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Dollywobbler's Honda S-MX - Provisionally sold


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Which, judging by the birds I've seen flying around our neighbour's Mazda 6 estate with tinted windows, is why it's forever getting covered in crap.  They're fighting with their reflection.


Doesn't explain the robin Mrs DW caught on camera shitting on the roof. He looked a bit startled when he noticed that he was being watched. I've been lucky really. He's made a serious mess of the mirrors on next door's Disco.

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Doesn't explain the robin Mrs DW caught on camera shitting on the roof. He looked a bit startled when he noticed that he was being watched. I've been lucky really. He's made a serious mess of the mirrors on next door's Disco.

get a cat..

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Why did I decide to start polishing the roof? WHY?!



The paint is utterly, utterly knackered. I suspect surfboards may have been stashed on the roof of this thing in a former life. The polish isn't really cutting through it, so I've got swirl marks everywhere. Better than it was I guess - have just paused because it naturally started raining once I'd got underway.

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Rattle can it black,get  some lace curtains, and a can of orange paint.......proceed at your leisure.


I think I saw that technique on an episode of Pimp My Ride (possibly UK) and the results looked surprisingly good. Although they were using House of Colors Something Candy gloss cos that's what they always use on PMR.

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In effect, I'm allowed 500 miles per month in this car, which is a shame, as I think this'll be the third week during my ownership where it has clocked up over 500 miles in a week. Currently in Kent. Had to nip out for a photoshoot for a magazine. Snapped this on the way back.



Super-light steering, woeful handling and a fair bit of width don't make it a great drive on the narrow, twisty back roads of rural Sussex and Kent. Mind you, I did remind myself that a Lexus LS400 would be even wider.

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Today, we left leafy Sussex behind.



Seeing as my mobile armchair/wardrobe/bed has deep pile carpets, I thought I'd enjoy my slippers on the way back.



Apart from dickhead Sunday drivers clogging up the middle lanes of the motorways, or doing that 'overtaking then slowing down in front of you' thing, the journey home was an absolute joy. The Honda just loped along, there was no traffic, no drama. Even better, when we got within a few miles of home, my grey import found another TWO grey imports!



The ride is pretty bloody bouncy though. I'm starting to wonder if fresh shocks might be a good idea. I mean, the RAV is hardly the last word in ride comfort, but it does at least feel well damped. Overall though, still loving it, just slightly worried about the mileage - I've clocked up over 2000 in it already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Honda is about to undertake another busy weekend, back in Birmingham. So I gave it a wash.


I was trying to test Autoglym's Rapid Aqua Wax. It's appealing, because you squirt it on the car you've just washed, smear it around a bit and then buff it all off. Very easy to use, but while I was pleased with the result, others have pointed out that it's hardly delicious waxy beading.



It may not have helped that it rained HEAVILY during the application phase, so quite a bit of it may have got washed off, even though I frantically dashed around the car, getting soaked, to try and wipe it uniformly all over the car.



I got the bonnet done before the heavens really opened.



I certainly like how easy it is to use, but will have to see A. How well it holds up over the next few days and B. Whether I get a stronger beading effect next time. It'll never be as good as using a proper, waxy wax though.

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The Honda is about to undertake another busy weekend, back in Birmingham. So I gave it a wash.


I was trying to test Autoglym's Rapid Aqua Wax. It's appealing, because you squirt it on the car you've just washed, smear it around a bit and then buff it all off. Very easy to use, but while I was pleased with the result, others have pointed out that it's hardly delicious waxy beading.



It may not have helped that it rained HEAVILY during the application phase, so quite a bit of it may have got washed off, even though I frantically dashed around the car, getting soaked, to try and wipe it uniformly all over the car.



I got the bonnet done before the heavens really opened.



I certainly like how easy it is to use, but will have to see A. How well it holds up over the next few days and B. Whether I get a stronger beading effect next time. It'll never be as good as using a proper, waxy wax though.


what areas are we likely to see this fine chariot kerb crawling cruising around should we be wanting to wave?

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what areas are we likely to see this fine chariot kerb crawling cruising around should we be wanting to wave?


Commuting between Bromsgrove and the NEC for the most part. GLAMOROUS. Would be pretty decent for kerb crawling given the large doors, tinted glass and practical seating arrangement. Quite punch to escape the rozzers too. However, I'm happily married and wouldn't even know where to insert the credit card.

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The Honda's paint is thoroughly knackered, which doesn't help. Mind you, Autoglym accidentally sent me some paintwork renovator stuff, so maybe I should buy myself an orbital polisher...

Wish they would send me some stuff by accident  :mrgreen:

If the paint is a bit swirly try some AG super resin polish, it can be used by hand. Has very slight cut but masks very well. I have a polisher you could borrow, shame your not a bit nearer.

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In effect, I'm allowed 500 miles per month in this car, which is a shame, as I think this'll be the third week during my ownership where it has clocked up over 500 miles in a week. Currently in Kent. Had to nip out for a photoshoot for a magazine. Snapped this on the way back.



Super-light steering, woeful handling and a fair bit of width don't make it a great drive on the narrow, twisty back roads of rural Sussex and Kent. Mind you, I did remind myself that a Lexus LS400 would be even wider.

How do the insurance Co know how many miles you do, photographic evidence?

Make it up methinks!!!


Sent from my X17 using Tapatalk

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I've just renewed with footman James, they used to ask for mileage every year but now they just say they will want the last 3 years MOTs if you claim.


What would happen if you were over? I reckon you'd have to pay extra premium, surely you're not just suddenly uninsured if you go over...

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They can't not pay out the 3rd party element but they can absolutely refuse to pay for your damages if it says so in your T&Cs. Best thing is to ring them and pay the extra if you look like going over.

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