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Volvo Estate Owners: I need your help!


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I've got a design planned and I'm struggling for references so I'm hoping you can help me.  If you have a camera and a boxy Volvo estate, I'd really appreciate it if you can provide me with a flat front, rear, and side view of it.  Ideally, it wants to be seen completely flat, no artistic upwards, downwards, or sideways angles.  This is surprisingly difficult to get references of, probably because it's not the most aesthetically pleasing view of a car.


The models I'm most interested in are 740, 760, 850, and 940


When I mean a flat view I mean like this.



But not like this.  This might look like a flat view but the front of the car is slightly further away than the rear and the camera angle is too high meaning you're looking down on it ever so slightly.  Normally this isn't a big deal, but for the design I've got planned, it is.



I hope you can help!  It doesn't matter if your car is a bit scruffy or pristine, stock or modified.  What matters is the angle of the pictures and that it's a boxy Volvo estate.

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artdjones and Dave:  I'm after photographs rather than diagrams and existing artwork, I find them easier to work from and put my own thing on the finished work.  Just personal preference there.

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This is a 740 we used to own and I will look out my other photos.


If you want something particular then the current 740 G667 TKE  is on the drive and can be shot as per your instructions!





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Should do, those are the ones without the 240 cabin pinch or the roundy front end, right?  As long as it's boxy and fairly slabby, that's the important bit.


Absolutely excellent response thus far, there are several photographs above that are perfect and exactly what I was after so BIG THANKS for the rapid response there, Volvo fondlers!

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This old V70 is just a facelifted 850 so the side profile is just about the same...


While I was moving stuff about I thought I'd grab the same shots of the new to me XC70, as it's the last of the boxy-arsed Volvos, in case it's any use with your design...









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Warninglight, those are perfect.  Maximum points, top of the class you go.  Angles, resolution, details, model shape... can't fault a single item.  I hadn't even considered the XC90, but it does fit the bill so it will add a bit of diversity to the design.


I should now have enough to actually start building the design from all these wonderful pictures provided.  People are welcome to add more, of course.  Thank you all for your help :)

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You can sort of correct the perspective, but not really.  It ends up every so slightly off in a disconcerting way and you then spend time making lots of little corrections and making the whole thing look really off in lots of ways.  I like to start with decent reference.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes please.  If I don't use it for this project (about 50% complete at present, encountering some issues with translating what I imagined into an actual picture) I'm sure it will be useful for another since the 240 is a car I want to create some more artwork of.

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Perfect.  They actually highlight just how not-boxy the 240 really is too, especially when compared to the 740.

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I think this website might be what you're after. http://autowp.ru


It's a surprisingly comprehensive post-communist library of press shots for just about any car you can think of. Most of the stuff is available in monster resolution like this 2048×1536 beaut.



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Hello every single crossover ever made and a startling number of modern saloons that are designed to look like hatchbacks (looking at you, XF),


You see these photographs above? This is the correct and appropriate ratio of glass to bodywork, allowing people sitting in the rear seats, to actually SEE WHAT'S GOING ON and preventing travel sickness.





Someone who has never, ever previously felt disorientated as a passenger in any car.

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