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Memoirs from the Hard Shoulder: DVLA LOLS

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Yep, stash it if you can take the short term hit.


^^ As above. How much was it?


I'd stash it.

£134 all told.


It was sold as genuine NOS, but cannae find a Ford part number.


No sure about the stash idea. 3 door or Sapphire bits will have the Cosworth lickers drooling, but 5 door stuff is unlikely to sell for massive amounts anytime soon.


Also if it had a Ford number on it he would know what it fitted!


Pattern panel being sold as a NOS Gen Ford by a breaker? No surprises there sadly. When I worked for Hartwell many moons ago it was surprising how many panels we stocked that weren't genuine Ford, wished I'd room for all the body panels we skipped though, esp mk2 Transit panels, would have been quids in today

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It never rains.


Went to take the w202 out. Dead battery. Went to use jump pack. Dead battery. Use jump leads and Avensis, notice a distinct lack of coolant in said Avensis. Deafened by some horrendous rattle from the alternator/timing belt side of engine. Disregard. Start Mercedes and notice low fuel. Refuel with engine running. Leave Car running whilst shopping in supermarket, locking keys in ignition with spare.


I need to use it more.


I need to investigate Toyota.


I don’t need any more cars but definitely want.

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No sure about the stash idea. 3 door or Sapphire bits will have the Cosworth lickers drooling, but 5 door stuff is unlikely to sell for massive amounts anytime soon.


Also if it had a Ford number on it he would know what it fitted!

The xr brigade probably would be though for xr4x4s

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^^ I hadn't thought of them. I guess as C*******s get priced beyond reach then the Xr prices will get pushed up.


^C*******s .

That made me LOL.


There’s a Facebook page I enjoy where the N word is completely banned. It’s a ban hammer offence.


Rightly so.


We call them Datsun thank you very much.

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Dicky spent ages welding that side up!

Yeah, I fitted a new arch and patched behind the bumper. Just needs a bit more filler to bring it level. 


Surely a more important bit to replace is that rear panel with the big hole in it?


Yeah, I fitted a new arch and patched behind the bumper. Just needs a bit more filler to bring it level.


Surely a more important bit to replace is that rear panel with the big hole in it?

Just buying up the bits as they come available. There’s no favouritism or agenda; a new rear quarter came up at a favourable price and I bought it.


The dude who did the bodywork said he’d be able to bring up that rear arch to a very high standard, and was very complimentary of Richard’s work. But he also agreed that if the panels came up, and the price was favourable, to buy them.


My feelings on the car haven’t changed. I don’t want a concourse car, but it must look like someone loves it - and it must be preserved with not the short or medium but long term in mind. It’d be a very very convincing argument that made me feel differently.

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Found another place that has a proper mk1 rhs rear quarter for a 5 door, plus a few other sundries





A bit salty, but a grey Base/L mk1 rear bumper NOS!  



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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve just done the unthinkable and SORN’d the Avensis. I’ve been considering it for a while, but with 4 all season tyres and MOT until May I just kept going back to it. However, the clattering coming from the timing belt area is a reminder that it’s overdue now and, whilst being non interference, I’m on a yellow card already for shite related misdemeanours with work.


So it’s in the naughty corner. I might come back to it, I might sell it, I might take it on a road trip and donate it at the end.


So it’s back into the c180; purchased for this very eventuality. The 4 speed auto isn’t particularly conducive to good motorway MPG, so would be keen to swap it for something diesel if anyone’s keen?


As for the Sierra - we’ll ive just bought a radiator, heater matrix, water pump, top and bottom hoses and some boot struts. Hallelujah for the eBay sale!


The Baseman Cometh.


A repatriation mission is underway. Everything feels right about this; it’s bASe, in my hometown, wonderfully me and even the vendor does the same job as me.


Full write up to come.



Get higher baby,

Get higher baby,

Get higher baby,

And don't ever come down SIERRA BASE!!

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'Base pride'

"I'm the urban baseman, baby, I got style,

I drive a pile..."


Not giving much away to the untrained eye. 

201 or 124?


I'll go with 201, it's too curvy for a 124 I think,

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It's a Tata Loadbeta with a Mercedes grille I reckon

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Baseman, always wanted you to go into base man

  • Like 3

I'll go with 201, it's too curvy for a 124 I think,


Seconded. Probably a pov-spec W201....  :mrgreen:


Baseman, always wanted you to go into base man


Intergalactic miles...

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