is going on, but all you’ve said so far is that you’re messaging for updates but being ignored for months at a time, as far as you’re aware there’s no progress, at what point are you going to stop this cycle?! 

Genuinely, I think 99.9 % of members on here would have stopped this months ago, it feels weird now. 

because last time, everyone just accused me of being ungrateful and other such things, if you go and read my thread between the 5th of November 2021 and 1st February 2022, you will see what I mean

but to give a TL;DR,

I dont want history repeating itself, (which it dangerously feels like it is!)

because back then, I had REV at the FoD and was slowly fixing away at things, then Adam very kindly offered to take REV on for me, for all the work that I have done for him with regards to his own Model 70's, so REV went Adam's for a few months (during which I had scant information ), then I was specifically told everything was sorted and she was ready to be taken away, so I had her brought home.

it turned out everything was not sorted and thus I was stuck in a hard place and a rock, then a lot of people just accused me of being ungrateful when I explained not as much had been done as I thought


and I dont want to "unplug the USB stick without ejecting it" for lack of a better term, if I can help it, taking away a car like that is always an ugly affair, and there is still the case of what to do with REV once ya do that, if she does need more work still

very kindly another forum member has volunteered to do something about that if that is the case, but that in itself has its own logistics and I think the forum member would prefer to be picking up REV with the goodwill of Red5 rather then the Ire of Red5 if you follow 

I also of course dont want to interfere, if Red5 literally is only 1 or 2 jobs away from the end. (here my biggest gripe is just the lack of communication)

and I am mindful, that yeah, your only seeing my side of things, no one here is able to see what Red5 might be going through,


so I am very mindful of all of that, and again feel stuck in a rock and hard place here.





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48 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

What's stopping you from having two pets though?  You've already bought and are paying for insurance on REV, so that's a fixed cost.  Why can't you have the Kangoo as well?  Buying the Kangoo is not going to make it any more or less likely that you are going to get REV back soon.  Plus it would give you instant mobility, storage for a mobility scooter (which you've mentioned before that you wanted), and you'd fit a lot more lightbulbs in there than you would in REV.  And if and when you get REV back and up to a standard where you're confident of using it as your only transport, including long A-road runs, then you can always sell the Kangoo.

Very much this.

One of the many management courses that I had to endure used the acronym JFDI, Just F'ing Do It. I've found it very useful unlike virtually all the other crap in the presentations.

It's a no brainer unless you enjoy being in a sort of limbo or are incapable of making a decision.

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On 23/01/2024 at 18:19, plasticvandan said:

If all you want is your invacar,use the 2 grand you've got for a kangoo and insurance to get it lifted from Worcester and fixed,or,as.its only 10 miles away from them,get reliantspares in Cradley to fetch it,fix it and mot it,and deliver it back to you,you pay him and he will do it,three wheeler and classic specialist,even had a mk12 c.15 years ago.


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I reckon red5 is a Henry McGee style villain,with slick black hair and a waxed moustache . He's lured REV away and is using her to breed with.He's taken moulds from her body and is secretly producing and stockpiling replicas with hybrid drivetrains he's buying in from China at 25 quid a pop.He's seen secret documents showing that the government plans to freeze the mobility allowance which with rising car prices will soon make the Motability Scheme unsustainable.And then his evil plan will come to fruition.......cue manic laughter!

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15 minutes ago, egg said:

Just checkin' that insurance price is with zero NCB, as your currently using your NCB on REV?

Dez doesn’t have any car NCB, he’s mentioned a few times he’s insured it as a trike so any NCB he has is motorcycle NCB. 

This of course means cheaper insurance for the Invacare but knock on effect isn’t great for moving on to a car 

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Just now, JJ0063 said:

Dez doesn’t have any car NCB, he’s mentioned a few times he’s insured it as a trike so any NCB he has is motorcycle NCB. 

Thanks, I forgot that salient detail, although I know more about Dez's insurance than my wife does about our car insurance 😆

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Just my 2 pennyworth...

When red5 offered, I thought it an ideal solution. Years ago a local college had a motor vehicle training centre that I had a distant connection to. They bought and did-up cheapies and the students learned a lot, well those that were interested anyway. The guy running it had a tough time but revelled in seeing students that had failed in everything else really take to mechanics and go on to work in the motor trade, that was his main reward. I'm sure red5 had / has some students keen to work on REV, but he and his college may have other priorities - we don't know. It is a shame that LBF hasn't been getting better comms but, again, we don't know the whole story.

I also get the view of the JFDI brigade, but a) LBF really wants REV as his only (for now) transport - his on-street parking is very limited, I believe and b) I guess he'd want to see any purchase prior and although a 3-hour trip for most of us is no bother, my impression is it would be akin to running a marathon. Plus, I guess it would be a large expenditure when he doesn't know how much he will need to pay for REV, in the end.

I'm sure there are a myriad of other points to contend but I think it is obvious that LBF is an intelligent and highly knowledgeable guy who seemingly is happy to be helpful to anyone. I'm sure he welcomes friendly, helpful advice but there's no need to berate him, shirley?

As I said, just my thoughts, and I only know what I've read (and can recall) on this thread, and haven't met any of the participants.

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1 hour ago, wuvvum said:

What's stopping you from having two pets though?  You've already bought and are paying for insurance on REV, so that's a fixed cost.  Why can't you have the Kangoo as well?  Buying the Kangoo is not going to make it any more or less likely that you are going to get REV back soon.  Plus it would give you instant mobility, storage for a mobility scooter (which you've mentioned before that you wanted), and you'd fit a lot more lightbulbs in there than you would in REV.  And if and when you get REV back and up to a standard where you're confident of using it as your only transport, including long A-road runs, then you can always sell the Kangoo.

indeed, im not adverse to the idea in general, I just currently dont feel myself being happy with it or using it much because of whats going on with REV, it would be a purchase out of duress for me, and I think everyone can understand how that never makes for a happy paring

for example there are things that I want to do with my Invacar not with a Renault Kangoo 

I just want to get and do things with REV first, and then once I have achieved some of those goals and I have got REV back etc, and I certainly do want something that I can cart a scooter about in, which *is* why I have been plodding along with this Kangoo, making calls about it etc

but at the same time I hope people can see why I am not exactly super enthusiastic and roaring to go on a 3 hour collection caper for it...

7 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

Plus, I guess it would be a large expenditure when he doesn't know how much he will need to pay for REV, in the end.

thats the other thing, I still have no idea what the final expenditure is, I have got no problems paying it, but the fact is, I dont know, so I am reluctant to make any other big purchases in the meantime, should I suddenly get presented with the bill

(there is the parking issue also, but for as long as REV is not here, that is not an issue, only becomes an issue once I try and park 2 cars here, im entitled to only on parking permit, but my mum is also entitled to her own, so I am hoping I can squeak a second car using that, but that banks on the council not checking the keeper details too closely, they do stipulate the car must be in the permit holders name... )



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2 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

I am not exactly super enthusiastic and roaring to go on a 3 hour collection caper

Hang on a minute.  Weren't you on the cusp of flying up to GLASGOW to pick up an old stretch limo? 

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9 minutes ago, mk2_craig said:

Hang on a minute.  Weren't you on the cusp of flying up to GLASGOW to pick up an old stretch limo? 

im surprised someone didn't bring that up sooner

that was my "fuck it!"


going back a few posts,

I dont think people realise just how disabilities can be really fucking frustrating, so at that point I was literally just going to hell with it 

because I am just fucking sick and tired of this bollocks


so many opportunities I have had to pass by or lost because of my disabilities, its no secret all the cars that have cropped up for sale that I comment on that I like but have had to pass on because it was just unworkable or not practical for example

people even take the piss out of me here because of it

so for once I was just going to fucking do it, but sadly insurance scuttled that plan, but It still makes me smile just thinking about it now :) 


(thats also a big reason I have REV in the first place, I was/am not going to let life take *this* away from me, that I am determined to prevent)

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So getting back on track @LightBulbFun are you planning on just waiting it out and hoping you get your Invacar back one day? 

Do you not think that getting it home and then actually booking it in to a garage to have the remainder done would be the wisest way forward? If it’s a proper booking with a restorer, they’ll be on a set timescale to earn their money. Before you say you can’t find anyone, there WILL be a garage willing to do it, and it being outside your house in the interim should at least spur you on.

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10 minutes ago, JJ0063 said:

So getting back on track @LightBulbFun are you planning on just waiting it out and hoping you get your Invacar back one day? 

Do you not think that getting it home and then actually booking it in to a garage to have the remainder done would be the wisest way forward? If it’s a proper booking with a restorer, they’ll be on a set timescale to earn their money. Before you say you can’t find anyone, there WILL be a garage willing to do it, and it being outside your house in the interim should at least spur you on.

I do have a plan for that as I said in a previous post

1 hour ago, LightBulbFun said:

very kindly another forum member has volunteered to do something about that if that is the case, but that in itself has its own logistics and I think the forum member would prefer to be picking up REV with the goodwill of Red5 rather then the Ire of Red5 if you follow 

but the ball is firmly in Red5 Court here, I sent this to red5 on the 4th of the 1st, I am not sure what else I can do right now?

On 04/01/2024 at 00:18, LightBulbFun said:

Hello! I hope all is well! I hope you had a good Christmas and new years :) 


im still chasing up a replacement carburettor,

but on that front I am just thinking back a couple years when you said the main issue with her original carburettor was a worn throttle shaft and non functioning/seized  accelerator pump

since then, an over-sized throttle shaft has become available https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295448247125

do you think this would be enough to get her original carburettor working, or is it still beyond economic repair? if you think it would work im happy for you to buy it and add it onto my tab/bill :) 


also I am just wondering, how are things standing in general with REV, come the first of February it will have been 2 years since she went up to yours, so I am just wondering whats the state of the union is like? :) 

especially as I have had someone else,  who said that come sometime in March that they may be able to to take REV on much the same as you have done for me so far,

so if you want to pass the torch on/get her out of your hair let me know and I will see about actioning that :) 

but obviously also we dont want to interfere, especially if your only a few nuts and bolts away from being done with it all anyhow 

again feel free to call me or such if thats what you prefer! 

all the best




but I feel awkward even posting this, I dont want to put undue pressure per say on Red5, again I dont know what he is going through etc, perhaps there could be a 2 year long messy divorce going on in the background that started the day REV showed up 

but what I would just like is some better communication so I have some idea whats going on


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17 minutes ago, Nyphur said:

I think that message is more than fair.

Totally agree, particularly since the recipient is apparently on the forum regularly.Just a few minutes ago in fact.

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8 minutes ago, Jim Bergerac said:

Buy Kangoo, A Frame Invacar home with Kangoo. Problem solved!

Sorry to be pedantic,but drop down ramp isn't compatible with a towbar!

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2 minutes ago, Dobloseven said:

College has an open day next Saturday.......!

in that case what Red5 is going to need is this printed off, or displayed in large on one of those digital whiteboards




if theres one thing about Invacars, is with regards to the general public they are just Like DeLorean's and Scimitars, you will get utterly inundated with questions and stupid statements

so I hope is he ready for when the guided tour spots REV :mrgreen:

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