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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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Bristol classic car shows been a real good one this year , good turnout inspite the weather , Seeing Dollywobbler running about with a step ladder and camera taking endless piccys amused me this morningGreat to finally meet you dollywobbler :D:D ,


Being given a Scorpio Cosworth, and drinking Herold Czechoslovakian Black Lager... (not at the same time like) Tidy!


I've spent 3 hours today wandering round the Bentley factory in Crewe. Its bloody marvellous!!!! You should see how thich the steel is that they make Bentley Mulsannes out of. You could use a stick welder no probs if you needed to do the rear arches on one.


Bristol classic car shows been a real good one this year , good turnout inspite the weather , Seeing Dollywobbler running about with a step ladder and camera taking endless piccys amused me this morningGreat to finally meet you dollywobbler :D:D ,

Aye, t'was a good show. Nice to meet you!Even better; was eager to get home, and I managed to get the 200 miles done in three and a half hours. Renault was on 80mph for most of the trip back, and still did 38mpg overall on the last tank! Great stuff. I really am in trouble at the mo - I like too many of my cars! (Bedford and rusty 2CV are still up for grabs though)

Stan Freburg recordings. Fifties US Radio comedian who was at least thirty years ahead of the game. His song "Elderly Man River" is genius, about a man trying to sing Ole Man River without offending a censor.And he spoofs loads of popular fifties artists superbly too. Worth googling him, interesting guy with morals (lost his show because he wouldnt allow alcohol or tobacco sponsors, and this was fifties america!)Became a highly successful advertising mogul. Nice guy, interesting life!


The bemused look on the face of an over-zelous bouncer as Mark E Smith knocked off his baseball cap with a wry grin this evening.


Stan Freburg

Now that's made me happy! Someone else who enjoys Freburg. St George and the Dragnet is pure class.Got given an LP of his better known recordings when I was little.

Stan Freburg

Now that's made me happy! Someone else who enjoys Freburg. St George and the Dragnet is pure class.Got given an LP of his better known recordings when I was little.

I like a lot of old Radio comedies. Goons obviously well known but Round the Horne is superb too. Kenneth Williams at his prime in the days when innuendo was done properly!That said, Bill Bailey and Mitchell and Webb recordings are rapidly becoming my preferred motoring entertainment


Dutch girls.....just the one actually (i'm not greedy).and The Fall.

Can't bloody argue with either of those.

Watching a dog rough drug taking and possible prozzy walking up the road with a can of Special Brew and with some equally as rough looking bloke and watching her gob on the floor and it landing the blokes leg she was with.Made me laugh.


Dutch girls.....just the one actually (i'm not greedy).and The Fall.

Can't bloody argue with either of those.
I can with one of them, but thankfully not very often.

After thinking there was no MKV Cortinas round here, I have seen 5 in less then a week! There was a Beige estate in Basingstoke, 2 more Estates in Weybridge with another under a cover, and that V8 engined Saloon which parked outside yesterday!


did a music quiz down the pub last night, and we walked away with the prize money (£50!), had a 20-point lead on the second placed team, which was made up of our mates....very, very satisfying. think we'll be back next week, hopefully we didn't scare everybody else off....


Totally owning my Ex' who phoned the police on me (As i nice and calmly told her i was coming to collect my things)The Rozzers rang me and explained it would be best to not go down due to a number of reasons (Religion and her family)I then said to "Rozzer lady" .... "But it would not be Illegal for me to collect my things , would it ?"and was rapidly replied too with "Not at all"Rather quickly my things were brought round by her sister and brother YES - i am now free :D (No more harrasment)Pub anyone ? :lol:


Managing to get a load of funky bits for the SD1 yesterday made me happy.I iz now the owner of a twin plenum front spoiler, a proper Rover workshop manual and a few other useful / funky bits'n'bobs.


Bloody hell MM, what did you do to upset her? :wink: Not had any girlfriend/constabulary interfaces, although I have had a pint thrown over me by an ex (went over my mate actually) and the ex Mrs P put her ex b/f's windows in before I met her (and discovered the truth...)Women, eh, tut, never understand 'em, tut etc etc :roll:


Watching a dog rough drug taking and possible prozzy walking up the road with a can of Special Brew and with some equally as rough looking bloke and watching her gob on the floor and it landing the blokes leg she was with.Made me laugh.

That sounds like a really depressing scene.

The amount of "shite" on the hazard perception video :lol: Ooh and i Passed my Theory Today Getting there ... slowly :wink:


New car coming tomorrow! It's old, has a big engine and is rear wheel drive. Oh and it is complete shite gold as well


The amount of "shite" on the hazard perception video :lol: Ooh and i Passed my Theory Today Getting there ... slowly :wink:

Congratulations Mark, I need to get off my arse and do this at some point. How did you find it?

Congratulations Mark, I need to get off my arse and do this at some point. How did you find it?

Thanks mate :D Yeah it was quite simple to be honest.Just read through a good theory book , then use the Theory CD for an hour ever day (Although i only did it a few times)If you need to lend the book & dvd, drop me a PM Best of luck

I read the book and found the theory test a doddle.I also went out the night before my practical test until 5 in the morning, and my test was at nine. I'm rather embarressed to say I still had alcohol in my bloodstream when I took (and passed) my test. I nearly threw up on the tester at the end though.


I read the book and found the theory test a doddle.I also went out the night before my practical test until 5 in the morning, and my test was at nine. I'm rather embarressed to say I still had alcohol in my bloodstream when I took (and passed) my test. I nearly threw up on the tester at the end though.

Hahaha rock n roll!!

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