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Homage to my Volvo 240


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Writing this as titled to remember my 240 and also to curse the DVLA/whoever reported it.


Long story relatively shortened my 240 ran out of MOT in Jan this year and I was planning on treating the car to a full body resto and a whole new exhaust system plus some general maintenance items. It had served us very well and was the dependable car that was always there. My partner learned to drive in it and also passed her test in it. Many jobs done and adventures had.


I SORNed the 240 due to me going on a very long holiday to the Philippines and not having the time to get around MOTing it and it probably needing a few items to fix it etc. Also having house renovations means money is tied up elsewhere. Unfortunately I imagine someone thought the 240 was in the way and reported it as being on the road without tax. Strictly it was on a public highway (parked outside my house) in a "cul-de-sac" as I don't have a drive. So I can't complain too much but after work on Monday I was greeted with a clamp from DVLA saying untaxed car. £260 later the clamp was removed and DVLA made me aware the car had to be sorted within 24 hours. This left me in a tight spot of having nowhere to store and no realistic way of getting an MOT in time etc etc etc.


Therefore last night the 240 was sold and I am actually genuinely very sad about it. I hope whoever has it next will put the time and effort in to it that I did and will appreciate it the same as I.


No real point to this post but I suppose to immortalise it online. Goodbye old friend.20220724_193528.jpg20220815_211221.jpg20220122_123647.jpg20210912_074538.jpg


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