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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...


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6 minutes ago, Sheefag said:

"Why did Warren cross the road? He was stuck up the chicken's arse..."

I, along with with virtually the rest of humanity, know that he's got his problems but I fear that this is verging on bullying.

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40 minutes ago, chadders said:

My problem is that I have a low tolerance for arrogant, know it all idiots.

Is that simple enough for you to understand? If not ask your mum to explain it to you.

As I think Warren is about 150 miles away from me it'd be a good trick if I could do it but I certainly don't want to unlike you and LBF.

AKA you can give it out but not take it......

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11 hours ago, warren t claim said:

Are you willing to put your money were your mouth is and publicly quote a cash figure on here of how much that you'll throw into the  @LightBulbFun Go Fund Me if/when he ends up paralysed after a non fault accident with an Uber Prius?

26 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

You're out of order with this post 

You are going to have to explain exactly how warren is "out of order" with that post.  He's making the exceptionally valid point that there is a very high liklihood that @LightBulbFun will end up on the recieving end of a shunt from some other 3rd party bellend on the road, and due to the model70 having all the structural integrity of a wet napkin, he will likely end up injured or worse.  Is anyone here who is suggesting thatthis journey is a good idea going to put their hand in their pocket and help when the inevitable happens?  Unlikely I would say.

Attempting to use a model 70 as a daily car is a catastrophically bad idea for someone who is able bodied, but to even suggest that someone disabled uses one is verging on abusive.

A model 70 is likely MORE dangerous than any motorcycle (as it's just as vulnerable, but the driver is not wearing any protection).  It has absolutely zero backup from the motor industry, and is completely and utterly unsuited to traffic some 50+ years after it was introduced.

The only people who drive them now understand that risk, are able-bodied, (fairly) competent mechanics, extensively road experienced, and use them as a curio rather than serious transport.  Anyone who suggests otherwise is either an idiot or utterly deluded.

And no, this isn't me being a bully or a hate-crimer, it's me expressing my extensive experience of driving UTTER shit old cars and knowing what @LightBulbFun is capable of.

It's no different that if someone with a physical disability thought it would be a genious plan to climb a 2-storey ladder and fix their own chimney pot.  I'd tell them they were being absurd.  Or someone with barely a pot to piss in and no competence with money thought it would be a good idea to get car finance that they cannot afford.  I'd tell them they were being absurd.  Any anyone who was egging these people on would be equally absurd and should be told as such.

What the hell is going to happen if/when this model 70, being driven by someone who has almost no road experience is being tailgated by a tosser in an Audi Q7 down a secondary A-road, then has someone pull out in front of them because it's not overly visible and/or the other driver just does not give a crap.  A more experienced driver might be able to identify the risk sooner and ensure they are not about to become one with the fibreglass.

This is part of the reason why a new driver, getting to grips with reading the road, (and more importantly reading other drivers) needs something generic and sensible.  And someone who is "less physically capable" needs something with Power assisted steering and sensible brakes such that when they do get themselves into a dangerous situation, they can at least steer/brake hard enough to get themselves out of said situation.  A model 70 is capable of neither of those things.  And that's not even taking into account the fact that they were designed for 1960's/1970's traffic volumes and speeds.

I'm well aware I am screaming into the void here, but @OhNoWhatHaveIDone you really have not thought this through, or indeed read the posts that you are grumbling about properly.

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I don't really have the time,being at work all day,to travel through my invalid tricycle collection to pull out all of the icr newsletters from 1996-2005 or the magazines published in a short run  afterwards,I'm pretty sure LBF will have copies of those which he can forward to you to gen up as a newbie to invalid carriage preservation



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3 hours ago, Talbot said:

You are going to have to explain exactly how warren is "out of order" with that post.  He's making the exceptionally valid point that there is a very high liklihood that @LightBulbFun will end up on the recieving end of a shunt from some other 3rd party bellend on the road, and due to the model70 having all the structural integrity of a wet napkin, he will likely end up injured or worse.  Is anyone here who is suggesting thatthis journey is a good idea going to put their hand in their pocket and help when the inevitable happens?  Unlikely I would say.

Attempting to use a model 70 as a daily car is a catastrophically bad idea for someone who is able bodied, but to even suggest that someone disabled uses one is verging on abusive.

A model 70 is likely MORE dangerous than any motorcycle (as it's just as vulnerable, but the driver is not wearing any protection).  It has absolutely zero backup from the motor industry, and is completely and utterly unsuited to traffic some 50+ years after it was introduced.

The only people who drive them now understand that risk, are able-bodied, (fairly) competent mechanics, extensively road experienced, and use them as a curio rather than serious transport.  Anyone who suggests otherwise is either an idiot or utterly deluded.

And no, this isn't me being a bully or a hate-crimer, it's me expressing my extensive experience of driving UTTER shit old cars and knowing what @LightBulbFun is capable of.

It's no different that if someone with a physical disability thought it would be a genious plan to climb a 2-storey ladder and fix their own chimney pot.  I'd tell them they were being absurd.  Or someone with barely a pot to piss in and no competence with money thought it would be a good idea to get car finance that they cannot afford.  I'd tell them they were being absurd.  Any anyone who was egging these people on would be equally absurd and should be told as such.

What the hell is going to happen if/when this model 70, being driven by someone who has almost no road experience is being tailgated by a tosser in an Audi Q7 down a secondary A-road, then has someone pull out in front of them because it's not overly visible and/or the other driver just does not give a crap.  A more experienced driver might be able to identify the risk sooner and ensure they are not about to become one with the fibreglass.

This is part of the reason why a new driver, getting to grips with reading the road, (and more importantly reading other drivers) needs something generic and sensible.  And someone who is "less physically capable" needs something with Power assisted steering and sensible brakes such that when they do get themselves into a dangerous situation, they can at least steer/brake hard enough to get themselves out of said situation.  A model 70 is capable of neither of those things.  And that's not even taking into account the fact that they were designed for 1960's/1970's traffic volumes and speeds.

I'm well aware I am screaming into the void here, but @OhNoWhatHaveIDone you really have not thought this through, or indeed read the posts that you are grumbling about properly.

I don't HAVE to do anything, least feed trolls...

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2 minutes ago, red5 said:

And yet here you are, apparently.

Put a sock in it. 

No! You put a sock in it!  One rule for certain members who bully other members, and another rule for other members who call them out....piss off!

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26 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

I don't HAVE to do anything, least feed trolls...

If you had half a clue what you were on about you'd realise just how wrong you are here.

Have you actually read and understood any of the last few pages of this thread?  Your replies would suggest a skim read at best.

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11 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

No! You put a sock in it!  One rule for certain members who bully other members, and another rule for other members who call them out....piss off!

Except all you are doing is trolling and arguing with people who actually know what they are saying, including the one person who actually took an interest in these bloody awful things pre them becoming a peculiarity interest in the internet?

This may sound awful but if LBF wants to follow his lifelong dream of using it as an everyday vehicle I don't really care, but given that another member is still (as far as we know) locked in a mental health unit after anybody saying what he was doing was bloody stupid was censured and only those praising his actions got a voice I'll be damned if it happens again.

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25 minutes ago, OhNoWhatHaveIDone said:

No! You put a sock in it!  One rule for certain members who bully other members, and another rule for other members who call them out....piss off!

Where do I fit in that sunshine?


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Just to add in not trying to piss on lbfs chips and when I first got on the road I had stupid* ideas - at 16 I was going to tour Europe while on L plates riding a 50cc moped, but at least I had already got 6 years of motorcycle riding experience by that point and only needed to master the art of constant paranoia about what other motorists may be doing. 

Dez hasn't developed that yet and to be honest other than an active war zone I can't imagine a worse place to try and do so. How about he flys up to Scotland with a tent and stove and takes himself off in it out exploring in the wilds up there, maybe with a sat phone or InTouch in case of needing recovery. He could film the whole lot and get dollywobblet or similar to upload it to a monetised YouTube channel, the views might even pay for a bit of petrol, then he would be able to gain experience in a relatively quiet environment before moving onto tackle a big city.


* No the furthest I got from home was about 100 miles so I never realised that on L plates my licence wouldn't be valid and adding camping gear to an alrrady slow 50 would make progress glacial.

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I genuinely think nothing will deter Dez from his Invacar dream of running REV as his only vehicle,at least initially.I've already said that Bornite,Talbot et al are wasting their internet breath.All his internet friends can do,IMO,is to try to guide him on the safest,or more likely,least unsafe way to go about it.Imagine you've got a good friend who,shall we say enjoys the company of other men.His dream is to go to San Francisco for Fist Fest '24.He's bought his ticket and paid for his flights and is eagerly anticipating four days of brachioproctic delight with like minded chaps,some of them possibly wearing chaps.You just know it's going to end in tears and most probably tears.All you can do is to advise him to use the correct gloves and lubricants and to go steady at first.Bit like doing an Ecoboost wet belt then! Seriously,Dez needs to" get it out his system",as it were.A wise man once said you regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did.

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Not my fight, not my monkeys, but at the very least my advice would be, that if LightBulbFun hasn't driven in London much since passing his test, at least get some miles under his belt in a conventional car before trying it in the Invacar. Possibly some refresher lessons.

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1 minute ago, D.E said:

Yes, says Google.



Fuck my search history is going to look dodgy...

It all starts with a finger on the button.

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ok I have seen a few posts now that base themselves off my  lack of driving experience, now obviously I do not have the 30 years of experience that most people have here,

but I will point out I did learn to drive and pass my driving test here in London about 120 hours of Lessons, from 2019 to 2021 and given the amount of those people who with 30 years of driving experience have quite vocally said they would never drive into Central London (or would never do it it again after doing it once before) surely thats got to count for something? I have done miles on both the 20 and 30 mph roads and the faster A406, A12 and East Cross Route (which is a motorway in all but name as it was once the A102(M) ) 

so I am not going into this completely unaware,  I have already driven around London, fair a bit, and I know what its like, what to expect, and the fact you have to drive *very* defensively 

my favourite one was when I was driving in my lane, free flowing, lane next to me is gridlocked, when suddenly at a 90 degree angle, 2 moped riders pull out right in front of me from in between cars in that non moving lane, so of course I slam on to avoid splattering them, (and I reflexively apologise to my instructor for the sudden/hash braking, and she said no need to apologies you did exactly the right thing!)

the other fun one is pedestrians stepping out in the road in front of you, "dont do it... dont do it! DONT DO IT!" FFS!" because you can almost just tell when they are about to do it or are thinking of doing it (so you prepare to stop of course) same goes with everyone who pulls out on you from Minor to Major roads and the such like

because of the way things happened and the time it all took I went through 6 driving school cars LOL started out with a 68 plate 308, then BSM renewed it so 69 plate 308, then my instructor at the time, crashed it outside of Lessons, no stock left so 68 or 69, plate 208, then I changed instructors, next on had an otherwise identical, but diesel 208, then BSM screwed over all the instructors during the pandemic so afterwards my instructor then went independent, so I temporarily drove a 68 plate Swift, I really did not like the 0 20 40 60 80 etc speedo in that one! then she finally got a 67 plate Vauxhall Corsa which is what I ended up finally passing my test in 

and keep in mind as I found out when I took REV to the chippy and back back in late 2021, I am much more relaxed and at ease and able to take in whats going on around me, when I am driving REV then when I when I was ever during my time driving any of my instructors cars, (which is one of the reasons I want REV back before I do look at acquiring other cars, like a Taxi etc)

so again  not claiming I am expert-driver but nor am going into this completely blind and neither am I going to try and vMax REV on the M25 30 minutes after she arrives, as I have said multiple times, the plan has always been, to do small trips first and then just gradually build up as confidence in myself and the car improves and I continue to learn to the lay of the Land and the art of Roadcraft 

and again for all those who criticise the ability of the Model 70 itself, to run around London, have clearly never driven one, especially not  in such conditions or even bothered to look into what makes them go, how they are built and from that how they might handle such traffic 

On 08/09/2024 at 21:59, dollywobbler said:

As someone who has actually driven an Invacar right through London and who had genuine experience of driving one in winter, I think folk are imagining issues.

I fully admit the Invacar weaknesses on fast roads, as I live amongst them, but the Invacar works REALLY well in city driving. Brisk to 30mph, manoeuvrable and, with simple ignition upgrades, surprisingly reliable. The only real downsides are safety if someone hits you, and the complete lack of over-the-shoulder vision. Extra mirrors are essential.

Being young is also about doing daft shit in unsuitable vehicles. Some never grow out of that.

(and ill further add, that I have never personally found visablity an issue in REV, if anything quite the opposite, when I first took REV on the road and did my over the shoulder/blind spot checks, I was genuinely a bit startled by how much I could see, vs all the moderns I had driven! and I have found the mirrors to be perfectly adequate as well, I think @dollywobbler's issues may come from the fact he has a different sort of Mirror fitted to TWC and his seating position/and physical build is different to me perhaps?)

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34 minutes ago, I_am_Diesel said:

Is there such as thing as Fist Fest '24? Just asking for a friend.

Yes it's on in Augusta USA this year.  

Details on the website:


Nothing rude on the website - and if you enjoy the Caravan Club you'll probably enjoy this - they tend to attract similar people.

Pricing is a bit steep with all the oncosts - and I think you'd need stamina or something for a whole weekend.

Early Bird Weekend Pass $99.00
Regular Weekend Pass $119.00
Weekend pass, bought onsite $129.00
Day Pass $65.00

But anyway. Back to motoring matters. Any further discussion of this would be best on the open forum.

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