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Major Autoshite.com problems now sorted


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There's an IBM PC8086 in the pub, The Molotov Arms, that has dial-up. Residents of Jaywick huddle round it gawping at Autoshite, mainly to see the types of cars the town will receive in about 15 years from now.


They've also nearly saved up enough loose change to enter a roffle.


Brooklands Estate, check our road names and understand why we are twinned with Autoshite




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Nice on chap, I have absolutely no idea what you're doing, but you do, so that's fine.


BTW can't find my post/topic re valeting stuff, am I an idiot?

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When was it posted?  


Nice on chap, I have absolutely no idea what you're doing, but you do, so that's fine.


BTW can't find my post/topic re valeting stuff, am I an idiot?

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Shortly before it all went a bit tits up, couple of weeks? Searched through the "my content" bit but doesn't seem to be there.....Beko added a lengthy reply, I read it but didn't have time to respond, then the FTP occurred.

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Seems like we lost posts from Autoshite, from sometime on the 11th April. I also lost (a lengthy) one which was posted on the 11th in 'Sunbeam Motorcycle Resto'.. shame as it was a lot to write. Hopefully most other people's were recovered.


Bfg :)

Last time it went down I google part of what I wrote in my post. I found the post in a google cached result. I opened this and just copied and pasted it.


Thanks again Dave for all your work 😃

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^ great idea 8) Thank you.   


I tried by searching various key words, with and without my user name, and also the name/number of a photo I'd used ..but to no avail.   :cry:   Perhaps because the server has now been rebuilt / reformatted / whatever Dave did.  :)


If I'd known to do this search ..the day after the site crashed it might have been successful - so I really appreciate your suggestion.


Bfg ;)

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I may be able to recover that,not going to even try till tomorrow,too bloody tired at moment


^ great idea 8) Thank you.   


I tried by searching various key words, with and without my user name, and also the name/number of a photo I'd used ..but to no avail.   :cry:   Perhaps because the server has now been rebuilt / reformatted / whatever Dave did.  :)


If I'd known to do this search ..the day after the site crashed it might have been successful - so I really appreciate your suggestion.


Bfg ;)

Can you give me some keywords or photo id so i can search.

Dont think its there but worth a try

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Dave, I keep my server/pc running 24/7 in the loft, I use it as a file store/video convertor/odd job machine. It sits on our 40mb down/8mb up unlimited fibre connection, with oodles of storage available, I'll happily let you ftp/vpn/remote desktop into it and keep a copy of the server on and grab it/update it as needed?

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Thankyou Dave,  that is extremely kind of you..  8)  ..but it is Easter Sunday - you are allowed a day off dear Sir.  :-D


Perhaps for later in the week.. I limited my Google search to within a week and then a month, using variations of key words :



rocker cover

crankcase breather

disk valves     (note spelling of disk not disc )

almost rectangular

aluminium casting

shame about his choice of washer

mod on mod 

or       mod of mod


photos used, all with .jpg suffix  :


P1240318 (700 x 525)





Sunbeam S8 rocker cover P1240355as.jpg


If it helps, I also use 'Times New Roman' typeface for my posts (because I'm dyslexic and so find serif fonts easier to see).


Again many thanks for you sterling efforts Dave..  I do look at these things with some perspective, regarding how important they really aren't ..so I'm not sitting here crying in my beer, nor even planning to overthrow cyberworld.  :mrgreen:


Thanks, Bfg.


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 I'm all for freedom of speech as long as it's not offensive ..But I'm equally for the liberty to BLOCK / IGNORE  RustyNuts - who seemingly hasn't stopped with his negative vibes and issues since he's been on this site  ..and who does not positively effect me.!   Get a life dude.


I'm not perfect I know that. I also apologise for any offence I have caused in the last few days / term of my membership. I did send Dave a PM with my sincerest apologies too. He didn't reply (understandable) but I would like to think he might have possibly accepted my apology. I even offered to voluntarily leave the site if he wanted if it meant he would back track on his major decision the other day. He didn't reply to that offer so I am hoping that he is letting me stay if i'm not so vocal.


I do not however apologise for feeling totally glum when Autoshite is offline (and to be fair I only found the .info site a couple of days ago - the week before i had been going stir crazy when the DNS thing happened). I like this place and when it goes offline yes i feel like part of my world has gone. Sorry for missing you all and your funny jokes / remarks etc.. but I do enjoy spending time here like the rest of you.


As for negative vibes.. yeah i've had a few posts in the past where i've admitted how rubbish things have been for me and i know that hasn't gone down well - sorry about that. I've also posted positive stuff such as the aldi / lidl thread, fixes in the What have you fixed" thread etc. I'm also not a name caller unlike many around here - I just post things how i see them (that has pros and cons obviously).


Apologies to everyone, I'll keep my gob shut in the future.



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Guest Hooli

There's an IBM PC8086 in the pub, The Molotov Arms, that has dial-up. Residents of Jaywick huddle round it gawping at Autoshite, mainly to see the types of cars the town will receive in about 15 years from now.


They've also nearly saved up enough loose change to enter a roffle.



My first PC was an Atari PC3 8088, how I wished for the power of a 8086!

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Well done and thanks to you Dave, great to be on here again!

I've been bored shitless the last few days without this place, had to entertain myself by watching car crashes on YouTube instead (which shows my redneck intelligence level!). I've got absolutely no idea whatsoever what happened, why or how you fixed it but good on you.

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I'm glad we're up and running again, thanks Dave for getting things going and pulling the right levers.


I'm left slightly perturbed by the negative vibes, don't wish to get involved but I will point out that things written cannot be unread. People have feelings and volunteer fatigue is a genuine issue where there worth is doubted by those that are being helped.


Happy Easter!

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Great work Dave, and many thanks for bringing Autoshite back to us.  It has been sorely missed.  I ended up having to talk to my Missus and was amazed to discover she has finished working at Woolworths.



So I am grateful and amazed (in equal measure) for and by what you've done.

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