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Attempted rinsing by DVLA, any tips????


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No it's bollocks.

I always thought that but you hear some people are really​ passionate about it and get reet fired up if i question it, i always concede and walk away laughing inside.

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I always thought that but you hear some people are really​ passionate about it and get reet fired up if i question it, i always concede and walk away laughing inside.


I am not a lawyer - but like a lot of things that are bollocks I think there is a grain/seed of something to it, but for all practical purposes it's total nonsense.  I suspect the reason people are so passionate is that bit of seemingly almost everyone who isn't a lawyer who fancies themself a kind of heroic Perry Mason figure but can't be bothered to do the training.

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Wow that's really bad luck Boll.

So this is how the new system works eh, which was all done for the benefit of the law abiding motorist and to make life easier........................i'd have the old paper disc system back asap if it was down to me..............and they can shove their anpr cameras where the sun don't shine. 

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Shush, sensible, real world based comments may annoy the shouties! Any fule kno that the DVLA have power to confiscate your children

/stolen gag]

A week into the Easter holidays you don't know what a deal that sounds..
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Guest Breadvan72

I am not a lawyer - but like a lot of things that are bollocks I think there is a grain/seed of something to it, but for all practical purposes it's total nonsense.  I suspect the reason people are so passionate is that bit of seemingly almost everyone who isn't a lawyer who fancies themself a kind of heroic Perry Mason figure but can't be bothered to do the training.


There is not even a micrograin of something to it.  It is utter nonsense, attractive only to selfish and anti-social scammers and to the very naive and gullible.

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I did post the other night, but might have been involved in the forum fire.  Anyway, there is an app / website called 'Resolver'.  


This is a monty complaint managament tool that enables one to escalate their complaint right to the top.


Now, I've never used it with the DVLA but they are listed.  


I have used it twice on a cellular comms provider that tried to 'feck me over' and each time due to poor complaint handling the issue has gone to the Ombudsman.  The Ombudmsan have told them twice "thou must not try to feck over Isaac Hunt".  The result is I got my 'folding' refunded.


The way I look at it, it you tried to tax the car on-line at 07:00 hours and their system was all to cock, it ent your fault.  They are supposed to provide an on-line service 24/7 365.  I mean, it is not like you can nip down Dubba Aitch Smiffs at 05:00 in the morning to pay your tax from 12:01 that day, is it.


If you state your case with megga detail, then stick at it, you might make some progress, especially if you keep arguing your point and escalating.  It will stretch their complaint handling to the limit and consume their time.  If it takes 35 days to run the process and you stuff a tenner a day in your piggy bank then you have the worst covered.


Mrs Hunt recently got a 'demand for payment' from one of the supermaket car park sharks.  They used to be free unlimited parking and recently change to 2 hour limit.  Mrs Hunt failed to notice the change, staid three hours and then the 'pay £70 or £40 prompt' invitation arrived.  We appealed knowing full well it would fail, just to make them go through the admin.  Then we e-mailed the superkarket and basically told em they had just lost a customer of several years for both groceries and post office.  Supermarket didn't want to loose customer so had the parking charge squashed.  I told Mrs Hunt, FFS, read the 'kin signs.  

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  • 1 month later...

This old chestnut drags on and on. The DVLA have written to me 3 times so far over about 2 1/2 months, demanding I pay this £305 immediately or face court action ("I am prepared to offer you a final opportunity" etc). Each time i have written back, politely declining to pay and telling them that if there is no alternative beyond 'pay up' or 'go to court' I would opt to present my side of the story in court. Presumably they will get round to hauling my ass into Derby magistrates court eventually.

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Guest Breadvan72

I am inclined to doubt that they will, but, if they do, I haven't visited Derby in years, so maybe I would fancy a trip.   


Pro bono bollocko.

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Presumably they will get round to hauling my ass into Derby magistrates court eventually.


I bet they don't. And even if you do get summonsed, the case will probably be dropped on the day it is due to be heard, as has happened to two of my biking pals over the last 18 months. Good on you for not rolling over.

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Guest Breadvan72

... if you do get summonsed ...



SUMMONED, FFS!  There is no such word as "Summonsed". 


Don't even get me started on "injuncted".  Enjoined, FFS!

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SUMMONED, FFS!  There is no such word as "Summonsed". 


Don't even get me started on "injuncted".  Enjoined, FFS!


In fairness, spellcheck doesn't kick off about either spelling.


In truth, we understood what he was saying.



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This old chestnut drags on and on. The DVLA have written to me 3 times so far over about 2 1/2 months, demanding I pay this £305 immediately or face court action ("I am prepared to offer you a final opportunity" etc). Each time i have written back, politely declining to pay and telling them that if there is no alternative beyond 'pay up' or 'go to court' I would opt to present my side of the story in court. Presumably they will get round to hauling my ass into Derby magistrates court eventually.


I happen to think you're doing the right thing.  Must be very easy (and inexpensive) for them just to fire letters off @ 65p a time in the secure knowledge 90% of the population with feel intimidated enough to pay up.  I believe like the others here the summons to court may just never materialise.  Does not reflect well on the organisation.

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I bet they don't. And even if you do get summonsed, the case will probably be dropped on the day it is due to be heard, as has happened to two of my biking pals over the last 18 months. Good on you for not rolling over.

This basically happened to me, I got caught up in the new sorn laws a couple of years back where basically you either insured/mot'ed and therefore taxed a car but you couldn't just leave a car taxed off the road but uninsured/not mot'ed, that then had to be sorn.


It dragged on and on as basically my old trade insurance used to expire in may and the MOT ran out on this car in April so I didn't bother sorning it as it was still taxed until may, I couldn't get a month's tax back as you lose a month etc etc blah blah blah.


After I would say maybe a year of threatening letters and me constantly dragging or the court summons date I finally got there.


A quick word of advice* for anyone who hasn't been too a magistrate's court before (and I hope breadvan can concur with this), there's no particular running order, the clerk of the court simply walks around asking your name and details etc, you need to put your name on his list as quickly as possible or you WILL sit around all day waiting (well all morning/afternoon) otherwise as the legal professionals often effectively jump the queue, its fair enough as their there everyday dealing with some real scumbags and have a lot to get through but believe me this one nugget of info could save you a two hour wait while some mush strolls up an hour late, kicks off and his solicitor gets him straight in**


** Personal experience of going to court 4 or 5 times for myself and with others.




I finally turn up to have my day in court and I'm there for approximately​ two minutes, dvla bod admits it was an administrative error on their behalf and that's that, which really to the letter of the law it wasn't, I had broken the rules which albeit vague, still meant they could have easily fined me for it. I thanked all involved, walk away and happy days, easy Street.


Considering you taxed the car that day and frankly even if you'd done it online, been told the system was ok but there had been an internal glitch, the car was in fact still taxed that day so I think (hope) they'll show some leniency in this case, I'd be very very surpassed otherwise.


Being a Swansea boy mind you Swansea magistrate's court have their own permanent dvla solicitor there at all times and there must have been 100 names that day to appear no doubt dvla confident that 60/70% wouldn't show up therefore a nice day conviction and a series of £3/400 fines.


Oh and to add insult to injury after turning up that day, postie arrives about 12pm with a letter from the dvla saying they were dropping all charges.




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I think if they drop everything at the start you can't claim for costs, that's why they do it rather than chancing their arm and seeing if the magistrates find in their favour. Often if you just show up they'll drop things, although I've heard in some cases the DVLA solicitor (or someone on their behalf) having a chat with the defendant before they go into court to see if they have a plausable defence before deciding to drop things or not. DVLA hate paying costs.

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The dosey fcukers at the DVLA have sent me a warning to sorn or Tax a car that got written off in 2011, and scrapped in 2012. All paper work was filled in and sent off and an acknowledgement letter recieved. (Since been thrown away as it was 5 years ago!)


Are they really that thick???

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The dosey fcukers at the DVLA have sent me a warning to sorn or Tax a car that got written off in 2011, and scrapped in 2012. All paper work was filled in and sent off and an acknowledgement letter recieved. (Since been thrown away as it was 5 years ago!)


Are they really that thick???


Yes, sadly. It really is a case of




with them.


I have a file full of those 'Thank you for telling us you are no longer the keeper of...' going back to the year dot. I have never thrown any away, nor will I ever. Twice now they have resolved situations involving me when the DVLA had their shovel where there was no shit.

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It'll get passed to a debt collection agency.

Ignore them or write to them denying the debt.

Nothing will happen, I'd bet.

Sort of topical but not entirely relevant.

I had a debt of £9.05 passed over to a debt collection agency three years ago from O2. I didn't owe it, but the computer said I did. It escalated into threats of court and extra charges. I wrote many letters in my defence but were either not read or ignored. They took me to court. I got a letter saying as such. But I ignored that as well, being sick of the whole thing.

Nothing more heard three years later.

It was only £9.05 admittedly. But they were in the wrong and I didn't owe it.

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Many of the shyster debt collection agencies have a "court/legal action department" which is exactly the same entity as the "ineffective letters" department - basically they send court-y looking letters in the hope that you will be threatened into paying.


Ain't nobody paying court fees to recover 9 quid.

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I've been chased for many years for many debts all of which are now statute-barred and have vanished off my record. Not one of them, repeat not one, took me to court. Threatened to, yes. Did it, nope.


In fact I turned the tables on one of them and took them to court and got my PPPPPPPPI back - court found in my favour (creditor didn't enter a defence and Court told me not to bother turning up, they'd do it 'in chambers').


Rather than offsetting my handsome award against the debt the creditors sent me a lovely cheque for a few grand  by post. I elected not to point out the error of their ways. They never chased me again after that and wrote the debt off.



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