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Guest Hirst

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My dad & I just sat and watched that. Class!!!! I was sorry when they jettisoned the burned out seats though.

I bet that lovely R20 fella wouldn't have spoiled it by telling us the story...


Red, white and blue transits - Ace.

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Great viewing for a nightshift. Love the Yorkshire/Pakistani accent and the 'oh FFS' way he narrates half the time and eating curry their wives had previously prepared for them at the roadside.


My shift leader is Pakistani (via Scotland!) and he was telling me this sort of roadtrip was all the rage in his community in the 70's & 80's with usually whole families going along on these road trips. They then sold the vans at the other end for usually a really good profit as they were then highly prized


Did you notice all the Mk1 Transits that were kicking about in Karachi when they showed the street scenes? 

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Seen this a few years ago,loved it. Sadly that trip is probably impossible/dangerous now. I would love to do something like this,even not to make any money just for the crack. And I bet those transits are still running around doing what they were designed to do even to this day.

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This is the best thing I have ever seen. Why didn't they wheel the telly in and play this kind of thing at school when I was 10?, instead we had to watch Goodnight Mr Tom which has a similar plot but is less heartwarming.



"And partner, I will give you the trip of Pakistan..... In a lifetime"

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I finished watching this tonight, great stuff.

I wonder if the vans ever made it?


If you tried to drive three transits on that route now you'd probably get taken out by a drone strike .

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Brilliant stuff, I've only seen the first part but I'll come back to it, it's worth it just for the street scenery alone.  I particularly enjoyed seeing Budapest still in its communist rule as I've been there twice recently and recognised the bridge immediately, these days it's crowded with VWs and Volvos though rather than Dacias, Trabants and Ladas.  

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Apart from being generally shite-tastic anyway, look at the prices of the transits at the beginning! I'm too young to remember when smilies fetched that sort of money, although thinking about it a good non rusty one would probably be worth about the same now, looks like they've come full circle! Vans of the age they took with them would be doubled, tripled in value in that condition?

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Just finished it! Ace video! And yes, interesting to see these places before they turned into the places they are now...


The narrator though, was like a pakistani version of bub2006!

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I've watched it a while back, bloody brilliant, and I can vouch for the accents too, as I used to work with some Pakistanis from Bradford. Proper, honest telly, with an Autoshite rating of 1111145.764/10

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